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By Mike Johnson on 2024-04-06 18:31:00

WWE is using their heated ring that was created several years ago for the outdoor Wrestlemania in New Jersey tonight.  There will be heat pumped into the ring from all four corners to keep talents warm while they are inside the ring performing.

There were several drones flying above the entrance stage earlier.

There is a big Prime Energy truck backstage that will likely be part of Logan Paul's entrance.

We are told that Philadelphia Mummers will be utilized for a ring entrance tonight at the show.  The Mummers take part every New Year's Day in massive parade in Philly that has been running since 1901 featuring colorful costumes.  

Olympic gold medalist Gable Steveson, who at one point was doing regular Smackdown dark matches until he wasn't, was among those brought in for Wrestlemania weekend by WWE.  He last wrestled for the company in front of a live audience in February.

Rancid's Lars Frederiksen, a close friend of CM Punk, has been in town for the WWE festivities.

The Toronto Sun's Jan Murphy had a great piece on Paul Heyman's WWE Hall of Fame induction at this link.

Thanks to Paul Jordan!


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