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By Mike Johnson on 2023-05-26 13:00:00

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of WWE's Night of Champions Press Conference in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

They opened with a video package on the event narrated by Paul Levesque.

They went live to Jeddah.  Michael Cole introduced everyone.  Byron Saxton was with him on stage.  Saxton put over the people of Jeddah and got a huge pop.  

They introduced Paul Levesque.  The crowd sang his theme song and he praised the fans for their singing voice.  He said they are happy to be back in Saudi Arabia for their ninth event since their partnership began.  He thanked the fans for their energy and asked them to keep it up.  They chanted for "Triple H" to the point he had to pause.  He said the momentum and interest in Saudi continues to grow and they are excited for that. 

Night of Champions was the fastest event in WWE history in Saudi Arabia.  He thanked the King and Royal Prince.     The crowd chanted for the Prince.  

HHH said the last time they were in Riyadh, Logan Paul filmed himself coming off the top on Roman Reigns, a video that saw 53 million views.  He said that tomorrow in Jeddah, they have three main events that will bring that same energy.  He asked Jeddah if they were ready.  The fans there were really having a ball.

The announcers stated it was "confirmed' that Cody Rhodes has a broken arm.

They played a video package on Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar.

Triple H introduced Rhodes.  Jeddah sang his theme song and kept going after they cut the music.  Cody was sporting his left arm in a sling, as we reported he would be.  He asked Jeddah what they wanted to talk about - his opponent tomorrow?  They booed.  A fan yelled they loved Cody.  He said he loved them too and thanked them.  The fans chanted "We love you."

Cody said that Brock is a future Hall of Famer and the most decorated combat sports athlete in the world but Rhodes beat him in nine minutes at Backlash.  He said that he respected Brock but Brock didn't do the same.  He said Lesnar summoned him here for a fight and they are going to fight.

Michael Cole asked HHH how he can justify Cody going into the ring with a broken arm against Brock.  HHH said it's not the smartest or the best decision in the world, but they want to fight.  The fans wanted to see them fight so tomorrow, they are going to fight.

They showed a CGI Kaiju Falcon land atop the Jeddah Superdome.  I guess Rodan was booked?

They brought out Trish Stratus.  The crowd chanted "Thank you Trish."  She said she likes an audience that gets it.  She was happy to be here for the first time and said the crowd was happy to finally see the GOAT.  She said she was here to beat Becky Lynch.  The crowd booed Becky's name.  Trish said she is the best of every era and when she beats Becky, everyone will be saying...

Becky's music hit and out she came.  The crowd that just booed Becky sang her song.  She said the Man has come to Jeddah.  The crowd now chanted for her.  She said she's here to whoop Trish all the way back to 2006, where she should have stayed retired.  Trish said that she was happy to be here but she said the same thing to Becky and her family and her kid.  She would play with Becky's baby after shows and be Auntie Trish but then she attacked her.  The fans sang Seth Rollins' song.  Becky said he wasn't happy either.  She and her husband Seth Rollins understand this business, but her baby doesn't.  She's going to slap the Attitude out of the Queen of the Attitude Era tomorrow.

They plugged tonight's Friday Night Smackdown.

They aired a video package on Seth Rollins.

They brought out AJ Styles.  He thanked the fans and said he would be crowned the new World Heavyweight Champion.  Cole asked him about his comments recently about Seth Rollins making movies instead of training for the match.  He said Rollins was only on that movie set (Captain America: New World Order) for two weeks.  Styles asked where Seth is right now.  Cole said he was actually landing in Saudi Arabia right now.  Styles said when he wins the title, the future will be phenomenal.

They aired a video piece on Mustafa Ali visiting the city of Mecca.

Imperium introduced WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER.  GUNTHER says he comes here as Champion.  He accepts Ali is the rightful challenger but he will suffer the biggest loss of his career.  Cole asked him what being the longest reigning WWE IC Champion this decade means to him.  The fans chanted "You deserve it."  He said that what he deserves isn't the fans' business.  He said he is the greatest IC Champion of all time.

Out came Mustafa Ali.  He says he has the opportunity to become champion and prove that he belongs.  He's going to look out from the ring and see people who look just like him and have named just like his - and he's going to prove to them  what your name is, where you are from - all that matters is what is in your heart.

They showed Bianca Belair being interviewed earlier today.  She's happy to be here because the fans are so passionate.  She hopes to inpsire everyone to know they can be their own EST- the strongest, the fastest, the greatest, anything they want to be.

They aired a video package on the Tag Team Championship match.

Paul Heyman came out and did his grand introduction.  The crowd loved it.  Out came out Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa.

Sami Zayn's music hit and the fans all sang his song as Sami and Kevin Owens came out.  The crowd chanted "Welcome home" to Sami.  They then sang the old El Geneico Ole Ole song.  They then chanted, "We love you."  You could tell it really meant the world to Zayn.  Solo stepped to them.  Owens stepped forth. Roman called off Solo and they left the stage.

Cole asked him how important was it for Sami to win tomorrow in Saudi Arabia.  Sami spoke to the crowd in Arabic.  Sami said Roman took something from him in front of his people in Montreal and there's no way he's going to allow Roman to do it again in front of his people.

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