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By Dave Scherer on 2024-02-07 09:31:00

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Wrestlemania is sold out (Right?) and they don’t have to worry about selling pay-per-views so what’s the point of Rock/Reigns anyway?

It's very close to sold out last I checked.  The point?  Rock wants it and he convinced the top people at WWE/TKO that it's should happen.  It sure seems like he wants a big payday and to claim the box office as well.  

Do you see any chance of WWE announcing Rock vs. Roman for Wrestlemania night 1 on Saturday and then Cody coming out and saying he’s meeting the winner on night 2?

If any, very little.  Rock wants the main event and that’s Sunday night.  Plus, I would hate if Roman wrestled on Saturday and Cody didn’t.  It would make Cody winning the Title way less special.

Would there be less frustration with fans if The Rock was inputted into the Wrestlemania main event without the Cody Rhodes involvement on Smackdown? Really feels WWE dropped the ball with that segment. Keeping Cody away from Roman completely before The Rock returns would have surely been a better call?

It would have been better if Cody hadn’t won The Rumble.  If he lost there he would have had no claim to wrestle Roman and the story wouldn’t have been what it has become.  It was a big mistake for him to win the Rumble because it set this whole thing in motion when he didn’t do what he should have done.

So, I was thinking about it, and CM Punk sure called it on the Monday before Rumble when he told Cody that a bigger name was always waiting in the wings to take your spot at Wrestlemania. He qualified his comments as meaning himself, but man, my first thought when he said that was "Well, yeah, the Rock is sitting right there, too."

Looking back on it now….

Damn near everyone was hopeful that WWE’s creative would bounce back in terms of quality once Vince was completely out of the picture. And for a minute, it seemed like that was the case, especially with Cody’s story. And now it’s clear that Triple H doesn’t have the creative autonomy that he thought he had now that the TKO board and one Dwayne Johnson are steering that ship. Do you think this will just be Vince 2.0?

Creative has been great under HHH for a lot more than a minute.  Sadly, there are some people out there who can exert power and The Rock is one of them.  Hopefully, he won’t do it to often.  Maybe at 51 his body breaks the same way it did when he wrestled John Cena 11 years ago.  My hunch is Rock only wants to upset creative for himself.  I hope that is the case.

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