Wildkat Sports' Luke Hawx, who has been seen in Heels and a number of other film and TV projects, announced the following:
"Good morning, I want to thank everyone for the messages, text, etc. It's been a difficult 48hours.
I don't believe that I honestly been able to process it all yet but this is what I will say and I ask everyone to please respect my privacy at this time.
With that being said, Im just not in the mood to talk and I need to process my emotions. This is what I will tell you from this weekends altercation,
I had to make an emergency visit to the Surgeon yesterday and they have scheduled me for a surgery this coming Thursday, June 6th. 25+ year Wrestling & Stunt career and I've managed to make it this far in life without any surgery's. I'm honestly scared, nervous, stressed, and heartbroken. I just ask that you keep me in your prayers for a speedy and full recovery "
PWInsider.com sends Hawx our best for a quick recovery.
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