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By Billy Krotchsen on 2023-08-13 00:05:00

After AEW Collision went off the air, FTR and CM Punk each addressed the crowd here in Greensboro, with Dax Harwood and Punk each admitting they got "rocked" during the six man tag, Punk commenting publicly on Hangman Page after a fan had a sign praising him and Cash Wheeler paying tribute to his uncle who passed away earlier this year.  Transcript:

Dax Harwood: Alright. I got my s--t rocked. I can admit it, but damn it, we are in North Carolina. Huh? Y'all, y'all thought I was gonna take the 1, 2, 3 and not say something? No, no, no. That ain't how it goes here.  Tomorrow. And I literally just realized this. Tomorrow is August the 13th, right? If you go back in 2004, August the 13th was Friday. Friday the 13th. And that's when I started my journey as a professional wrestler. 19, 19 years ago. It was a journey that started way before that, a 39 year old journey because I came out of a womb and I wanted to be a professional wrestler because I love this. What I'm gonna say to you is gonna be cheesy, but it's not on the TV,  so I can still look like a badass if 5'10" baldheaded southern-ass accent, nobody in sight. Not one ab in sight. If I can make it to the top of the wrestling world with it, damn it, y'all can do whatever you want to do, man, woman, and child. You can do whatever you want to do. And believe me as being a 10 time World tag team champion. I'm proof. Now I want to turn it over to two men that I am lucky and blessed and fortunate in all the other things to be in this business with my best friends Cash Wheeler and CM Punk.

CM Punk: Hello, North Carolina.  What is this? Huh? What is this? Look at this. "Carolina is Hangman Country."  Earlier today, I went to a local supermarket and I figured out why they call him Hangman is because the pegs in the Toy aisle are full of Hangman action figures. 'cause nobody wants to buy 'em. He's a peg warmer, unlike me who moves merchandise and pops ratings and sells toys.  We got everybody in AEW saying, 'I'm the heart, I am the soul. I am the spirit.'  Well, that's objective. What is a fact is the people who say that certainly aren't the chin of AEW because the lights go out faster than what?   GTS, go to sleep. I don't know what I'm trying to do. I got rocked, too. I told the House, House of Black no chops, and they chopped me, so I'm very mad.

Dax: So I think, I think this is what we call a heel turn. I'm not sure.  Maybe I should...

Punk: [to fan in crowd]Sir. Sir, what are you so mad about? What are you so mad about?

Cash Wheeler: He's a ginger man. Give him a break. Hey, hey, gingers need love too, buddy. Don't you give up yet? All right,

Dax: Dude, you're a cute ginger. Okay? You're cute.  What's your number? I'm just kidding.

Punk: I just want to legitimately say from the bottom of my heart, I love each and every single one of you. We have sold more tickets tonight than we did the last time we were here. So I seriously appreciate you, in all sincerely. The ones that make the signs that say, CM Skunk. That's good. The protect Trans Kids sign.  The Twist his d--k sign.

Wheeler: Don't twist my gimmick. All right, so who here has heard of McDowell County? Anybody?  So, I grew up about two hours down the road in Old Fort North Carolina, population 800. I shouldn't be here. There's more people in this building than there is in my hometown by multiples. This right here was literally my dream to come out here, North Carolina, in front of fans like this, in front of people like me and do what I love. So you guys can cheer, you guys can boo. You guys can twist all the d--ks you want. I don't care. This is your money. This is our life. I'm not twisting it, dude. But seriously, thank you guys. I'll take it a little sad for a minute. My uncle was one of my biggest fans and he lived here in Greensboro and he came to every show that we did in this area, and he passed away earlier this year.  So I want to dedicate this one to him tonight. So this one is for Darrell Adams.  This one is for all of you. This one's for us because this is fun for us. I I am so lucky to get to come out here and say, this is my job. That's, that's, that's insane to me. So thank you Greensboro. Thank you. North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee. I don't care. Stick around though. We got some Ring of Honor action coming out. And these, these men and women are gonna give you everything they got. You bet you guys paid for your, you paid for these tickets. Stay here, enjoy 'em. Let's party a little bit longer  no offense, but Greensboro's FTR country.

Dax: Top Guys Out.

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