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By Dave Scherer on 2024-06-25 20:42:00

There was a lot of false reporting from bad actors about something that happened on Raw last night.

Here is the truth.

As you all know by now, Pat McAfee was not at Raw last night due to a death in the family. Michael Cole made mention that Pat couldn't be there and he couldn't say why.  We all know now what that issue was and I want to extend our deepest condolences to McAfee and his family for the loss.

Some supposed reporters went on their Raw post game show and stated, as fact, that Pat not being there was a work.  It was not, obviously.

They also ripped The Miz for his role on commentary, even though he found out less than an hour before the show that they needed someone to fill in on commentary and like a pro, he did it.

Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez you owe the business an apology.  You clearly had no legitimate source to cite for what you said, but you stated it as fact anyway.  You make a hard job for reporters even harder.  You need to do better.

For those of you who want to hear what they said, click below.


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