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By Mike Johnson on 2024-06-03 10:40:00

Before the Battle Riot VI this past Saturday, MLW taped the following matches for their Anniversary special:'

*Bobby Fish defeated Adam Priest.

*Opera Cup 2024: Davey Boy Smith Jr. defeated Timothy Thatcher.

*Opera Cup 2024: AKIRA defeated Ikuro Kwan.

*MLW National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito defeated Jake Crist.  This was said to have been really good.

*MLW Middleweight Champion Mistico defeated Star Jr in what was described to PWInsider as an "amazing" lucha match. 

*Miyu Yamashita defeated Jazzy Yang and Dani Jordan when she pinned Jordan.

*Mads Krule Kruger defeated 1 Called Manders in Bullrope match.  We are told this was a wild bout.  After, CONTRA beat down Manders again, before dragging him out of the arena.

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