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By Mike Johnson on 2023-09-17 10:26:00 is saddened to report that legendary Canadian professional wrestler and promoter Emile Duprée, the father of former WWE star Renee Duprée, passed away this weekend.  He was 86 years old.

Duprée, real name Emile Goguen, broke into the business after befriending Canadian stars Vic Butler and Reggie Richard in the mid-1950s.   He worked all over the world, inlcuding Australia, The United States and New Zealand.

In the late 1970s, he founded Grand Prix Wrestling, which ran across the Maritimes area in Canada and was a successful territory until the Vince McMahon WWF push across the United States and Canada in the mid-1980s.

Ron Hutchinson, a legendary wrestler and trainer, wrote on Facebook:

"I spent six summers touring for Emile Dupre, working 7 nights a week for months on end working with some of the best names in the business. It was a learning experience like no other and one I've, publicly, been thankful to Emile for since the very beginning.

I'm sure, I'll post more as I take the time to reflect on this Canadian wrestling icon and just how much he meant to me since first chatting with him and writing to him when I was 19 years old.

But let me leave you with this for now. Emile Dupre was an, often overlooked, Canadian pro-wrestling icon. He gave work and opportunities to so many of us with his Grand Prix Wrestling territory. A grand territory that just might have been the best kept secret in pro wrestling. He was whole heartedly supported by a wonderful wife, Paula and an equally as loving family. My thoughts, prayers, well wishes and condolences go out this morning to all of Emile's family and especially Paula, Rene, Jeff and Ron Gougen. May you all find comfort in the cherished memories that you hold so dear. I know that i will try to find that comfort today through those memories." sends our deepest condolences to the Dupree family, as well as Emile's friends and fans.

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