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By Mike Johnson on 2024-05-30 08:25:00

The official synopsis for the first three episodes of Vice TV's Who Killed WCW? are as follows:

6/4 - Where The Big Boys Play - Through a series of unlikely events, brash young salesman Eric Bischoff lands control of WCW and aligns with star Hulk Hogan to create a '90s pop culture phenomenon.

6/11 - The Streak is Over - Now the most popular wrestling company on television, WCW hits choppy waters as the show's main event stars put their own interests and egos ahead of what's best for the company.

6/18 - New Blood - WWF writer Vince Russo is hired to help save WCW; the brazen New Yorker clashes with the company's top stars; WCW enters an ominous downward spiral.

Those Interviewed for the series include The Rock, Eric Bischoff, Nitro author Guy Evans, Kevin Nash, Eric Bischoff, WCW Producer Neil Pruitt, Bret Hart, Bill Goldberg, Vince Russo, Stuart Snyder (who presided over the sale on the WWF side), Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page and more.


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