WOW Episode 38: No More Running
Our commentary team is David McLane, Steven Dickey and AJ Mendez
Robbie Rocket vs The Debuting Sandy Shore
Sandy Shore wrestles under the name Madi Maxx, and has been on AEW Dark, NWA Power, and Queen of Combat. If you can’t guess her gimmick on this show from her name, I don’t think I can’t help you.
They lock up and trade side headlocks, and Sandy gets the take over. They work to their feet and get into the ropes where they break clean. Robbie whips Sandy to the ropers, and Sandy comes off with a crucifix into a sunset flip for two. Sandy goes for a head scissors takedown, but it turns into a regular take down. Sandy gets a bicycle kick for two, and Robbie has to rake the eyes to get out.
Robbie gets a hip attack in the corner and then backs into Sandy with a back elbow. She hits a delayed vertical suplex for two. Robbie tries to pick up Sandy again, but Sandy blocks it and retaliates with a small package for the pin and the win.
Winner: Sandy Shore
We get a recap of the feud between the Tonga Twins and Miami Sweet Heat.
We then get a video profile of GI Jane that lasts about 30 seconds.
GI Jane vs Chantilly Chella
Chella starts by dancing and Jane yells at her and knocks her to the mat. Jane whips Chella into the corner but Chella goes up and over and grabs Jane with a pair of arm drags. Chella gets a drop kick and covers for two. Chella tries for a cross body, but Jane catches her and slams her for two.
Jane slams Chella’s head into the top turnbuckle and then slams Chella again. Jane stretches Chella via arm and head. Chella tries to fight out of Jane’s grasp but Jane knocks her down then grabs a side headlock. Jane then slams Chella to the mat. Chella is picked up and tries to fight back with a knee and chops on Jane, but Jane dodges and chops Chella in the corner.
Jane clotheslines Chella and then structs in the ring. She whips Chella to the corner, and Chella pops out of the corner with a series of kicks, but Jane nails Chella with a kick to the chest for the pin and the win.
Winner: GI Jane
Jane has broken away from the Samantha Smart group, so this was an establishment match for her going solo.
Chainsaw vs. Stephy Slays
Slays gets a headlock on Chainsaw and Chainsaw tries to slam her, but Slays turns it into a takedown and keeps the headlock on. Slays runs up the ropes to get another takedown, and the crowd is cheering for Chainsaw (which is REALLY odd, since Chainsaw is a heel and Slays is one of WOW's longest running babyfaces). Slays gets another headlock, and this time Chainsaw is able to get the slam. Chainsaw grabs Slays’ in the start of a DDT but instead just slams her.
Slays shoves Chainsaw into the corner, but Chainsaw whips Slays into the corner. Chainsaw slams Slays’ face into the corner. Chainsaw gets a rear chinlock. Chainsaw bites Slays’ fingers. Slays works her way to her feet, escapes and then gets a flying forearm that Chainsaw ignores. Slays gets another flying forearm that knocks Chainsaw down. Slays goes for a monkey flip, but Chainsaw stops her and puts Slays on the top so she can then throw her off to the mat.,
Chainsaw hits a choke into a slam twice and then Chainsaw hits a splash for the pin and the win.
Winner: Chainsaw
Before the Main Event, we get a recap of the feud between the two teams.
Miami Sweet Heat (Lindsey and Laurie Carlson) (Tag Team Champions) vs The Tonga Twins (Kaoz and Kona)
Miami Sweet Heat attack from behind before the bell, and the Tonga Twins are knocked out of the ring. The Tonga Twins re-enter the ring and everyone starts throwing hands as the bell rings. Kaoz stomps down Lindsey in the corner, and tags in Kona, who gets a two count. Kaoz tags in and the Twins hit a flapjack on Lindsey for a two count. Kona and Kaoz keep up with quick tags to work over Lindsey.
Lindsey is finally able to pull down the top rope as Kaoz and then Kona charge at her. Sweet Heat hit a pair of flipping sentons into the Tonga Twins. Kaz is rolled into the ring and Sweet Heat work her over in the corner. Laurie is tagged in and hits a slingshot into the corner. Sweet Heat then starts the quick tags to work over Kaoz.
Kaoz finally gets the hot tag after hitting a speaker. Kona cleans house and hits a belly to belly on Larie for two, and Lindsey breaks it up with a dive. Kona lifts Laurie into a fireman’s carry, and Lana Starr gets on the apron to distract the ref so that Vickie Lynn McCoyu can get in the ring. McCoy spears Koaz and the ref calls for the DQ.
Winners via DQ: The Tonga Twins, but still Tag Team Champions Miami Sweet Heat
McCoy slams Kona and Miami Sweet Heat grab the titles and head to the back.
The Tonga Twins grab a mic and lead the crowd in cheering their name. They say it's not over yet and they will fight to the end.
David McLean says something has to be done about Vickie Lynn McCoy’s interference.
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