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By Mike Johnson on 2024-01-29 12:31:00

The updated guest list for Wrestlecon in Philadelphia over Wrestlemania 40 weekend:

Lex Luger, Arn Anderson, Jake Roberts, Jerry Lawler, Bob Orton, Brian Myers, Mistico, Steph De Lander, Summer Rae, Mance Warner, J-Rod, Sid Vicious, Kurt Angle, Shane Douglas, Matt Riddle, The Great Alofa, Nic "Dolph Ziggler" Nemeth, Sting, Tod Gordon, Rob Van Dam, The Acclaimed, Ashley Seberra (aka Dana Brooke), Perry Saturn, Kevin Nash, Matt Riddle, The Rougeaus, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash, Lita, Kevin Wacholz aka Nailz and Mr. Magnificent Kevin Kelly, Trish Stratus, Wardlow, Sabu, Ted DiBiase Sr., The Sandman, Dean Malenko, Bill Alfonso, Justin Credible, Sonny Onno, Teal Piper, Ernest Miller, The Honkytonk Man, Mckenzie Mitchell, May Valentine, Miro, Mikey Whipwreck, Raven, Terri Runnells, The Bezerker John Nord, Tom Brandi, Doink (Ray Apollo) and Dink (Tiger Jackson) and more.

Wrestlecon tickets are officially on sale at,  Fans purchasing the Superfan Experience will be able to take part in a guided tour of the 2300 Arena, the former ECW Arena on Thursday of Mania week from 12-2 PM.  There will also be an ECW- themed buffet lunch as well as a Wrestlemania Memories themed breakfast for Superfans, Wrestlemania Watch Parties and more.

Sting will be doing a private Q&A on Thursday evening for Superfan ticket holders.

Wrestlecon will hold two live events at the 2300 Arena on Thursday 4/6.  At 3 PM, Japanese Joshi promotion STARDOM will run a live event, American Dream 2024.  That evening, Wrestlecon will hold what is traditionally one of the best independent events of the year, their annual Mark Hitchcock Memorial Supershow:

Tickets for the live events can be ordered at

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