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By Cory Strode on 2023-10-25 20:20:00

It is Wednesday and this week Dynamite is at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA. The commentary team is Tony Schiavone, Taz, and Excalibur.

We start with Renee Paquette with MJF, and MJF calls ADAM! Cole, and Roderick Strong shows. And Roddy is with The Kingdom, and he says he will take pity on MJF and team with them for the Bullet Club, and he accepts their challenge. We then see someone in his Devil mask.

MJF vs Juice Robinson for the Dynamite Diamond Ring

MJF goes right after Juice and beats Juice down in the corner, outside the ring, into the timekeeper’s table, and then back into the ring. On the way, Juice is knocked into the crowd and then into the ringpost. Juice is busted open and MJF sets up for a true curb stomp. Juice tak,es over when they get into the ring, but MJF’s running wild was a fantastic way to start both the match as well as showing how the feud has gotten to MJF.

Jay White joins commentary as we come back from commercial. MJF runs wild after the commercial, and the Gunns cut him off with a trip from the outside. The match turns to near falls, and the crowd buys into each of MJF’s near falls, and MJF turns to breaking the rules (like eye rakes and biting) but the crowd is totally on his side. 

I do love Jay White going nuts when Juice gets a near fall as well. He adds a lot to the match from commentary.

MJF wins by using the Dynamite Diamond ring, nailing the Gunns and the Heat Skeer for the pin and the win.

Winner: MJF

The Gunns attack after the match, but The Kingdom wheel down Roddy and attack the Gunn, but they get taken out. This leads to The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn making the save. Jay White grabs a mic and tells him to forget about everyone else and focus on him. Jay says he will never get the Belt back.

The Gunns then challenge for the Ring of Honor Tag TeamTitles at Full Gear,

MJF cuts them off and he accepts their challenge and he tells Jay White to show and he will have three partners will take his title back.

Roddy then yells for MAX! And says he will pick him and The Kingdom, right? 

He tells them know in a MJF way.

Max Caster then says he will pick them, right? 

MJF says he doesn’t like him and tells Caster no in a MJF way.

Caster then asks him to do a favor and scissor him.

MJF leaves the ring and we get Kenny Omega and his music meeting him. Kenny ALSO has a mic. Omega says MJF has a lot going on, but he has something MJF wants. Omega has something MJF wants as well. He asks MJF for a chance at the title and MJF agrees for a match on Saturday for the championship. 

Now there’s a hot opening. 

It is Wednesday and this week Dynamite is at the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA. The commentary team is Tony Schiavone, Taz, and Excalibur.

We start with Renee Paquette with MJF, and MJF calls ADAM! Cole, and Roderick Strong shows. And Roddy is with The Kingdom, and he says he will take pity on MJF and team with them for the Bullet Club, and he accepts their challenge.  We then see someone in his Devil mask.

MJF vs Juice Robinson for the Dynamite Diamond Ring

MJF goes right after Juice and beats Juice down in the corner, outside the ring, into the timekeeper’s table, and then back into the ring. On the way, Juice is knocked into the crowd and then into the ringpost. Juice is busted open and MJF sets up for a true curb stomp. Juice tak,es over when they get into the ring, but MJF’s running wild was a fantastic way to start both the match as well as showing how the feud has gotten to MJF.

Jay White joins commentary as we come back from commercial. MJF runs wild after the commercial, and the Gunns cut him off with a trip from the outside. The match turns to near falls, and the crowd buys into each of MJF’s near falls, and MJF turns to breaking the rules (like eye rakes and biting) but the crowd is totally on his side. 


I do love Jay White going nuts when Juice gets a near fall as well.  He adds a lot to the match from commentary.


MJF wins by using the Dynamite Diamond ring, nailing the Gunns and the Heat Skeer for the pin and the win.


Winner: MJF


The Gunns attack after the match, but The Kingdom wheel down Roddy and attack the Gunn, but they get taken out. This leads to The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn making the save. Jay White grabs a mic and tells him to forget about everyone else and focus on him. Jay says he will never get the Belt back.


The Gunns then challenge for the Ring of Honor Tag TeamTitles at Full Gear,


MJF cuts them off and he accepts their challenge and he tells Jay White to show and he will have three partners will take his title back.


Roddy then yells for MAX! And says he will pick him and The Kingdom, right?

He tells them know in a MJF way.

Max Caster then says he will pick them, right?

MJF says he doesn’t like him and tells Caster no in a MJF way.

Caster then asks him to do a favor and scissor him.

MJF leaves the ring and we get Kenny Omega and his music meeting him. Kenny ALSO has a mic. Omega says MJF has a lot going on, but he has something MJF wants. Omega has something MJF wants as well. He asks MJF for a chance at the title and MJF agrees for a match on Saturday for the championship. 

Now there’s a hot opening. 

Wardlow had a taped promo where he explains he has come back to take everything from MJF. 

Hook and Rob Van Dam vs John Silver and Alex Reynolds w/Evil Uno

Damn shame that the refocused Dark Order is put in another match where they are going to be putting someone over. The idea of Dark Order being heels that tell everyone they are good guys, and John Silver getting a spotlight is a decent enough idea. But to get the idea over, they need to get some wins under their belts.

RVD goes through the greatest hits, and after the commercial gets the hot tag so the Philly crowd gets to cheer for him. Hook gets to grab the win by putting Redrum on Silver.

Winners: Hook and Rob Van Dam

The announcers make it sound like Hook and RVD will be an ongoing team.

It’s time for the new Toni Storm movie so it’s shown picture in picture.  

Tony Schiavone brings Darby Allin and the Man Called Sting to the ring. Sting thanks Philly, Darby (who he says is the best partner he’s ever had) and Tony Khan.

Meanwhile, Lex Luger is at home, fuming. 

Tony says that Tony Khan should thank STING! And he brings out the special gift for Sting and we hear the strains of Also sprach Zarathustra…the Nature Boy, Ric Flair is here

Flair says that 35 years ago when they met, Sting lived up to all of his potential and is probably the nicest guy Flair has ever known. Flair says he wants to ride all the way to March with Sting.

Taz tells Flair to keep his clothes on.  

And because it’s wrestling, Christian Cage’s music hits and the Father of the Millenium arrives. 

He says that Tony Khan is a billionaire and this is the gift he gives?  Cage craps all over him and Flair has trouble not cracking up. Cage heels Sting, Darby, and Philly. Cage says that while Sting has a dream he will retire at Revolution, but he will make it so Sting is gone RIGHT NOW!! Cage calls for a six man at Full Gear.

Golly gee whiz, I wonder who Sting's partner will be.

A GREAT surprise for this episode.  No idea Flair would be showing, and it’s a nice grace note for him to be with Sting as Sting retires. 

In a pre-tape Renee asks Jericho how he is doing now. He says his ego is hurting the worst. Renee asks him about his reinventions, and he says he thought he could go toe to toe with Hobbs, and now he needs to see if he has to step back or step forward and get some sort of revenge. 

Jericho says that while Don Callis has a family, Jericho has friends as well and maybe it’s tiem to give them a call.

The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) and Adam Page (Ring of Honor Trios Champions) The Hardys (Matt and Jeff Hardy) and Brother Zay 

As the match starts off, the Hardys are actually using some heel tactics. Jeff nails a knee from the outside, Zay gets in the ring to knock Page and Nick off the apron, and Matt mocks the Bucks. 

Matt has been saying he’d love to put together a heel faction at this point of his career, and with him and Jeff having fewer years ahead of them than behind, a heel run would be a nice twist. I don't honestly know if Jeff has ever had a heel run. 

Other than the Hardys showing heel tendencies, it’s the kind of match these six have done a lot. Lots of high spots, lots of high flying, and everyone gets their stuff in. Zay takes the BTE trigger for the Bucks to get the pin and the win.

Winners and still ROH Trios Titles: The Young Bucks and Adam Page

We then get Swerve Stickland on the big screen breaking into Adam Page’s house. Page runs to the back (which probably won’t help much since he lives in Kentucky). Swerve goes around the house and goes to the baby’s room and says that last week he said he wouldn't pay, his loved ones would. He says he will pay, but not today and he leaves a Swerve shirt in the baby’s crib. 

We have just heard from Robocop, and he is also disappointed Sting did not say HE was his best tag team partner.

Renee is with Adam Copeland and he says he won’t fight Cage, but Darby and Sting show up to try to recruit him. Sting tells him he needs to take the blinders off and open his eyes before it’s too late. 

We are told Adam Page has left the arena. 

Hikaru Shida (AEW Women’s Champion) vs Ruby Soho w/Saraya

Fans at ringside have a HUGE sign saying Shida is the best around.  VERY cool.

Even with the sign, the crowd is sitting on their hands for this one. They start off with a fairly standard move set, but it doesn’t bring the crowd into it. When we come back from commercial, the crowd has perked up and we move to Shida showing power moves and near falls. Ruby pulls off a turnbuckle pad to distract the ref as she grabs the spray paint. Ruby then grabs the belt and brings it in the ring to distract the ref again so she can choke Shida. 

Ruby is knocked into the exposed steel and Shida gets the Katana kick for the pin and the win.

Winner and still AEW women’s champion: Hikaru Shida

Toni Storm and her new butler (Luther) comes out as Storm says she is challenging for the title at the PPV.

In the back, Renee asks MJF about the match on Saturday, and Samoa Joe shows up and he says Joe needs people looking out for him. Joe offers to be his friend with one condition, he gives Joe a rematch. Joe says not to answer yet, he’ll get his answer soon enough. 

Orange Cassidy and Kazuchika Okada vs Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli

Cassidy and Bryan start off and Bryan just goes after Cassidy and works over the arm he uses for the Orange Punch. This leads to Claudio continuing the beat down, so they are building to Okada coming into the ring.

We now have Okada and Claudio in the ring. 

Seeing the two of them in the ring together, it’s a bit surprising that Okada is almost the same size as Claudio. They work a few sequences and then Cassidy tags in. We then get Cassidy taking a beating from Bryan and Claudio. 

AEW announces a new PPV during this match, World’s End on 12/30 in Long Island, NY.  Looks like we’re moving to a PPV every month from AEW.  Ask your bosses for overtime to pay for them.

We come back from commercial and are told we will stay with this match as long as it takes, which is becoming an every week thing. Cassidy gets the hot tag and Bryan tags in as well. They take their time to start with strikes and chops. As they work, Cassidy and Claudio are NOT on the apron.

Rather than a special sequence where matches for the upcoming shows are run down, they are run down as Bryan and Okada move toward near falls. 

Wew then get Cassidy and Claudio tagging in. Cassidy gets a strong series of kicks and gets out of the big swing with a stundog millionaire. Cassidy goes for the Orange Punch and Claudio catches him for the big swing. Claudio moves to a scorpio death lock and Okada breaks it up and gets a quick series of moves on Claudio. Everyone goes for big moves, but in the end, Claudio gets the pop up uppercut for the pin and the win.

Winners: Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli

After the match, Danielson is clutching the side of his face as the doctor shows, as do other people to see if he is OK. 



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