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By Billy Krotchsen on 2024-05-22 23:42:00

Pac defeated Rocky Romero.

Chris Jericho, who was doing commentary, was cutting a promo about the FTW title belt.  Katsuyori Shibata came out and battled with  Big Bill.  Hook attacked Jericho and they fought in the crowd.

Samoa Joe defeated Dom Kubrick.

Rush defeated Isaiah Kassidy.

AEW TBS Champion Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander defeated Alex Windsor & Anna Jay.  Mercedes Mone hit the ring and battled with Willow.  There's a pull apart.  Mone gets the TBS title belt and parades with it before tossing it out of the ring.  That ended the taping.

Tony Khan, without neck brace, came out and put over California as being the place that set up AEW to exist.  He said they started something special five years ago and wanted to thank everyone for being here tonight.

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