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By Richard Trionfo on 2024-04-12 22:30:00

Your announcers are Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

Match Number One: Tavion Heights versus Uriah Connors

Uriah with a waist lock but Tavion with a take down. Tavion with a waist lock. Connors tries to escape but Heights holds on. Tavion gets a near fall. Tavion with a side head lock. Connors with a reversal and shoulder tackle. Connors with a punch and Tavion fires back. Tavion with an elbow but Connors sends Tavion through the ropes to the floor with a rollup. Connors sends Tavion back into the ring and he hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Connors with kicks to Tavion. Connors with a chop and a snap mare. Tavion with forearms but Connors with a knee. Connors with a front face lock. Connors gets a near fall. Connors with a double wrist lock.

Connors with a drop kick that sends Tavion against the ropes and Connors gets a near fall. Connors with a chop in the corner. Tavion with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot. Connors with a head scissors and he leans against the ropes for more pressure. Tavion holds on and hits an Electric chair drop. Tavion with clotheslines and an overhead belly-to-belly throw and sling blade. Tavion with a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

Winner: Tavion Heights

We go to Sarah with Carlee Bright and Kendal Grey. She asks them about their match against Blair Davenport and Stevie Turner. Carlee says she saw Kendal and thought she looked a lot like her. She takes care of the other girls with ease. She wanted to get to know her better. Kendal has an amateur background. Kendall says that she is more down to business than Karlee. She points out they lost the last time in the ring but they are getting stronger and they plan to win their first match tonight.

Match Number Two: Blair Davenport and Stevie Turner versus Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright

Turner and Bright start things off and they lock up and Turner with a snap mare. Turner with a wrist lock and Bright with a reversal. Grey tags in and she goes up top and hits a double sledge to the arm. Blair tags in and Turner with a knee. Blair with European uppercuts and Grey blocks on and gets a near fall with a back slide. Grey with an arm drag. Bright tags in and hits a leap frog seated splash to the arm. Bright with an arm bar. Blair with a forearm and she sends Bright into the turnbuckles. Turner tags in and she sends Bright into the turnbuckles.

Turner with a side head lock. Bright floats over and she kicks Turner. Grey with a splash onto Turner but Blair breaks up the cover. Bright sends Blair to the floor. Grey with an O’Connor roll for a near fall. Grey with fireman’s carries and an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Turner with a lungblower and Blair with a double stomp off the turnbuckles. Blair with a kick to the back and a second one. Blair with a third kick to the back and she kicks Grey in the collarbone and gets a near fall. Blair with a back breaker and she gets a near fall.

Turner tags in and they hit a double suplex and Turner gets a near fall. Turner with forearms to the lower back. Grey with a forearm when Turner goes for a third forearm to the back. Turner keeps Grey from making the tag. Turner sends Grey to the mat and gets a near fall. Turner with a single leg crab and Blair tags in and stops the tag. Blair with an Irish whip but Grey with a head scissors. Bright tags in and hits a series of back elbows. Bright with a handspring kick in the corner and she kicks Turner. Blair sends Bright onto Turner and Bright counters a tilt-a-whirl move into a lateral press. Blair gets her knees up and she hits the Falcon Arrow for the three count.

Winners: Stevie Turner and Blair Davenport

Match Number Three: Dion Lennox versus Eddy Thorpe


They lock up and Eddy with a waist lock but he has to break the hold when Dion gets to the ropes. Eddy with a wrist lock. Dion with a reversal. Eddy with a reversal into a side head lock. Eddy with a shoulder tackle but Dion does not move. Eddy tries again and Dion stands strong. Eddy with a side head lock and Dion with a few shoulder tackles. Eddy with a chop and Dion with a drop kick. Dion with a side head lock. Eddy with a drop kick.

Eddy with an elbow into the corner and a forearm to the back. Eddy with a kick and chop. Eddy with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Eddy with an arm bar. Eddy with an abdominal stretch. Dion escapes and he gives Eddy a hip toss. Eddy with a back heel kick and Irish whip. Dion with a clothesline out of the corner. Dion and Eddy exchange punches. Dion gains the advantage and hits a clothesline and punch. Dion with a Superman punch and a reverse atomic drop. Dion with a clothesline. Eddy blocks a suplex attempt and Dion gets Eddy on his shoulders.

Eddy gets to hisfeet and he applies a front face lock. Dion with a knee to the midsection a few times. Eddy with an Impaler DDT for the three count.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe

We go to credits.



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