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By Mike Johnson on 2024-02-23 10:51:00

TNA will present the 2024 No Surrender PPV in New Orleans at the Alario Center tonight on TNA+, TrillerTV and PPV, featuring:

*TNA Champion Moose vs. Alex Shelley - No Surrender Rules.  The only way to win is to have your cornermen throw in the towel.

*TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace vs. Gisele Shaw.

*TNA X-Division Champion Chris Sabin vs. the debuting Mustafa Ali.

*TNA Tag Team Champions ABC vs. Grizzled Young Veterans - Third and Final Match in Best of Three Series.

*TNA Knockout Tag Team Champions Decay vs. MK Ultra.

*Frankie Kazarian vs. Eric Young - Winner to challenge TNA Champion at Sacrifice 2024.

*Josh Alexander vs. Simon Gotch.

*PCO vs. Big Kon.

*Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA vs. Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards - Kickoff Show.

*The Rascalz vs. Trent Seven & Speedball Mike Bailey - Kickoff Show.

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