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By Kimmy Sokol on 2024-02-22 20:52:00

ROH Episode 52: “Tables Galore”

For the first time in ROH history tonight, there will be a two out of three falls table match for the ROH Women’s Championship. Also, the other half of the ROH Women’s Television Championship will compete in their first-round matches. Since we got the official announcement for Supercard of Honor this week, I am hopeful that we will start the build to that card tonight since we are six weeks away! Let’s find out, shall we? 

Taya Valkyrie vs Sussy Love:

I will give Love credit, for making her ROH debut she put on one heck of a showing. Valkyrie is undefeated in ROH, as she continues that streak heading into the second round of this tournament. Next week it will be her vs Aminata who are both undefeated in ROH, should be interesting to see who wins next week.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie

Lee Johnson vs Sonico:

This match got a lot of time, almost too much time. I would love to see Johnson be a viable contender for the Television Title, but since Fletcher has visa issues we do not know when he is going to return. Now that Johnson is 3-0, keep that momentum going!

Winner: Lee Johnson

Red Velvet vs Sandra Moone:

When Velvet made her entrance she touched the title, which is a huge superstition in sports so in the future do not do that. Luckily for her, she made it past the first round. Velvet is so good, and even though she is not my pick to win this tournament her comeback from injury has been amazing to see. I definitely think she is a future TV Champion down the line, but keep your eyes on Velvet in 2024, she is about to have a big year.

Winner: Red Velvet 

Taya Valkyrie and Johnny TV Promo:

Valkyrie says her match was too easy, and she needs some real competition. She also says that Love was not TV-ready unlike her and that is why she is going to win this tournament and become champion because she and Johnny are always TV-ready. 

Brandon Cutler vs Danhausen:

This is Danhausen’s first match in this era of ROH, so what a nice return for him. At the beginning of the match they both taunted each other with the cold spray and the curses and that led to Danhausen cursing the cold spray bottles and Cutler and Colt Cabana spraying themselves in the face. This match was more about the comedic elements than anything else and that is what got the crowd invested. The match ended with Danhausen pouring teeth onto Cutler and getting a huge win!

Winner: Danhausen 

Abadon vs Viva Van: 

I was a little surprised when they put Abadon in this tournament because they almost appeared in ROH out of nowhere. However, I believe it was a great decision. This was one of the shorter matches in the tournament so far, but it was good. Abandon bit Van’s arm for them to get the advantage and advance in the tournament.

Winner: Abandon

Anthony Henry vs Ethan Page:

This match showed the more technical side of ROH that we are all used to seeing, which was nice to see. Unfortunately with Fletcher’s visa issues, it is unknown when he is going to return to TV, but hopefully, it is in time for SuperCard of Honor for Page to get his title opportunity. Page gets the win moving him to 6-0 in ROH competition.

Winner: Ethan Page

Queen Aminata Promo:

Aminata says that she used to watch Valkryie when she was training and she used to look up to her. She also adds that this was the old Valkryie and not the one who comes to the ring with her husband and shows off in front of everyone. She wants to put on a good match in the quarterfinals and become the first ROH Women’s Television Championship.

Robyn Renegade vs Billie Starkz:

Don’t get me wrong, Starkz is a favorite to win this tournament, she just isn’t my pick that belongs to Leyla Hirsch. The commentary team noted that Starkz was wearing all-black wrestling gear in her match tonight, touching on the influence that Athena has had on Starkz for the last couple of months. Starkz made Renegade tap after a brutal match between both women. She will face Diamante in the second round.

Winner: Billie Starkz

Ethan Page Promo:

Now that his ROH career brings him to 12-2 that means that he should be the number one contender for the TV Title. Page says that Fletcher is scared to come to work and until he comes back to work he is going to continue to hang out with the ROH fans. Page says that by the time Fletcher comes back his momentum will be crazy and ROH will be different all because of Ethan Page.

Four Corner Survival: AR Fox vs Matt Sydal vs Komander vs Exodus Prime:

I want to see more Exodus Prime in ROH because he was the MVP of this match. This was the match of the night for me. All four men have a similar style and you can not blink when watching this match because you will miss something. Komander keeps his momentum in ROH by getting the win.

Winner: Komander

Billie Starkz Promo:

Starkz says that this is her tournament and her title and even though she is the youngest in the tournament she will walk out as champion. She also says that she lost at Final Battle and she will not lose again, no one is better than Athena, but Starkz is better than everyone in the tournament.

ROH Women’s Championship Two out of Three Falls Tables Match: Athena vs Nyla Rose:

Within two minutes of the match, Rose put Athena through the first table, so in wrestling 101 you knew how this match was going to go. I did enjoy, however, Rose doing her own commentary after this happened and asking the fans at home if she was going to be able to win the title. Rose dominated the first half of the match, and I could not think of a better stipulation, the crowd was also into it. After Athena put Rose through the first table a huge this is awesome chant erupted around the arena, which was nice to see. The match ended with Athena slamming Rose through a table to get the win. Better luck next time frienemy.

Winner: “And Still” Athena


This episode was awesome. There were no squash matches and there were not too many promos on this show, it looked like they were listening to me. I also loved that for the second week in a row where the women shined throughout the entire episode. We are six weeks away from the first pay-per-view of the year and I hope they keep this momentum. 



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