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By Eric Denton on 2023-06-07 12:19:00

UWN Championship Wrestling at the Irvine Improv - Irvince, CA - 6/6/23 

The Road to Golden Opportunity: 

*Bryn Thorne taps out Mylo in 4:40 with a Rings of Saturn.

24K (Miggy Rose & Michael Hopkins) with Guy Cool defeat (The Institution) Brendan Devine & Honest Jon in 5:40 with a roll up

Danny Limelight & The Bodega call out TMZ. Limelight is going to face Bad Dude Tito at Golden Opportunity.

Ju Dizz defeats El Primohenio (with Halston Boddy) in 7:30 with a Pump-Handle Knee

Bateman defeats Bryce Saturn in 9:18.  Saturn goes off the top ropes and eats some knees to the sternum and gets hit with an elbow.

Zeda Zhang defeats Johnnie Robbie in 10:30 with a fisherman buster. 

Jordan Cruz defeats Rob McKnight. Cruz moves onto Golden Opportunity.

Golden Opportunity Tournament in Irvine on 7/3. Zicky Dice is a wild card entrant! 

United Heritage Championship: BHK Kevin Martsenson (c) defeats Jacob Austin Young with a brain buster at 9:30

Big Hoss defeats Guido Rocco. 

Evan Daniels defeats G Sharpe

TMZ (Bad Dude Tito, Shane Haste & Che Cabrera) defeat The Bodega (Danny Limelight, Papo Esco & Slice Boogie). Tito pins Limelight with a brain buster.

Jordan Clearwater defeats Guy Cool with a GTS. Advances into Golden Opportunity.

Britnee Brooks wins by DQ against Savanna Stone who didn’t break the 5 count.

Dylan Boston defeats Mike O’Shea with a low blow and roll up.

United Television Championship: Jack Bamning (c) retains against Kevin Blackwood via submission. 

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