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By Eric Denton on 2024-02-25 23:41:00

Thunder Studios

Long Beach, CA

“The Lone Stranger” Buck Skyner defeats Alan Breeze in 3:00 with a Flatliner.

EJ Sparks vs. “Main Event” Evan Daniels.   After a ref bump and kick to the balls from Daniels to Sparks, Mikey O’Shea comes to the ring and evens things up spitting a soda in Daniels face. Sparks with a running knee for the pin in 9:00. 

“King Fatboy” Papo Esco defeats El Primohenia Trebeca in 4:15.

Danny Limelight joins Todd Keneley on commentary.

United World Tag Team Championship: Che Cabrera & Bad Dude Tito (c) vs Big Hoss & Rob McKnight (The Wild West) - Wild West win by count out after Bad Dude gets into it with Danny Limelight. Tito & Cabrera beat down the champ.

“Pretty” Peter Avalon says losing his championship opportunity to Danny Limelight has lit a fire in his belly. He says he is issuing an open challenge.

Peter Avalon defeats Matt Vandagriff in 7 mins.

Flex McCallion & Jason Levi defeat Guy Cool & Koto Hiro after Flex hits Guy with his loaded boxing glove. Levi gets the pin and his first win at UWN.

Savanah Stone defeats Zeniya with a powerbomb in 3 minutes. 

United Television Championship: “Outlandish” Zicky Dice defeats Jack Banning in about 9 minutes after Honest Jon distracts his former cult leader. 

(Krusty Krew) Dom Kuberick & Lucas Riley defeat Fidel Bravo & AJ Mana in 7 minutes with a monkey flip into a powerbomb.

Alex Gracia defeats JRod in 4:25 with a sunset flip out of a torture rack.

Mikey O’Shea defeats Cameron Gates.

Danny Limelight vs Jordan Oasis is a no contest after Jack Banning runs in and attacks Danny. Papo Esco makes the save. Danny tells Papo he can’t trust him. 


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