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By Mike Johnson on 2024-06-12 14:12:00

Don't expect to see former TNA President Scott D'Amore working for another wrestling promotion anytime soon.

During a virtual signing for K&S Wrestlefest, Rhino noted that D'Amore is being paid through February 2025 by TNA (Anthem) after being removed as TNA President earlier this year.

"I read online [AEW] should get Scott D’Amore to run Ring of Honor, " Rhino noted during the stream.  "It would ease the burden on some of the talent but, Scott’s at home getting paid for...I think until next February, and he’s never not worked, you know? Or never gotten paid to not work...."

In asking around after Rhino made the comments, we are told that the D'Amore comments are accurate and that D'Amore is also believed to have a non-compete that would prevent him for working for a national promotion in the United States or Canada through that period, which would prevent him from working for a WWE, AEW, etc.

D'Amore's Border City Wrestling in Windsor, Ontario will run their first live event since D'Amore departed TNA this weekend.  The promotion announced:



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