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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-06-23 00:02:00

We begin with a look back at Battle Riot.

Your announcers are Christian Cole and Joe Dombrowski.

Mister Saint Laurent comes out for Sessions by Saint Laurent. He brings out Paul Walter Hauser.

Paul is asked if he is honored to be Saint Laurent’s guest. He asks Paul about Fantastic Four. Saint Laurent says it is going to suck. Do you think you are going to be a star in a Marvel movie. Saint Laurent wants to know how to get his hands on a Golden Globe.

Paul takes the mic and he says Saint Laurent needs some Rogaine. Paul says they are in one of the greatest cities in the world. He says this is the anniversary of MLW. He says he is an outsider, not like Scott Hall or Kevin Nash. He says he thinks he fits in this world. He says MSL wouldn’t fit in Hollywood.

Saint Laurent says he cannot believe he was insulted on his own show. MSL bumps Paul and Paul kicks MSL in the midsection and slaps him.

Tom Lawlor hits Paul in the back with a chair. Tom hits Paul in the ribs with the chair.

Match Number One: Adam Priest versus Bobby Fish

They lock up and Fis with a wrist lock take down and Priest with a fireman’s carry for a near fall. They lock up and Fish with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Priest trips Fish and gives him a side head lock take down. Fish with a head scissors. Fish with a side head lock take down.

Fish with knees to Priest and a snap mare. Fish with a slingshot senton that misses. Fish misses around kick and Priest with a clothesline. Priest with an uppercut and chop. Fish runs Priest into the turnbuckles and Fish with punches and kicks. Fish with a kick to the thigh and a dragon screw and sliding clothesline for a near fall.

Fish with a forearm and a knee. Fish grabs the leg and priest with an enzuigiri. Priest with an uppercut and chop followed by a back elbow and clothesline. Fish with an overhead throw and an exploder into the turnbuckles for the three count.

Winner: Bobby Fish

We have a video package for the Opera Cup.

Saint Laurent says that he wants everyone to show reverence for the Two Time Opera Cup Winner Davey Boy Smith Jr. He says Smith will become a three time winner. He comes from the greatest wrestling dynasty in Canada.

Match Number Two: Davey Boy Smith Jr. (with Mister Saint Laurent) versus Timothy Thatcher in an Opera Cup First Round Match

Smith offers his hand and Tim slaps it away. They lock up and Smith with a clean break and he pats Tim on the chest. They lock up and Smith with a wrist lock. Smith gets to the ropes and Tim with a clean break. They lock up and Tim with a double wrist lock take down. Smith escapes and gets a near fall. Smith with a rollup and Tim goes for the ankle. Smith tries for a cross arm breaker but Tim blocks it. Smith with a chin lock but Tim works on the foot. Smith pulls at the beard and applies a chin lock and gets a near fall with a rollup.

Smith with a body scissors into a front face lock. Tim with a hammer lock and he twists the arm. Smith goes to the ropes and Tim releases the hold. Tim with a double wrist lock take down and a head scissors. Smith goes for the cross arm breaker but Tim escapes. Smith with a body scissors and Tim with forearms and a kimura. Tim gets a near fall and Smith rolls over and he kicks Tim.

They go to the floor and Smith with a kick to Tim. Smith with a suplex on the floor. Smith sends Tim back into the ring and Smith with a reverse chin lock. Smith with a side head lock and Tim with a belly-to-back suplex. Smith with a waist lock and Tim goes for the arm but they get to the ropes. Tim pulls Smith’s shoulder into the turnbuckles. Tim stomps on the arm and he hyper-extends the arm. Tim gets a near fall. Tim goes for the Fujiwara arm bar but Smith escapes and goes for a lateral press and follows with elbows. Tim with European uppercuts and Smith with forearms. They go back and forth. Smith with European uppercuts and Tim goes for a back slide and gets a near fall. Tim with an inside cradle for a near fall and he gets another near fall. Smith with a head butt to the midsection and Tim goes for a sunset flip and he gets Smith over for a near fall. They go back and forth with near falls. They exchange forearms and European uppercuts. Tim with a belly-to-belly suplex and he cannot make the cover right away so he can only get a near fall. Tim wit a waist lock and Smith with a back elbow and DDT for a near fall.

Smith with a waist lock and he hits a German suplex. Tim pops up and hits a German suplex. Smith pops up and hits another German suplex. Smith goes for a suplex but Tim goes for an arm bar. Smith with a side slam and a forearm and he goes for a Tiger Bomb and hits it for the three count.

Winner: Davey Boy Smith Jr. (Advances to face winner of Tom Lawlor versus Jake Crist in the Second Round)

After the match, Dave Marquez is with Smith and Saint Laurent.

Saint Laurent says it is Smith’s destiny and birth rite. Saint Laurent starts to sing O Canada and Smith follows up. Smith says they don’t deserve to listen to him singing. Smith says the third time is a charm.

We have a video package for the Family Affair that is Cesar Duran and Selina de la Duran.

We go to commercial.

We are back and KENTA is coming to MLW in St. Petersburg.

We see footage of Satoshi Kojima winning the MLW World Title back in 2002.

Akira, Okumura, and Kojima are playing with Akira’s dog. Akira says he has it under control against CONTRA tonight.

Match Number Three: Jake Crist versus Bad Dude Tito (with Jesus Rodriguez) for the National Openweight Championship

Jake with a leg lariat and a spinning heel kick. Tito sends Jake over the top rope to the floor. Tito with a power bomb on the apron. They return to the ring and Tito gets a near fall. Tito kicks Jake in the head and he chops Jake in the corner and follows with chops and forearms. Tito with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Tito chokes Jake in the ropes and Jesus with a punch to Jake when the referee was out of position. Tito catapults Jake’s throat into the bottom rope.

Tito tosses Jake into the corner and misses a splash. Jake with punches and Tito with an exploder into the turnbuckles. Tito puts Jake on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex but Jake blocks it. Jake with a sunset flip power bomb and both men are down. Tito misses a shoulder in the corner and Jake with a kick and a forearm off the turnbuckles. Tito charges at Jake and Jake drops down and Tito goes to the floor. Jake with a drop kick through the ropes and an Asai Moonsault.

Jake sends Tito back into the ring and Jake goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall. Jake misses a round kick and Tito with a forearm. Jake with a thrust kick and Tito with a German suplex and he gets a near fall. Tito holds on and Jake lands on his feet on a German suplex. Tito with Ride the Lightning for a near fall. Tito runs into an elbow and Jake is caught by Tito and Tito with End of Days for a near fall. Tito goes for Tequila Screwdriver but Jake counters and applies a sleeper. Jake with a thrust kick and he gets a near fall.

Jesus gets on the apron and distracts the referee long enough for Brett Ryan Gosselin to come to the ring and drop Jake on the top rope. Tito with Tequila Screwdriver for the three count.

Winner: Bad Dude Tito (retains championship)

Dave Marquez is with Cesar Duran and he asks about his family. Cesar says everything will be revealed in due course. He says he wants what is best for Salina. He stayed out of her life because that is what is best for her. He says he is a good father and Marquez laughs. Cesar brings up what he is doing for her. Marquez asks about the Father’s Day gift and Cesar points out that it is late. Cesar says she must have gotten that from her mother.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Dave Marquez is with Matt Riddle.

Dave asks Matt when will he cash in his golden ticket. Matt says he doesn’t know. It could be in a couple weeks, a couple months, or next year.

Sami Callihan attacks Riddle in the locker room and the feed is lost.

Match Number Four: Ikuro Kwon versus Akira in an Opera Cup First Round Match

Kwon attacks Akira before the bell rings and Kwon with an Ushigoroshi for a near fall. Kwon with a back heel kick and a round kick. Akira blocks a kick and he kicks Kwon. Akira puts his hands behind his back and he gives Kwon a leg sweep. Akira with a rolling kick into the corner and he goes up top for a double stomp but Kwon moves and Akira lands on his feet and rolls through. Kwon with a monkey flip into the turnbuckles. Kwon kicks Akira in the back and head. Akira goes for an arm bar but Kwon escapes. Akira with a cross arm breaker but Kwon tries to fight out of it and he gets a near fall. Akira with a waist lock and he goes for an exploder into the turnbuckles. Kwon kicks Akira and Akira with an exploder into the turnbuckles.

Akria with punches and chops followed by an Irish whip and forearm to the back of the head. Akira kicks Kwon in the corner and he hits a flatliner and a German suplex for a near fall. Aira with an ankle lock but Kwon kicks him away. Akira with a double stomp for a near fall. Kwon escapes Death Penalty. Kwon with kicks and a pop up cutter for a near fall. Kwon gets another near fall.

Kwon goes up top and Akira tries to stop him and then he bites Kwon’s hand and Kwon bites Akira but Akira with a Divorce Court off the turnbuckles. Akira sets for Death Penalty and hits it for the three count.

Winner: Akira (advances to face winner of KENTA versus Bobby Fish in the Second Round)

We take a look at what happened between Paul Walter Hauser and Tom Lawlor at the start of the show.

Tom Lawlor is in the back and he is asked why did he attack Paul.

Tom says he didn’t do anything to Paul. Paul did it to himself. He is impersonating fighters while Tom says he has been making a living with it. He says that won’t happen on his watch and he says he is leaving.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sami Callihan and Matt Riddle are in HALLWAY being separated.

Match Number Five: Star Jr. versus Mistico for the MLW Middleweight Championship

They shake hands before locking up. Star with a take down and Mistico with a wrist lock take down. Star goes for the leg and Mistico with a head scissors take down. Mistico with a head scissors and Star goes to the floor. Mistico with a suicide dive onto Star. Mistico with a punch and he sends Star back into the ring. Star with a boot to the head and he stomps Mistico and then poses on the turnbuckles. Star with chops to Mistico. Star with a jumping slap to Mistico and Star gets a near fall. Star goes for the mask and then he applies a figure four head scissors. Star with a thrust kick tot he head. Star gets a near fall. Star gets more near falls. Star with an Irish whip and Star blocks boots from Mistico and hangs Mistico in the ropes and hits a springboard leg drop for a near fall.

Star with knees to the midsection. Mistico with a head scissors and a Tiger Feint Kick. Mistico goes up top and hits a head scissors take down that sends Star to the floor. Mistico goes to the floor and kicks Star. Mistico with a punch and back heel kick. Mistico wants Star to get back in the ring and Star tells Mistico to come to the apron. Star avoids a thrust kick and Mistico with Kawada kicks to Star.

Mistico gets a near fall. Mistico with a head scissors take down and a wrist lock and kick. Mistico goes to the ropes and hits a springboard wrist lock take down. Star goes to the floor and Mistico with a suicide dive. Mistico sends Star back into the ring and Mistico with a rana for a near fall. Mistico with a victory roll for a near fall. Mistico gets Star on his shoulders for an accordion slam. Mistico goes to the turnbuckles but Star with a kick and palm thrust. Star goes up top and sets for a Spanish Fly and hits it.

Star gets a near fall. Star with boots to Mistico and he goes up top for a moonsault but Mistico gets his feet up and Mistico gets a near fall. Mistico with a kick and he gets a near fall. Mistico with a kick in the corner and he gets a near fall. Star with an Irish whip and clothesline but Mistico with a clothesline. Star with a clothesline followed by one from Mistico. Mistico with a super kick. Mistico gets a near fall.

Mistico goes up top and misses a swanton when Star moves. Star goes to the apron for a springboard splash and he gets a near fall. Mistico with an inside cradle for a near fall. Star with a running kick to Mistico and he goes to the turnbuckles. Mistico with a kick to Star and Mistico with an arm drag and a rollup for a near fall. Mistico with a springboard cross body and a satellite La Mistica and Star taps to the Fujiwara arm bar.

Winner: Mistico (retains championship)

After the match, Mistico offers his hand to Star and raises his hand.

Dave Marquez is with Mistico and he congratulates Mistico on his win.

Mistico speaks in Spanish.

Contra interrupts and Mads says they have arrived.

We go to commercial.

We see Jimmy Yang in the crowd.

Match Number Six: Jazzy Yang versus Dani Jordyn versus Miyu Yamashita

They start off with a three way test of strength but Dani kicks Jazzy and sends her to the floor. Miyu with a kick and Dani pulls Miyu to the mat. Miyu with a kick to the chest and the back. Jazzy with a rollup on Miyu for a near fall. Jazzy with another near fall. Jazzy with a spinning heel kick. Jazzy sends Dani into the turnbuckles. Dani trips Jazzy and hits a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Miyu sends Jazzy to the floor and she gets Dani up but Dani escapes. Miyu with a boot and kick tot he back. Miyu has a kick blocked and Dani with forearms to Miyu and a kick to Jazzy. Dani with a hanging DDT in the ropes for a near fall.

Jazzy kicks Dani and then connects with a forearm and drop kick to Miyu that sends her to the floor. Jazzy goes up top and she this a cross body onto both women. Jazzy sends Miyu back into the ring and she gets a near fall. Dani with a flapjack to Jazzy. Dani with an inside cradle on Miyu. Miyu with a round kick to Dani and she gets Dani up for a Death Valley Driver for the three count.

Winner: Miyu Yamashita

We are shown that Paul Walter Hauser is being taken to a hospital.

We have a video package for the feud between the Second Gear Crew and Contra.

We go to commercial.

We are back with more footage of Sami Callihan and Matt Riddle.

Sami Callihan says he is tired of this bulls***. Sami tells Riddle that he screwed him and has not defeated him. You haven’t made him tap out. They have to do this one more time. He challenges Riddle to a match and he doesn’t care what type of match it is. He says he never liked Riddle. Sami says he will end Matt Riddle.

Tim Barr is on the stage and he brings out Gary Juster. Tim mentions what Gary has done in the world of professional wrestling and we have a video package for Gary. Gary is presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Gary says this is unexpected and he thanks Court and MLW. He says he grew up loving wrestling in Minneapolis. He says he dreamed of being a wrestling promoter. He says he has met so many great people in his life. He says without the fans, this would not be possible. Gary tells everyone to pursue your dreams because they come true.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Blood and Thunder Control Center for the show on July 12th.

Matt Riddle faces Sami Callihan with his title match on the line in a No Ropes Death Match. Mads Krugger and Matthew Justice will have a Three Stages of Destruction Match. The first fall is a First Blood Match. The second fall is a Street Fight. The third fall is a Medical Evacuation Match. Minoru Suzuki faces Akira. Atlantis Jr faces Okumura in the Opera Cup. Bobby Fish faces KENTA in the Opera Cup.

Match Number Seven: Mads Krugger versus 1 Called Manders in a Bullrope Match

Manders hits Mads with a forearm on the floor. Manders sends Mads into the ring post and he hits him with the rope a few times. Manders chokes Mads and whips him with his chaps. The rope is connected to each participant and Mads pulls Manders into the ring post a few times. Mads goes under the ring and he cannot find what he is looking for. Mads gets a table and he puts it in the ring. Manders pulls Mads into the ring post and then sends Mads into the ring. Mads with a punch and he sends Manders over the top rope to the floor. Mads chokes Manders and hangs him in the ropes. Mads with a brainbuster back into the ring.

Mads punches Manders and whips him with the rope. Mads continues to whip Manders and hits him with the cowbell. Mads hits Manders with the bullrope. Mads sets up the table. Manders puts Mads on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex. Mads grabs Manders by the throat and Manders with a thumb to the eye and he bites Mads. Manders with a superplex for a near fall.

Manders grabs the bell and Mads with a punch and a choke slam. Manders with a clothesline and both men are down. Mads grabs Manders by the throat and Manders hits Mads with the cowbell a few times. Manders clotheslines Mads and punches him with the bell. Manders chokes Mads with the rope. Janai Kai kicks Manders and Mads with a full nelson slam for the three count.

Winner: Mads Krugger

After the match, Krugger throws the referee to the floor and Kai kicks Manders. The Contrarians enter the ring and attack Manders. They hold Manders and Krugger gets a vat and puts Manders head in it and Krugger with the club to the head.

They put the rope around Manders’ throat and he drags him to the back.

Justice comes to help Manders but Kwon and Suzuki attack Justice.

Krugger drags Manders to the street.

We go to Cesar’s office and Salina shows up to see her daddy.

Cesar says it is a shame they didn’t spend Father’s Day together. He asks if she got him a gift and Salina says of course she did. Cesar says she better not slap her father. Salina says she would never do that. Salina says she has a baby and she tells Cesar that he is going to be a grandfather.




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