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By Richard Trionfo on 2023-07-06 14:35:00

Your announcers are Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker.

MicroMan and Mister Saint Laurent make their way to the ring.

MSL says it is great to be back in South Philadelphia, where MicroMan was put on the map. MSL says tonight is MicroMan Day in Philadelphia. He wants everyone to sing MicroMan’s song.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. makes his way to the ring.

MSL asks Davey if he is here to show respect to MicroMan.

He shakes MicroMan’s hand and then kicks him to the mat. Davey picks up MicroMan and gives him a power slam.

Smith turns his attention to MSL and he grabs him, but it is a ruse and they hug.

MSL tells Davey to take care of this insult to the sport. Smith presses MicroMan over his head and slams him onto the Mane Event and Willie Mack on the floor.

Willie carries MicroMan to the back.

Match Number One: Lince Dorado versus Akira for the MLW Middleweight Championship

Akira attacks Lince before the bell rings. Akira with punches and forearms. Akira with a full nelson and a waist lock. Akira runs into a boot and Lince with punches and a springboard arm drag. Dorado with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and an enzuigiri. Akira grabs Lince by the mask and Dorado with a punch and baseball slide that sends Akira to the floor. Lince with a plancha and punches. They return to the ring and Lince goes up top and hits a twisting cross body for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are bac and Akira with an Irsihw hip and Lince with an elbow. Lince goes up top and Akira crotches Lince. Akira goes for the mask and puts Lince in the tree of woe. Akira with kicks to Lince and a hesitation drop kick in the corner. Akira fishhooks Lince and connects with forearms to the head. Akira with a rear chin lock. Lince with punches and Akira with a knee to the midsection. Akira with a boot to the head. Akira works on the hand and he chops Lince. Lince chops back and then Lince with punches and more chops. Akira with a chop to Lince and he goes for a full nelson but Lince leans back to get a near fall.

Akira chokes Lince in the corner and then connects with back heel kicks. Lince with uppercuts and he blocks a back breaker. Akira with a back breaker and he applies a waist lock and goes for a German suplex but Lince lands on his feet and he hits a blockbuster. Lince goes to the turnbuckles and hits a series of moonsaults off the bottom and middle rope but misses off the top rope when Akira gets his boots up. Akira with a spinning heel kick. Akira with a German suplex for a near fall. Akira with a Yakuza Kick and a second one. Lince blocks a third one and Lince with chops. Lince with a springboard cutter and a brainbuster. Lince goes for another handspring cutter but Akira pulls off Lince’s mask.

Lince covers his face and Akira with a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Lince counters a pile driver with a rana for a near fall. Akira with a forearm to the back of the head followed by Death Sentence for the three count.

Winner: Akira (retains championship)

We go to the press conference with Alex Kane and Alex Hammerstone for their match at Never Say Never.

We go to the podium but no one is there.

It is time to go to Part Two of who is funding the BOMAYE Fight Club.

After discussing three people who are not involved, we move on to four other options for the funding source.

The first option is Conrad Thompson. The second option is Jim Cornette. The third option is Queen Latifah. The fourth option is Dixie Carter.

Unfortunately, none of these are funding BOMAYE Fight Club.

We will hear from Kane’s business partner at Never Say Never.

We go to the SGC as they prepare for their tag title match later tonight.

Mance, Matthew, and Manders are in the gym. Mance says they need to put them through a table to hit the pay window and then they get gold.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that Taya Valkyrie has been suspended and fined for her attack on Delmi Exo.

We go back to the press conference and Hammerstone has still yet to arrive.

Match Number Two: Mandy Leon versus Billie Starkz

Mandy throws her ring jacket at Billie and clotheslines her as the bell rings. Mandy with a German suplex and a running double knee strike in the corner. Mandy kicks Billie in the corner. They go to the apron and Billie with a forearm and Mandy fires back. They continue the exchange until Billie takes control. Mandy blocks a punch and hits an Unprettier on the apron. Billie blocks a suplex on the floor and hits a suplex of her own.

They get back into the ring and Mandy runs into a back elbow. Billie with a springboard kick and a face buster. Billie with a back breaker for a near fall. Billie goes to the turnbuckles and one of the masked men grabs Billie’s leg. The referee has some words for the masked man and another member of The Calling pushes Billie off the turnbuckles. Mandy with a DDT for the three count.

Winner: Mandy Leon

We go to Alex Hammerstone and he talks about the title match on Saturday and he says he has been a champion for four years and had sixteen World Title defenses. You disrespected me by calling me a placeholder champion. Their first gold in the company was the Openweight Championship but Hammerstone says he held the title for more than six months. Then they won the Battle Riot but he did not need a group of people to help him win. You are challenging for the title but you will not be successful like I was. You want to call me a placeholder, I will show you on Saturday that this is my spot.

We go to the Never Say Never Control Center.

Ava Everett says she is a history maker. She is the first ever American WXW Women’s Champion and the first to do it twice. She defended the title in the US and it is now a world championship. Ava says Delmi was in her first match. Ava says she wants what Delmi has. She says she wants Delmi’s title but she is going to put her title on the line too.

We go to commercial.

Alex Kane says this is what a superstar looks like. This is Major League Wrestling, not Major League Bodybuilding. You are not the truth. Kane says he is the Truth. Alex with many BOMAYEs.

Match Number Three: Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i versus 1 Called Manders and Mance Warner in a Hardcore Match for the MLW Tag Team Championship

All four men grab chairs before the match starts and they throw them at each other with Mance throwing the first chair. They pair up and they all go to the floor. Lance punches Manders while Mance punches Juicy but he tries for a head butt and that hurts Mance more than Juicy. Juicy with another head butt while Lance hits Manders with a chair. Mance punches at air while Manders hits Lance with a chair. Mance with jabs and a thumb to the eyes. Mance gets a chair while Manders with Kobashi chops. Mance hits Juicy in the back with a chair.

Lance head butts Manders and Mance throws chairs into the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mance gets a table from under the ring. Lance with a super kick to Manders and Juicy throws a chair at Manders. Mance throws a chair and a beer at Juicy. Lance hits Mance in the midsection with a chair. Juicy hits Mance with a beer and Mance falls to the mat. Manders throws a chair and Juicy and it bounces off Juicy and goes into the crowd. Lance with a super kick to Manders and Manders staggers around the table. Lance gets a large ladder and brings it into the ring to join the other ladders. Lance adjusts the table and he sets up the large ladder. Juicy puts Manders on the table for Lance as Lance climbs the ladder. Mance hits Juicy with the chair and Mance throws the chair at Lance and hits him to stop him. Mance knocks Lance off the large ladder onto a ladder in the corner. Manders punches Juicy.

Mance goes for a DDT off the ladder but Juicy catches Mance and hits a power slam. Mander throws a chair at Juicy and then hits him with the chair. Manders throws the chair at Juicy and he catches the ladder and throws it at Manders. Juicy sets up the table and he slams Manders’ head onto it. Juicy goes to the turnbuckles and Mance hits Juicy with a chair. Mance climbs on Juicy’s back and Juicy hits a frog splash with Mance on his back onto Manders through the table for the three count.

Winners: Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i (retain championship)

After the match, the lights go out and The Calling make their way to the ring and they attack Manders, Mance, and Lance. Then they go after Juicy as the attack continues.

Mance and Juicy start to fight back and then they clear the ring. Juicy throws a ladder at Page.

The Calling retreat as we go to credits.

Your announcers are Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker.

MicroMan and Mister Saint Laurent make their way to the ring.

MSL says it is great to be back in South Philadelphia, where MicroMan was put on the map. MSL says tonight is MicroMan Day in Philadelphia. He wants everyone to sing MicroMan’s song.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. makes his way to the ring.

MSL asks Davey if he is here to show respect to MicroMan.

He shakes MicroMan’s hand and then kicks him to the mat. Davey picks up MicroMan and gives him a power slam.

Smith turns his attention to MSL and he grabs him, but it is a ruse and they hug.

MSL tells Davey to take care of this insult to the sport. Smith presses MicroMan over his head and slams him onto the Mane Event and Willie Mack on the floor.

Willie carries MicroMan to the back.

Match Number One: Lince Dorado versus Akira for the MLW Middleweight Championship

Akira attacks Lince before the bell rings. Akira with punches and forearms. Akira with a full nelson and a waist lock. Akira runs into a boot and Lince with punches and a springboard arm drag. Dorado with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and an enzuigiri. Akira grabs Lince by the mask and Dorado with a punch and baseball slide that sends Akira to the floor. Lince with a plancha and punches. They return to the ring and Lince goes up top and hits a twisting cross body for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are bac and Akira with an Irsihw hip and Lince with an elbow. Lince goes up top and Akira crotches Lince. Akira goes for the mask and puts Lince in the tree of woe. Akira with kicks to Lince and a hesitation drop kick in the corner. Akira fishhooks Lince and connects with forearms to the head. Akira with a rear chin lock. Lince with punches and Akira with a knee to the midsection. Akira with a boot to the head. Akira works on the hand and he chops Lince. Lince chops back and then Lince with punches and more chops. Akira with a chop to Lince and he goes for a full nelson but Lince leans back to get a near fall.

Akira chokes Lince in the corner and then connects with back heel kicks. Lince with uppercuts and he blocks a back breaker. Akira with a back breaker and he applies a waist lock and goes for a German suplex but Lince lands on his feet and he hits a blockbuster. Lince goes to the turnbuckles and hits a series of moonsaults off the bottom and middle rope but misses off the top rope when Akira gets his boots up. Akira with a spinning heel kick. Akira with a German suplex for a near fall. Akira with a Yakuza Kick and a second one. Lince blocks a third one and Lince with chops. Lince with a springboard cutter and a brainbuster. Lince goes for another handspring cutter but Akira pulls off Lince’s mask.

Lince covers his face and Akira with a Shining Wizard for a near fall. Lince counters a pile driver with a rana for a near fall. Akira with a forearm to the back of the head followed by Death Sentence for the three count.

Winner: Akira (retains championship)

We go to the press conference with Alex Kane and Alex Hammerstone for their match at Never Say Never.

We go to the podium but no one is there.

It is time to go to Part Two of who is funding the BOMAYE Fight Club.

After discussing three people who are not involved, we move on to four other options for the funding source.

The first option is Conrad Thompson. The second option is Jim Cornette. The third option is Queen Latifah. The fourth option is Dixie Carter.

Unfortunately, none of these are funding BOMAYE Fight Club.

We will hear from Kane’s business partner at Never Say Never.

We go to the SGC as they prepare for their tag title match later tonight.

Mance, Matthew, and Manders are in the gym. Mance says they need to put them through a table to hit the pay window and then they get gold.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that Taya Valkyrie has been suspended and fined for her attack on Delmi Exo.

We go back to the press conference and Hammerstone has still yet to arrive.

Match Number Two: Mandy Leon versus Billie Starkz

Mandy throws her ring jacket at Billie and clotheslines her as the bell rings. Mandy with a German suplex and a running double knee strike in the corner. Mandy kicks Billie in the corner. They go to the apron and Billie with a forearm and Mandy fires back. They continue the exchange until Billie takes control. Mandy blocks a punch and hits an Unprettier on the apron. Billie blocks a suplex on the floor and hits a suplex of her own.

They get back into the ring and Mandy runs into a back elbow. Billie with a springboard kick and a face buster. Billie with a back breaker for a near fall. Billie goes to the turnbuckles and one of the masked men grabs Billie’s leg. The referee has some words for the masked man and another member of The Calling pushes Billie off the turnbuckles. Mandy with a DDT for the three count.

Winner: Mandy Leon

We go to Alex Hammerstone and he talks about the title match on Saturday and he says he has been a champion for four years and had sixteen World Title defenses. You disrespected me by calling me a placeholder champion. Their first gold in the company was the Openweight Championship but Hammerstone says he held the title for more than six months. Then they won the Battle Riot but he did not need a group of people to help him win. You are challenging for the title but you will not be successful like I was. You want to call me a placeholder, I will show you on Saturday that this is my spot.

We go to the Never Say Never Control Center.

Ava Everett says she is a history maker. She is the first ever American WXW Women’s Champion and the first to do it twice. She defended the title in the US and it is now a world championship. Ava says Delmi was in her first match. Ava says she wants what Delmi has. She says she wants Delmi’s title but she is going to put her title on the line too.

We go to commercial.

Alex Kane says this is what a superstar looks like. This is Major League Wrestling, not Major League Bodybuilding. You are not the truth. Kane says he is the Truth. Alex with many BOMAYEs.

Match Number Three: Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i versus 1 Called Manders and Mance Warner in a Hardcore Match for the MLW Tag Team Championship

All four men grab chairs before the match starts and they throw them at each other with Mance throwing the first chair. They pair up and they all go to the floor. Lance punches Manders while Mance punches Juicy but he tries for a head butt and that hurts Mance more than Juicy. Juicy with another head butt while Lance hits Manders with a chair. Mance punches at air while Manders hits Lance with a chair. Mance with jabs and a thumb to the eyes. Mance gets a chair while Manders with Kobashi chops. Mance hits Juicy in the back with a chair.

Lance head butts Manders and Mance throws chairs into the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mance gets a table from under the ring. Lance with a super kick to Manders and Juicy throws a chair at Manders. Mance throws a chair and a beer at Juicy. Lance hits Mance in the midsection with a chair. Juicy hits Mance with a beer and Mance falls to the mat. Manders throws a chair and Juicy and it bounces off Juicy and goes into the crowd. Lance with a super kick to Manders and Manders staggers around the table. Lance gets a large ladder and brings it into the ring to join the other ladders. Lance adjusts the table and he sets up the large ladder. Juicy puts Manders on the table for Lance as Lance climbs the ladder. Mance hits Juicy with the chair and Mance throws the chair at Lance and hits him to stop him. Mance knocks Lance off the large ladder onto a ladder in the corner. Manders punches Juicy.

Mance goes for a DDT off the ladder but Juicy catches Mance and hits a power slam. Mander throws a chair at Juicy and then hits him with the chair. Manders throws the chair at Juicy and he catches the ladder and throws it at Manders. Juicy sets up the table and he slams Manders’ head onto it. Juicy goes to the turnbuckles and Mance hits Juicy with a chair. Mance climbs on Juicy’s back and Juicy hits a frog splash with Mance on his back onto Manders through the table for the three count.

Winners: Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i (retain championship)

After the match, the lights go out and The Calling make their way to the ring and they attack Manders, Mance, and Lance. Then they go after Juicy as the attack continues.

Mance and Juicy start to fight back and then they clear the ring. Juicy throws a ladder at Page.

The Calling retreat as we go to credits.

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