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By David Houston on 2024-06-26 15:56:00

This past Saturday (June 22) The Wrestling REVOLVER had their biggest show of the year , Cage of Horror 3, in Clive, Iowa at the Horizons Event Center, live on TrillerTV.

Bork Torkelson and Veda Scott on commentary. They were okay. Both have had better showings. Torkelson and the profanity is a huge turn off for me. Bad enough the wrestlers do so much of it on the mic but commentary definitely shouldn't do it.

Jake Something (with Jessica Havok) of the Unit won a Hoss Fight over Crash Jaxon. Good opener with some good physical action as you would expect from these two titans.  Havok got Jaxon to take his eyes off Something, leaving him open for Something's Into the Void spinning Bossman Slam finish.

"The Problem" Marina Shafir got a huge win over "The Main Event Monster" Fulton. Well done match up with Shafir taking a beating but consistently attacking the knees and elbows of the much bigger Fulton.  It took two attempts but she finally forced a tap out with her Mother's Milk choke.

After now beating Fulton and Speedball Mike Bailey before, they have to give Shafir a title shot.

The Crew (Rich Swann and Matthew Palmer) beat "Firestarter" Jake Crist and "The Inevitable" Ace Austin (with Gia Miller).  Very good tag match with Crist looking for revenge on the Crew for attacking his wife, Nevaeh, at the previous show.  REVOLVER champion and Crew leader Alex Shelley pulled the referee out of the ring as Austin had Swann pinned. I can't describe how badly I hate that if it doesn't lead to a DQ.  Palmer and Swann get the win after a Swann Frog Splash.  The Crew faked like they were leaving, doubled back, attacking this time Miller, giving her the Pillmanizer with a steel chair.  Hot angle but I don't think commentary got it over as the brutal attack it was.

Good Lucha Things (Lince Dorado and Samuray del Sol) successfully defended the WR Tag titles against the debuting Bang and Matthews (Davey Bang and August Matthews, formerly known as Bang Bros, a name that was going to change).  Nice match. Bang and Matthews looked good in their debut, even coming up short in their title pursuit.  There seemed to be some miscommunication at the end when Dorado blind tagged del Sol to get the pinfall. Hm. 

There's a short promo from "The Frontman" Alan Angels, now the Prestige Wrestling champion, and his new allies, Sinner and Saint (Travis Williams and Judas Icarus, the Prestige tag champs). Angels feels being a nice guy got him nowhere in REVOLVER so that's over. They're calling themselves The Noise. That's what REVOLVER needed: another heel clique.

In a Frat House Rules match, RED (Riches Equal Death, Steve Maclin and Alex Colon with Killer Kelly) defeated Alpha Sigma Sigman (Brent Oakley and the Pledge with KC Jacobs).  The rules were convoluted with a "frat house" theme of beer pong and chugging.  I'm happy for Maclin and Colon to finally be in a match that isn't one of those slugfests and/or bloodbaths they're known for but this was too long (over 17 min). Not saying there was no good action or that Clive didnt like it, it just wasn't for me.  RED get the win when the Pledge turns on Oakley, seemingly seduced by Kelly. I understand that.

Gringo Loco retained the Remix title in a 3 Way over "The Young GOAT" Myron Reed and "The Blackheart" Lio Rush.  Rush was definitely playing into his Blackheart persona. There was the subplot of Rush being obsessed more with Reed than winning the title.  Good match with some good high flying, back and forth and back action with all three getting some light.  Reed might have cost himself a chance at victory, deciding to drink whatever that black potion Rush drinks before the match.  Reed collapses. Loco eliminates Rush and pins the helpless Young GOAT.  Interesting finish.    Rush carries a slumbering Reed from the ring over his shoulder. Strong guy.

There was a Paul Walker Hauser vs Danhausen match and they were doing whatever when Damien Chambers lays out both guys, angry they were booked while a WR mainstay like himself was not.  It's made a 3 way, a lot of shenanigans, both men pin Chambers. Okay.

REVOLVER champion Alex Shelley, accompanied by the Crew, demanded to be given the victory in his scheduled title match against "Speedball" Mike Bailey since Bailey was unable to be there due to travel issues.  He's a heel but he was right.  Big surprise as Ace Austin (with Miller, arm in a sling) came to take Bailey's place.  Fast moving match with a lot going on. Liberal interference by Swann and Palmer with Crist coming out to back up Austin.  Austin hit all three Crew members with successive Fold neckbreakers, hitting Shelley last and getting the win and winning his first REVOLVER championship, also making him the first ever Grand Slam champ (Tag, Remix, and the defunct Scramble titles).  Honestly, this was the match that should have gotten 5 of the 8 minutes that needed to be shaved from the Frat House match earlier.

In the main event, "The Southern Psycho" Mance Warner defeated his former Second Gear Crew mates, the 1 Called Manders and Matthew Justice in the Cage of Horror match.  The show had been pretty reserved (for them) as far as violence was concerned so here came the bloodletting.  Torkelson might have forgotten but the wrestlers didn't forget that the point was Manders and Justice were furious at Warner, not each other.  Lots of blood, lots of plunder, lots and lots and lots of doors, even a big spot of Justice diving off a scaffold onto Manders, who was under a pile of doors.  It was a...lot.  Warner got the win, chokeslamming Manders through a (what else?) flaming door, not even the first use of fire in the match.  Insanity but a huge win.

With this, Warner should be alongside Shafir in being next up for WR title matches.

Overall, a good show but not a blowaway show.

The Real Uncle Dave grade: B (88 out of 100)

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