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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-06-21 22:28:00

Your announcers are Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

Match Number One:  Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont versus Cutler James and Dion Lennox

Igwe and Dion start things off and they lock up.  Ige with a hammer lock and Dion with a waist lock take down.  Dion with another waist lock take down.  Igwe with a wrist lock into an arm bar.  Tyson tags in and hits a double sledge off the turnbuckles.  Tyson with an arm bar.  Tyson holds on when Dion tries to escape.  Dion backs Tyson into the corner and James tags in.  They work on the arms and James with an arm bar.  Tyson blocks a hip toss and he gives James a hip toss.  James pulls Igwe into Tyson and applies an arm bar.  Dion tags in and hits a shoulder tackle for a near fall.  Dion with an arm bar.  Dion with an Irish whip and James tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle.  James with an arm bar and an uppercut to the arm.  James gets a near fall.  

James with an arm bar and Dion tags in.  Dion with a hammer lock slam for a near fall.  Dion with a top wrist lock.  Igwe with punches but Dion with a knee to the midsection.  Dion with a uranage for a near fall.  Dion with a top wrist lock.  Igwe with punches and Dion with a hammer lock but Igwe sends Dion into the turnbuckles.  Tyson tags in and hits shoulder tackles followed by a drop kick to James.  Tyson runs into a boot in the corner but Tyson with a side slam and a running corkscrew uppercut.  Igwe tags in and they hit the Heart Stopper for the three count.

Winners:  Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe

Sarah was with Shiloh Hill.  She asks him about his singles debut and to introduce himself.  He says he is from New Hampshire.  He says wrestling is not about time, it is about heart.  He says he has a tough match against Uriah Connors.  He says he will be tested in this match but he graduated with a 4.0 GPA so he will be ready for the test.

Match Number Two:  Uriah Connors versus Shiloh Hill

They lock up and Hill sends Connors to the mat.  Connors with a hammer lock and a side head lock.  Hill tosses Connors aside.  Connors with a waist lock and a side head lock.  Connors sends Hill face first into the mat and returns to the side head lock.  Hill with a shoulder tackle and a reverse atomic drop and slam.  Hill gets a near fall.  Hill with a side head lock.  Connors puts Hill in the ropes and pulls him into the top rope to whiplash him.  Connors with a step up back senton for a near fall.  Connors kicks Hill in the corner.  Connors with a chop and Hill with a forearm.  Connors with kicks and forearms.  Connors with a chop in the corner that echoes throughout the building.  Connors with a snap mare and chop.  Connors gets a near fall.

Connors with a sleeper.  Hill with a snap mare and Connors returns to the sleeper.  Connors gets on Hill's back and HIll gets out of the hold by backing Connors into the turnbuckles.  Connors avoids a splash from Hill.  Hill stops Connors on the turnbuckles and Hill with a press slam.  Hill with a shoulder tackle or two followed by a back elbow.  Hill with a splash and a jumping kick.  Hill goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Connors lands on his feet and sends Hill to the floor.  Connors goes for a suicide dive and Hill catches Connors and hits a choke slam on the apron.  Hill with twisting Death Valley Driver for the three count.

Winner:  Shiloh Hill

Match Number Three:  Wren Sinclair versus Karmen Petrovic

They lock up and Wren with a side head lock.  Karmen with a head scissors and she misses a round kick when Wren moves.  Wren goes for the leg but Karmen blocks it.  Karmen with a side head lock.  Karmen takes Wren to the mat and Wren with a rollup for a near fall.  Karmen with a snap mare and Wren gets back to her feet.  Wren wants a high five and Karmen does it but Wren with a take down.  Karmen with a waist lock into a side head lock.  Karmen with a cross body for a near fall.  Karmen with a wrist lock.

Wren blocks a hip toss and Wren with a single leg take down and a catapult attempt but Karmen blocks it.  Wren is able to send Karmen into the bottom rope.  The referee checks on Karmen and Wren with an elbow and suplex for a near fall.  Wren with a take down for a near fall.  Wren wit a half nelson and chin bar.  Karmen powers out of the hold and Wren with an Irish whip but Karmen with a jumping side kick.  Wren counters a rollup into a reverse chin lock.  Karmen with elbows and Wren with a waist lock.  Karmen with a back elbow and Wren with a full nelson.  Karmen drops down and kicks Wren in the leg.  Wren misses an elbow drop and Karmen with running forearms and a clothesline.  Karmen goes for a monkey flip but turns it into a face plant.  Karmen with kicks to Wren followed by a leg sweep and a spinning kick to the back for the three count.

Winner:  Karmen Petrovic

We go to credits.


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