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By Cory Strode on 2023-10-08 20:18:00

Our commentary team is David McLane and Steven Dickey

Season 2, Episode 3: Sign the Dotted Line

We have a contract signing for Princess Aussie, Tormenta, and Penelope Pink for the WOW World Championship later tonight.

Sophia Lopez says she has an injunction to stop Princess Aussie being included in the match. David says the injunction has no power here. Lana Starr says that Pink doesn’t have to defend against anyone. But, since Tormenta and Aussie are not problems, Pink will sign it. 

The Beast vs Chainsaw w/Angelica Dante

They lock up in a clutch and battle for control. They break with no one getting an advantage. Chainsaw goes for a full nelson and Beast breaks out of it. Beast drops Chainsaw with a clothesline. Chainsaw sweeps the leg and tries for a choke and Beast shoves her off.  Beast slams Chainsaw into the corner and hits shoulder thrusts. 

Beast does it again and then hits a splash into the corner after whipping Chainsaw into the corner. Beast hits the spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Beast

Beast grabs a mic and says she has a message to the coward who broke her leg and she will find out who it is and when he does find out, she has a beat down with their name on it. 

GI Jane w/Samantha Smart vs Tiki Chamorro

 They lock up and Jane shoves Tiki to the mat. Tiki gets an arm drag and a head scissor takedown. Tiki gets a monkey flip out of the corner for one. Jane takes over with knees and kicks and then slams Tiki face-first into the turnbuckles before putting a foot on her throat. When the ref pulls her off, Smart chokes her with the ruler. Jane covers Tiki and then does push-ups when Tiki kicks out at two.

Jane hits a leg drop and Jane holds it there for two. Jane grabs an abdominal stretch and Tiki fights free and hits a shoulder tackle. Tiki covers for two. Tiki tries for a clothesline and Jane instead hits a belly to back suplex for two. Tiki is put on top and she leaps over Jane and hits a sunset flip for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tiki Chamorro

In the back, the Mother Truckers and Holly Swag wants to beat up everyone. Big Rig Betty tells her to calm down and they need to talk to David. 

Exodus and Genesis are warming up and Ice Cold says she is looking forward to watching them beat up 

In their match. Exodus and Genesis say she has been giving them the Cold Shoulder, which Ice Cold thinks is a pun, but they say they are serious. Ice Cold says she’s good and they head to the ring.

Exodus and Genesis w/Ice Cold vs Americana and Jesse Jones

Exodus and Americana start off by locking up and they trade wrist locks. Exodus shoves them into the corner for the break and Americana grabs a side headlock takeover. They work their way to their feet and Americana drops Exodus again. Exodus rolls Americana onto her back for two. Exodus turns it into a head scissors and Americana has to twist out of it. 

Genesis is able to tag in and she gets a head scissor on Americana. It turns into a jack knife pin and then to their feet where they fight for a back slide. Americana wins the fight for two. Jones is tagged in and she hits a series of forearms and elbows in the corner. Jones hits a hip attack and covers for two. Exodus is tagged in and Jones grabs a wrist lock and Americana hits an axe handles on Exodus’s arm. 

Exodus is able to whip Americana into their corner and tags in Genesis. Genesis gets a two count. Exodus gets a DDT for two after some double-teaming. Americana gets a tag to Jones as Exodus also tags in Genesis. Jones gets an arm drag and then a hammer lock into the turnbuckle followed by an arm drag. Jones gets a series of short arm shoulder blocks. Jones goes for a schoolboy rollup with her feet on the ropes, but Americana comes in to push Jones’s feet off the ropes. 

Americana and Jones argue with the ref between them and Exodus and Genesis grab Jones. Genesis goes to kick Jones, but Jones ducks so she kicks Exodus instead. Jones whips Genesis into the corner and as they fight there, Ice Cold trips Jones. Genesis is able to get the pin with feet on the ropes for the win.

Winners: Exodus and Genesis w/Ice Cold

We see an argument between Lana Starr and Sophia Lopez because adding Princess Aussie was not part of their deal. 

We then get a video package about Princess Aussie.

Main Event Triple Threat Match: Penelope Pink (WOW Champion) w/Lana Starr vs. Tormenta w/Sophia Lopez vs. Princess Aussie w/No one

Tormenta is played to the ring by a mariachi band. 

Pink rolls out of the ring. Aussie and Tormenta join her and she rolls back in the ring. Aussie is put up and over by Pink, and Tormenta knocks her to the floor. Pink and Tormenta brawl in the ring and Tormenta is sent over the top to the apron. Tormenta goes for a kick on Aussie, who grabs her foot and pulls her down the floor. Tormenta tosses Aussie into the ring and Pink hits a dropkick on Aussie and lays in strikes. 

Aussie gets a head scissors takedown and follows with a back suplex for a pin with Tormenta breaking it up. Tormenta hits a face wash on Pink and then Aussie drags her to the middle of the ring for two, broken up by Tormenta. Tormenta goes after Aussie in the corner, and whips her into the corner where Pink is waiting with a head scissors from the top, slamming her down.

Pink leaps off the top for a DDT onto Tormenta for two. Pink covers again for two. As Pink and Tormenta get to their feet, Aussie climbs to the top. They throw hands and Aussie hits a missile dropkick onto the both of them. Aussie covers Pink for two. Aussie covers Tormenta for two. Pink reverses a whip to the corner by Aussie and then runs across the ring to elbow Tormenta in the corner. Aussie charges over to that corner as well and Pink lifts Aussie with a Fireman’s carry. Tormenta then comes from behind and hits a German suplex on both.

Tormenta covers pink for two. Tormenta covers Aussie for two. As Pink and Tormenta throw hands, they both knock each other down. Aussie comes in and hits a cutter on Pink for a two count, broken up by Tormenta. Pink and Tormenta go to the floor to throw hands. Pink tries for a hurricanrana off the apron, and Tormenta catches her and slams her into the barricade. 

Tormenta then hits a shoulder thrust into Aussie in the corner. Tormenta then puts Aussie on her shoulder and Aussie starts firing blows into Tormenta’s head. Aussie is able to drop down and get a sunset flip for the pin and the win.

Winner and NEW WOW Women’s Champion: Princess Aussie

Lana Starr’s Fabulous Four have now lost all of their titles.

Lana Starr grabs the belt and she tells Pink to leave with her and they run out of the arena. Aussie is presented as the new Champion. 


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