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By Anthony Pires on 2024-04-05 23:42:00

Welcome one and all to’s coverage of Ring of Honor’s Supercard of Honor. Ian Riccobani and Caprice Coleman have the call of the action.  This is zero hour.

Josh Woods, Ari Daivari & Tony Nese w/Mark Sterling  vs Adam Priest, Tony Deppen and Rhett Titus

Great seeing Rhett Titus here, as well as Josh Woods, 2 guys who I feel belong in any iteration of Ring of Honor. Titus and Woods put on a clinic to start this match. Admittedly I’m unfamiliar with Priest. Deppen and Nese go at it and here comes Daivari.  In comes Priest. Curious to see what he can do. 

During this match, Ian and Caprice run down the main card.  Rhett tagged in and he and Woods are having a belly to belly exchange.  Priest and Woods with an exchange.  Great triple team suplex/double fistdrop combination wins it for the Premier Atheletes.


We see a video package on Dalton Castle and Johnny TV. We have a Fight Without Honor later tonight.  We then see a package reviewing the ROH Women’s TV Title Tournament.

The Beast Mortos vs Blake Christian

I have to admit, The Beast Mortos is a great name. Ian puts over how successful Blake has been as of late.


This, so far, is exactly the kind of match this crowd wants.  They’re here for the festivities and action. This one is delivering thus far. Mortos with a big bearhug and a pounce for 2.  Blake nails a nice swinging DDT and a spear on the apron.  Ian and Caprice make this so much better. Mortis nails what I can only call a snap Samoan Drop for 2.  Mortos caught Christian’s moonsault but Blake nailed a swinging DDT. Mortos hits what can best be described as a pump handle piledriver for the pin


Komander and Alex Abrahantes come out and look at Mortos

We see highlights of the Infantry as well as Lee Johnson.

Angelico & Serpentico vs. Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/Maria Kanellis

Am I the only one wondering why Maria ISN’T with the Undisputed Kingdom. As MAria parades Serpentico’s mask, Karter and Garrison attack at the bell. Doesn’t take long for the Spanish Announce Project to turn the tide. Didn’t Karter once join a heel faction in AEW?  Karter with a uranage for 2 on Serpentico. Angelico cleans house after a hot tag. Maria introduces a chair to the proceedings and gets ejected from referee Mike Posey. Garrison sweeps Angelico’s leg out on the ramp. Garrison actually pulls off Serpentico’s mask, allowing for a rollup by Karter for the pin.


Mariah May vs Momo Kohgo

Kohgo is a stardom star from what Ian tells us.  I can’t help but think in the old ROH, Kohgo would be massively over while MAy would get booed out of the building. Philly seems very appreciative having both these women competing tonight. Hard, and I mean HARD dropkick by May.  May has a ton of presence. 

As Honor Club boots back up MAy and Kohgo have a hard forearm exchange. Big headbutt by May followed by a huge running knee for the pin.


ROH Supercard of Honor proper is still to come.

We begin with a video package of our main event: Eddie Kingston vs. Mark Briscoe

Ring announcer Bobby Cruise welcomes us.  Nigel McGuinness joins Ian and Caprice at the booth.

ROH World TV Title: Kyle Fletcher vs. Lee Johnson.

Code of Honor not adhered to as we start off hot.  After a series of escapes, Johnson nails a big dropkick and chops. Fletcher with a swing out after catching a cross body attempt by Johnson. Chops by Fletcher. Johnson fires back with chops of his own. Johnson with a furious rally and nails a tope con hillo to Fletcher on the floor. Fletcher sends Johnson into the crowd and nails a splash into the audience. Back in the ring, Fletcher scores a 2 with an underhook suplex. Chops by Johnson. Neckbreaker by Johnson and a standing moonsault scores a 2. Suplex by Fletcher. Fletcher misses a kick and Johnson nails a Blue Thunder for 2. Superkick by Fletcher. Johnson follows him to the top rope.  Falcon arrow off the top for 2 by Fletcher. Fletcher with forearm smashes. Rana driver by Johnson & follows up with 2 superkicks. Fletcher sweeps Johnson’s legs off the top. Kick and a brainbuster for 2 by Fletcher. Powerbomb for 2 by Fletcher. Fletcher has no idea what to do next. Yes kicks by Fletcher.  Hard forearm exchange. Fast kicks by Fletcher.  Johnson nails a Big Shot on the apron, both tumble to the floor. Both barely beat the 20 count. Elbow exchange. Snap dragon by Fletcher into a poison rana by Johnson. Fletcher with a jumoing tombstone for a 2 count. Johnson with a Destroyer off the top and nails a frog splash. He hits a second one for 2.  Fletcher with Snake eyes and a running kick. Brainbuster on the top rope and Fletcher scores the pin.


Mei Seira and Empress Nexus Venus Mina Shirakawa and Maika vs. Tam Nakano, Saya Kamitani and AZM

I have absolutely no doubt this will be both crazy and fun.  I, however, have done no research into these athletes so I beg forgiveness off the bat.  I wish I had Cory Strode here to fill in the blanks. The six women adhere to the code of honor. Fast paced action between AZM and Mei to start. Big forearm by Mei. Tam tags in and hits a snap mare. They triple team Mei with kicks in the corner. Tam scores a 2 on Mei. In comes Maika, she double suplexes 2 of her opponents. Tam nails Maika with a running knee.  AZM tags in and nails a shotgun dropkick. Armbar by AZN, broken up.  All 6 women battle it out. Mina nailed a hard standing corkscrew. Fallaway slam by Maika, headbutt by AZM. Sata and Mina are now legal. Knee by Mina into a kneebar,. Leg kicks by Mina. Saya with a spinning wheel kick. Mina tags in and hits a northern lights bridge for 2. All 6 are now going at itMina eats a corkscrew piledriver into a figure 4. It gets broken up. Nakano with a flying bodypress to the floor takes out her opponents. Rolling forearm by Mina.  Backfist for 2 by Mina. More 6 way brawling.   Maika with a spinning Michinoku Driver for the pin.


Mariah May comes out to celebrate with the winners. She has champagne. They toast.

ROH World Tag Team Title: Mike Bennett & Matt Taven vs. Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean

A little prematch brawl. Advantage Kingdom. Bennett chops away at Dean. Dean fires back at the champions. Dean with an elbow drop for 2.  Bravo tags in. He hold the Kingdom in place for Dean to nail a tope. Bennett with a tope of his own. Dean gets spike piledriven on the ramp. In the ring, The champions with a Boston Bayonet for 2 on Bravo. Running dropkick in the corner by Bennett for 2. Taven tags in and nails a lariat for 2. Quick, crisp tags by the champions. Bravo with a backdrop sends Taven to the floor. He sends Bennett to the floor. One enziguiri later and Dean gets the tag. He’s cleaning house and nails a backbreaker for 2. The Kingdom hit a Spicoli Driver and running knee for 2. Proton Pack by the kingdom for 2, Bravo with the save.  All 4 men slug it out.  Boot Camp for 2 by the Infantry, Bennett with the save.  On the ramp, Bravo saves Dean from a piledriver. Magic Killer by The Infantry. Climax by Taven to Dean. Bravo slams Taven into the steps and sets him up on a table. He hits a splash through the table. Splash by Dean but there’s no ref, he’s checking on Bennett.  Wardlow comes out and nails a powerbomb. Bennett scores the pin.


ROH Women’s TV Ttile Tournament Final: Billie Starkz vs. Queen Aminata

Code of Honor adhered to. Early jockey for position. Aminata with an arm twist takedown. Sunset flip for 1 by Starkz. Small package for 1 by Aminata. Suplex by Aminata. Vicious running kick by Aminata. Starkz rolls to the floor. The 2 engage in a chop battle. Action goes back inside. Depp chinlock by Aminata. Rollup by Aminata for 2. Back elbow off a charge by Starkz. Neckbreaker and running knee by Aminata. Aminata has been completely dominant so far.  Facedrop by Aminata. Snap mare suplex by Aminata for 2. Kick into a clothesline for 2 by Aminata. They trade chops and forearms. Aminata misses a running knee. Lope suicida by Starkz, she has a 2nd wind. Starkz misses a cannonball. Double stomp by Aminata. German suplex on the floor by Aminata. Senton off the top for 1 by Aminata. Air raid crash for 2 by Aminata. Hip attack in the corner by Aminata. Starkz gets a brief edge and tries a senton. Aminata gets her legs up and Startz starts screaming about her neck. Action is halted. A soft neck brace is put on Starkz. Aminata holds the ropes for Starkz but Starkz immediately comes to life and applies a sleeper. Aminata is out the ref calls it.


ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions Jay White and the Gunn Club show up.  They’re dressed and ready for action.  I had no idea they were competing. This is an open challenge

ROH World Six Man Championship: Jay White, Colton & Austin Gunn vs. Lance Archer, Alex Zayne & Minoru Suzuki

White and Suzuki kick us off. Suzuki grabs White’s fingers and twists them. White makes the ropes.  White with chops. Suzuki catches the arm and applies a sleeper. The Gunns pull him out. Austin tags in and he tries to chop Suzuki.  Now they trade forearms. Gunn goes down. Archer and Colton tag in. Lockup, Archer sends him to the ground. Pounce by Archer, he misses a charge. Colton with a stinger splash. Suplex by Archer. Zayne tags in and hits a dropkick and scores a 1 count. Dropkick and Autsin tags in. Austin stomps away at Zayne. 2 punches sends Zayne down. White tags in and outs Zayne down with a chop. Leg sweep by White. White with a chinlock. Suzuki stalks the Gunns with a chair.

Colton tags in.  Kicks by Colton, tag to Austin. Double elbow and Colton scores a 2. Rear chinlock by Colton. Austin tags in and so does Archer. Archer with a uranage. Back elbow by Archer.  Zayne and Archer double team the Gunns with a head scissor/cannonball combo. Archer scores a 2 form a choke slam.  White and Suzuki brawl. Chop block by Austin into a block buster. Suzuki and White both tag in and start throwing. Big forearm sends all 3 BC members down. Running boot in the corner by Suzuki, he scores a 2. Eye poke by White. Sleeper by Suzuki. Zayne tags in and lariats White. Running uppercut by Zayne, JUmping hurancanrana for 2 by Zayne. Zayne misses a splash and White with a uranage. Archer eats a 3:10 to Yuma and Honor Club freezes…

It comes back at the exact point I lost it.  Zayne with a dropkick. White with a blade runner out of nowhere to Zayne for the pin.


White gets on the mic to celebrate. Out comes The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass through the crowd. Not much besides Bowens eating a Blade Runner

Fight Without Honor: Johnny TV w/Taya Valkyre vs Dalton Castle w/New Boys

Shoving match to start.  Right hand by Castle. TV escapes the bangarang and chokes Castle on the rope. The advantage does not last long. TV bails and kicks Castle during the chase. Slam on the rail by TV.  Punches by Castle. TV with a kick. Back in the ring DDT by Castle.  Elbow strikes by Castle. He pulls TV outside. Tv with a kick and a hard knee.  TV wails away. Surprise hurancanrana by Castle.  Taya with a distraction leads to a disaster kick by TV.  Running knee by TV.  Mr. & Mrs. TV kiss.  Castle goes for a clothesline but misses and hits the post instead. Kick exhibition by TV.  TV to the outside and he brings out a table. Hamstring kicks by TV. He pounds away at Castle. Taya gives him a kendo stick. TV whacks away with it.  White Russian LEg Sweep by TV. Castle catches a disaster kick attempt and hits a belly to back. Castle grabs the kendo stick and now it’s his turn to hit away.  Taya with powder to Castles face and she blasts him with a leaf blower. Castle gets powerbombed through the table. Starship Pain for 2 by TV.

TV gets the stick back and breaks it on Castles neck for a 2 count. TV places chairs on Castle.  TV takes too long and gets Kendo sticked to the back. High knee by Castle into a dead lift German. Castle calls for a Boy. They run out and Castle throws them on to TV. The last one didn’t quite so well. A much more athletic boy comes out and hits a moonsault. 

Finally, Paul Walter Hauser comes out as a Boy. TV dives on Castle and the Boys (minus Hauser).  Hauser with a Sky High to TV.  The Boys take Taya back to the locker room. Hauser unmasks and hands a bag of thumbtacks to Castle. He pours the tacks out. Castle hits a bangarang on the tacks and scores the pin.


ROH World Women’s Championship: Athena vs. Hikaru Shida

Code of Honor waived by Athena. She bails and stalls. Shida laughs. Lockup, wristlock by Shida, Athena reverses it, as does Shida. Side headlock takeovers by Shida, followed by a shoulder block. They proceed to miss strikes and kicks. Athena bails again. Athena tries a handshake but Shida is ready for her, 3 big short clotheslines by Shida. Backbreaker by Shida. Into the buckles go Athena. 10 punches by Shida but Athena trips her off the rope and ties up her knee. Athena pounds away at it.

The champion with a hamstring stretch. Ankle breaker by Athena. More leg kicks and a knee stomp by Athena. Shida goes for a kick but Athena catches it. Alabama Slam and an ankle lock by Athena. Shida makes the rope. Shida with 2 elbows. Forearms by Shida.  BIG backbreaker by Shida. Suplex for 2 by Shida. Running knee by Shida. Athena counters with a running elbow. Shida bails and Athena meets her. Shida with a knee strike. Back in the ring, Shida scores a 2 count. They trade kicks. Kneelifts by Shida. Kick to the leg by Athena.  Saito suplex by Athena. Wheelbarrow suplex by Athena for 2. Ankle lock by Athena. Shida makes the ropes. Shida with a deadeye on the ramp. Meteora by Shida for 2. Knee Strike by Athena and she hits a codebreaker. Double knees by Athena for 1.  Shida blocks a butterfly. Falcon arrow for 1 by Shida.  

Palm strike by Shida. Athena tries a powerbomb but they spill to the floor. Athena does complete the powerbomb there. Eclipse by Athena for 2. Kick by Athena. Athena to the top. Shida blocks her and nails a backbreaker on the top rope. Falcon Arrow and a Katana kick for 2 by Shida.  Athena blocks a shining wizard. German suplex and clothesline by Shida. Superkick and a huge forearm by Athena. Eclipse (O Face) by Athena and she scores the pin.


ROH World Championship: Eddie Kingston vs. Mark Briscoe

Code of Honor adhered to. Eddie doesn’t seem to want to get too close. Lockup, clean break. Lockup, hammerlock reversals, trip by Mark. Eddie back to his feet applies a wristlock, Mark with a headlock. Shoulder block, Kingston goes down. Backdrop by Eddie. Eddie with a kick in the corner. Chop by Eddie. Redneck Kung Fu Chop by Briscoe. Briscoe with a running knee.  A dropkick sends Eddie to the floor. Cannonball through the ropes by Mark. MArk sets a chair up in the ring and tries to catapult himself with it but Eddie catches him and chokeslams him on it. Running clothesline by Kingston on the outside, Eddie slams MArk’s head on the announce table. Briscoe is bleeding heavily.  Eddie with headbutts.  They trade chops. 

Eddie rakes the eyes. Machine Gun chops by Kingston. Briscoe fires back. Suplex by Kingston. Kingston wrenches Mark’s neck. Mark with chops but a lariat sends him to the mat. Kicks and chops by Kingston. Briscoe with a punch and he bites Eddie’s head. Shotgun dropkick by Briscoe. Suplex by Briscoe. Cactus Jack elbow by Briscoe. Into the post goes Briscoe.

Elbow drop for 2 by Kingston. Briscoe is trapped in the tree of woe. Kingston with a dropkick for 2. Desperation clothesline by Briscoe. Chop exchange.  Kung Fu chop by Briscoe, followed by a running tackle. Running kick by the challenger. Fisherman buster by Briscoe. Block buster by Briscoe. Briscoe with a spicoli driver and nails the Froggy Bow for 2. T Bone Suplexes by Both men as they keep popping up. Both men are down form a double clothesline. 

They trade chops on the apron, Kingston blocks a Jay Driller. T Bone to the floor by Kingston.  Mark barely beats the count. They trade palm strikes. Running lariat by Briscoe. Dragon suplex and spinning back fist by Eddie for 2. Spinning forearm by Briscoe. Back fist by Eddie, twist kick by Briscoe. Cut throat driver by Briscoe for 2. Mark hits the Jay Driller and scores the pin.


Papa Briscoe comes in as does a LOT of the locker room to celebrate with the new champion.

My opinion: Go out of your way to watch last 2 matches. Instant classics as far as I’m concerned.

We go to credits

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