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By Mike Johnson on 2024-04-26 19:45:00

Welcome to's live ongoing coverage of Kross Fire Wrestling's Independent Uprising at the Sevierville Civic Center in Sevierville, TN.

(Yes, I'm supposed to be on vacation, but come on, the show was ten minutes away from me!)

Kross Fire Wrestling is the home promotion of the National Wrestling Alliance's Kenzie and Kylie Paige and they will be in action tonight.

At 7:45, they began a countdown clock and at 8 PM on the dot, the show officially began.

It looks to be about 200 or so, which is about all the building could fit.

Jackson Drake said that they have a little bit of a problem.  He said he was standing here and nothing but ugly tramps in the building, no pretty girls, so he wants his match to happen right now, so he can leave the town.  He called out Hunter Drake to come fight him right now.  Jackon came out to Guns N' Roses with a pretty energetic entrance, which the crowd loved.

The crowd was warned to be aware that Tables, Ladders and Chair could be going anywhere and to be aware and safe.

TLC Match: Jackson Drake vs. Hunter Drake.

They battled to the floor and back in.   Hunter scored a two count after a moonsault from the top.  He went right to the floor and pulled a chair out.  The place went nuts.  He smashed Jackson with it several times.  The crowd chanted, "One more time."  Jackson cut him off and nailed a stomp onto the chair.  He covered Jackson for a two count.  Jackson used the chair as a weapon, stomping it down across his back.  Jackson snarked at the crowd, telling them he will do whatever he wants.   

Jackson showed some good heel charisma.   Hunter nailed him with a crutch as he came to the floor and tried to mount a comeback, but was hit with a big boot and knocked off the apron to the floor.  Jackson nailed a hard kick from the apron.  He pulled up Hunter and hit a piledriver on an open chair in the front row before remarking, "I'm so creative!"

They battled around ringside.  Jackson nailed a DDT on the apron for a two count.    Hunter began to mount a comeback when they returned to the ring.    He nailed a nice Codebreaker style move for a two count.  He smashed Jackson with a steel chair several times and riled up the crowd before hitting a kick into the chair.  Jackson tossed him through the ropes to the apron but he rebounded and landed on Jackson's back, transitioning it into a sunset flip for a two count.  Nice sequence.

Hunter pulled a table from under the crowd.  The crowd chanted for the table.  Jackson kicked the table into him before Hunter could return to the ring.  He then tossed a ladder into the ring as Hunter played to the crowd, fighting to recover.   They used the ladder as a weapon.  It ended up leaning against the turnbuckles.  Hunter fired up and hit some offense.  He charged but Jackson smashed the ladder into him.  He nailed Hunter with a F5 for a two count.  The crowd was screaming and chanting for Hunter.  Jackson choked him in the corner and drilled him with chops.

Hunter fought back and knocked Jackson upside down.  He nailed a double stomp and drilled him with a back suplex for a two count.  Hunter set up the table in the center of the ring as the crowd chanted for it. Jackson low blowed him, turning the tide again.  He nailed a series of Kawada Kicks to the face.  Hunter was placed atop the table.  Jackson, hurting, tried to climb the ropes but was caught and hit by Hunter.  Hunter nailed a Canadian Destroyer off the ropes through the table, which looked absolutely insane, scoring the pin.

Your winner, Hunter Drake!

Man, these two really wrestled their asses off.  This was a really good match with good overcoming evil.  These guys both showed a ton of potential and I suspect we'll be hearing a lot more about them as they mature and grow as personalities and performers, but this was a hell of a lot of fun.

Alexander Lev and Jackson Drake team together in the NWA as The Kid.

Jade She was tired of Kenzie Paige "running" from a singles match with her.  She said she wasn't leaving until Paige came out and wrestled her.

NWA Women's Champion Kenzie Paige came to the ring with her sister Kylie Paige.  The crowd chanted for her.   They were soundly behind Paige who almost scored the pin with a backslide before saying she still had it.  Kenzie;'s back was worked over as the crowd chanted for her to make a comeback.    Paige was trapped in a sleeper but elbowed her way out.  She ducked a lariat and they clotheslined each other.  The referee began counting them both down as the audience chanted for Kenzie.

They peppered each other back and forth with their right hands.    They fought to their feet and exchanged chops.   Kenzie nailed a pair of clotheslines, building momentum.    Kenzie finally scored the pin.

Your winner and still NWA Women's Champion Kenzie Paige!

They announced NWA President Billy Corgan was in attendance and officially welcomed him.

Tyler Franks vs. Isaac Cain.

Cain came out of a casket and had his face painted.  

They went back and forth.  Franks showed some nice timing and agility.  He caught Isaac in the corner and nailed him with several running elbows, scoring a two count.  The crowd chanted for Tyler but there were some kids chanted for Isaac as well.    Isaac sent Franks to the floor and when he returned, cinched in a side chinlock.  The crowd chanted for Tyler to make a comeback.  He started to fight his way to his feet but was drilled back down to the mat.  Isaac nailed a Blockbuster off the ropes for another two count.

Tyler finally fought his way to his feet but was caught with a suplex.  Cain cinched in a front facelock, trying to wear Tyler down.  The crowd chanted for him to make the comeback.  He fought to his feet and drove Cain backwards into the buckles.  The crowd LOVED Tyler.  They battled to the top.  Tyler attempted a sunset flip off the top but Cain held on.  Tyler trapped him under the buckles and kicked him.  He went for a DVDR but Cain escaped.  They battled.  Tyler nailed a great running leg lariat.  

They battled to their knees, battling back and forth.  Cain gained control, drilling him across the back while challenging him to fight back.  Tyler went nose to nose and they began slugging it out.  He exploded with some European uppercuts.  Dory Funk Jr. would be proud.  Tyler nailed a knee strike.  He scored a two count with a small package, then nailed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count.  Someone distracted the referee but she ejected him.  That distraction allowed Isaac to low blow Frank with a kick.

Isaac blew mist or something, blinding the referee.  He grabbed a chair but Frank kicked him.  He teased using the chair but opted against it as he was an upstanding babyface.  He threw it down but that allowed Isaac to catch him with a kick and score the pin.

Your winner, Isaac Cain!

Solid outing made better by the crowd REALLY loving and chanting and cheering on Franks. 

Dillon McQueen cut a promo and said five years ago was his first match when he was just fat kid who loved wrestling, but now he's traveled the world having wrestled Hall of Famers and he's beating them.  He said that he doesn't care who wins the main event tonight, he wants to be the face of his new KFW era.  He said he is challenging anyone to face him 6/23.

Shawn Hoodrich vs. Alexander Lev

Hoodrich came out with a snake, just like Jake Roberts.  Lev cut a promo saying he was faithful.  He then played Jerry Lawler, not wanting to lock up with Hoodrich and stalling on the floor for a bit.  They finally locked up with Hoodrich's arm being worked over.  Hoodwich made a comeback and had a fan get INTO THE RING to assist him.  That's the first time in my life I ever saw THAT.    Hoodrich riled up the audience to count along with him as he rained down punches in the corner.  

Lev (the othe half of The Kid in the NWA) cut him off and yelled that Hoodrich was making fun of the Messiah (meaning Lev, not the former CZW Champ) and worked over Hoodrich's arm.    Hoodrich was nailed with right hands but fought back from underneath before Lev swept his legs out and slammed him back down to the mat.  He charged and drilled Hoodright to the mat with some charging knee strikes.  Lev declared the fans and Hoodrich were all worthless trash.  Hoodrich exploded with offense, scoring a two count with a nice spinebuster.

Hoodrich wound up for a superkick but it was blocked.  Lev slammed him to the mat for a two count.  He charged Hoodrich, who sent him to the apron and caught him with a kick.  They fired back and forth with kicks.  Lev speared Hoodrich for a two count.  Lev psyched himself up and called Hoodrich trash, daring him to get up.  Lev missed a charge, smashing his face into the buckles.  Hoodrich nailed a superkick for a close two count.  The crowd chanted it was a three count.  

Lev nailed a roaring elbow and a neckbreaker for a two count.    Lev set up for another move but was tripped and locked in a one-legged Boston Crab.  Lev submitted.   

Your winner, Shawn Hoodrich!

Lev attacked him after the match, saying he should have won.  Hoodrich made the comeback and took him out.  He grabbed his snake but Lev retreated before he could use it.  He instead had the young fan come back in the ring to celebrate with him.Another match the crowd was super into with an easy good vs. evil story to follow as Lev was the loud, bragging heel and Hoodrich was the babyface hero.

More on Page 2!


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