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By Richard Trionfo on 2023-05-25 22:31:00

Your announcers are Christian Cole and Joe Dombrowski.

We begin with a look back at Battle Riot and Alex Kane’s victory.

We take a look at Sam Adonis, John Hennigan, and Taya Valkyrie from earlier today. Taya talks about how happy she is to be back in Mexico. She says this is where La Vera Loca was born.

Sam hands the waiter a Missing Person sign of Cesar Duran.

Match Number One: Juicy Finau versus Damian 666 versus Crazy Frank

Juicy and Frank start things off before Damian makes his way to the ring and Juicy with an uppercut as the referee starts the match.

Juicy with punches and he sends Damian into the turnbuckles. Juicy with a splash to Frank and then to Damian. Juicy with an Irish whip to Damian and a clothesline into the corner. Juicy runs into a kendo stick from Damian and Juicy with a head butt and he chops Damian to the floor. Frank with a forearm to Juicy and Juicy fires back. The continue the exchange and Frank staggers Juicy. Frank goes for a shoulder tackle and he is absorbed by Juicy. Juicy does the same and he cannot get Frank down. Juicy with a shoulder tackle to Frank. Damian throws a chair at Juicy.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Juicy punches Damian and takes a staple gun and staples Damian in the arm. Damian does the same to Juicy. Damian hits Juicy with a chair and then Frank hits Damian with a cookie sheet. Damian is Irish whipped into the ring post. Frank hits Juicy with the chair and Damian hits Frank and Juicy with the cookie sheet. Frank is sent into a chair held by Juicy. Juicy throws the chair at Damian and Damian hits Juicy with the cookie sheet. Frank kicks Juicy in the back and chest and runs a cheese grater against the face. Damian gets skewers and puts them into Frank’s head. Damian hits Frank with the cookie sheet.

Juicy puts Frank in a chair and he puts a TV against Frank and hits a running shoulder. Damian brings Juicy back into the ring as the referee adjusts the car hood between two chairs. Damian goes for a slam but Juicy escapes. Juicy with a head butt and he clotheslines Damian against the ropes. Juicy slams Damian on the car hood.

Ciclope and Miedo Extremo come to the ring as Frank hits Juicy with a chair. They hit Juicy with a chair. They reset the car hood on the chairs and Frank with shoulders to Juicy in the corner. Ciclope and Extremo hit a double superplex onto the car hood. They put a chair around Juicy’s head and then hit the chair with another one. Frank, Ciclope, and Extremo turn their focus to Damian but Damian avoids a series of splashes and then connect with forearms to Frank but he moves when Juicy tries for a splash and he hits Frank, Ciclope, and Extremo.

Damian hits everyone with the kendo stick and Juicy with a body block. Juicy sends Damian to the floor and they go to the stage. Juicy punches Damian and he sends Damian off the stage to the floor. Frank hits Juicy with a cookie sheet. Frank takes Juicy to the ring. Ciclope and Extremo carry panes of glass and they are brought into the ring. Frank sets up another TV against the guardrails and he Irish whips Juicy into it. Frank has something to say to Juicy. The panes of glass are set up on chairs in the ring. Frank holds Juicy and Ciclope and Extremo go for a double suplex but Juicy blocks it. Juicy with a double choke slam through the glass and he hits a Samoan drop on Frank. Juicy goes to the turnbuckles and hits a moonsault for the three count.

Winner: Juicy Finau

We take a look back at the history of the calling card attacks by The Calling. We move on to footage from War Chamber and Battle Riot. We take a look at their attack on Jacob Fatu.

We are told that Jacob Fatu is on the injured list for at least three weeks.

He will still have his Openweight championship match when he is cleared to wrestle.

We go to comments from Alex Hammerstone.

He is asked about his title match and Alex Kane’s press conference.

Alex says he is confident about his title match. He says he will take his opponent up in the Nightmare Pendulum and it will be over for Danny Limelight. He says Kane didn’t think it through. You are taking too much time and when you get in the ring with him, Kane will be too busy trying to run away. You have been climbing the mountain and the air gets thin as you get to the top. Hammerstone says he is ready for this and Kane is not.

Hammerstone is asked about Jacob Fatu and he says he hopes Fatu is doing well because he didn’t deserve to go through what he did. The Calling are going to get theirs.

We take a look at Delmi Exo and we go to comments from her.

Delmi tells Taya she keeps talking a lot and making noise. You are disrespecting the title. Your time has come because you have never messed with the God Queen.

We go to commercial.

We are back with 1 Called Manders and he says he has been carving his name on the wrestling scene. He says he is asked what makes a cowboy. He says it isn’t the buckeroo hat you wear or the rope you hold or the boots on your feet. It is knowing the word grit. He says he loves to fight, drink beer, and chew tobacco. He doesn’t care how big you are. It doesn’t matter how many he faces. He says he is coming to MLW. He is here to fight and he is here to add gold to his belt buckle collection.

We go to Sam Leterna with Willie Mack. She asks him what is next.

Willie says he has his sights set on gold and he is interesting in coming after the Openweight Title. He says he has some Cesar Duran merchandise. You won’t know when or where it is going to happen, but he is coming.

Mister Saint Laurent walks in the hallway at the hotel and he says he is getting ready to get on the flight.

Mance Warner, 1 Called Manders, and Matthew Justice stop him and ask him where is MicroMan.

MSL gets flabbergasted and he says he is not his secretary. He says he is the world’s greatest promoter and he tells them to stay away from his meal ticket.

MicroMan comes out of the bathroom and Mance gives him a beer.

We go to Alex Kane’s press conference.

He is asked where is Mr. Thomas and Kane says he is in Tijuana training for his next fight. Alex is asked when will he cash in his Golden Ticket and if he will do it at Super Series. Kane says he won’t cash in there. He says he will let the people decide since BOMAYE is for the people. When they want him versus Hammer, that is when you will get it. Alex is asked what is next for him. Alex says he always has a big title fight coming up and he will make up a name for it before he faces Hammerstone. Alex is asked about his contract status and he says it is money. He is asked if Court will have to put up more money for the Hammerstone match. Alex says they will make it right. Alex is asked who is in charge of the BOMAYE Fight Club and Alex says we will find out on pay per view. Alex is asked about the crowd chanting for BOMAYE. He says he feels it oozing out of his hands. It is the lifeblood of MLW. Alex says he will be World Champion and he throws out a number of BOMAYEs.

Match Number Two: Taya Valkyrie versus La Hiedra versus Sexy Star versus Dalys for the MLW Featherweight and AAA Reinas de Reinas Title

Everyone goes after Hiedra as the bell rings and she goes to the floor. Taya with forearms to Dalys and Star. Taya with a double clothesline. Taya is tripped by Hiedra and puled to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Star and Dalys are in the ring. Dalys with a waist lock and take down but Star gets a near fall. They push each other and go for a Greco Roman knuckle lock. Dalys with a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Star works on the leg and Dalys goes for a cross arm breaker. Dalys gets a near fall and kicks Star in the back. Star with a snap mare and kick to the bacck. Dalys with a kick and snap mare. Dalys stretches Star. Star with a leg sweep and cover. Dalys with a leg sweep and cover. Dalys with a chop. Dalys gets Star up for a Gory Special but Star escapes. Star with a sunset flip for a near fall.

Dalys with a kick and she gets Star up for the Gory Special but Hiedra kicks Dalys and Dalys places Star on the mat. Hiedra shakes Dalys’ head and Hiedra misses a splash and Dalys spanks Hiedra. Dalys with a drop kick and Irish whip followed by an elbow in the ccorner. Dalys puts Hiedra on the turnbuckles and chops her. Hiedra with a missile drop kick for a near fall.

Taya with chops to Hiedra. Taya with an arm drag to Hiedra and a spear for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Star avoids a kick from Taya. Star leaps over Taya in the corner and she connects with a back heel kic. Star with a codebreaker for a near fall. Taya with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Dalys with elbows to the back of the head and she hits a sit out gourdbuster. Hiedra with a drop kick to the hamstrings. Dalys with a knee to Hiedra followed by a suplex. Star with a back heel kick to Dalys and then Taya and Star with flying hair take downs on each other. Hiedra and Dalys exchange forearms. Hiedra and Dalys lock up and are down on the mat with both of their shoulders down so Taya and Star cover for near falls.

Taya and Star with Irish whips and splashes into the corner. Taya and Star with dueling running knees into the corner on Dalys and Hiedra. Star and Taya exchange forearms. They move on to chops. Star with a German suplex and she gets a near fall. Taya with a kick and a knee. Taya with a clothesline for a near fall. Taya sets for Road to Valhalla but Star escapes and hits a rolling forearm. Star gets Taya on her shoulders for a Cradle Shock and Star gets a near fall.

Star with a forearm and Taya chops Star. They go back and forth with forearms. Star with a knee to the midsection but Taya blocks a kick and connects with a knee and Road to Valhalla for the three count.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie (retains championship)

We see a video from The Calling and they talk about how they are coming after Jacob Fatu. Akira says that Fatu is a fake idol. He will be the first sacrifice to Raven.

We go to credits.

Your announcers are Christian Cole and Joe Dombrowski.

We begin with a look back at Battle Riot and Alex Kane’s victory.

We take a look at Sam Adonis, John Hennigan, and Taya Valkyrie from earlier today. Taya talks about how happy she is to be back in Mexico. She says this is where La Vera Loca was born.

Sam hands the waiter a Missing Person sign of Cesar Duran.

Match Number One: Juicy Finau versus Damian 666 versus Crazy Frank

Juicy and Frank start things off before Damian makes his way to the ring and Juicy with an uppercut as the referee starts the match.

Juicy with punches and he sends Damian into the turnbuckles. Juicy with a splash to Frank and then to Damian. Juicy with an Irish whip to Damian and a clothesline into the corner. Juicy runs into a kendo stick from Damian and Juicy with a head butt and he chops Damian to the floor. Frank with a forearm to Juicy and Juicy fires back. The continue the exchange and Frank staggers Juicy. Frank goes for a shoulder tackle and he is absorbed by Juicy. Juicy does the same and he cannot get Frank down. Juicy with a shoulder tackle to Frank. Damian throws a chair at Juicy.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Juicy punches Damian and takes a staple gun and staples Damian in the arm. Damian does the same to Juicy. Damian hits Juicy with a chair and then Frank hits Damian with a cookie sheet. Damian is Irish whipped into the ring post. Frank hits Juicy with the chair and Damian hits Frank and Juicy with the cookie sheet. Frank is sent into a chair held by Juicy. Juicy throws the chair at Damian and Damian hits Juicy with the cookie sheet. Frank kicks Juicy in the back and chest and runs a cheese grater against the face. Damian gets skewers and puts them into Frank’s head. Damian hits Frank with the cookie sheet.

Juicy puts Frank in a chair and he puts a TV against Frank and hits a running shoulder. Damian brings Juicy back into the ring as the referee adjusts the car hood between two chairs. Damian goes for a slam but Juicy escapes. Juicy with a head butt and he clotheslines Damian against the ropes. Juicy slams Damian on the car hood.

Ciclope and Miedo Extremo come to the ring as Frank hits Juicy with a chair. They hit Juicy with a chair. They reset the car hood on the chairs and Frank with shoulders to Juicy in the corner. Ciclope and Extremo hit a double superplex onto the car hood. They put a chair around Juicy’s head and then hit the chair with another one. Frank, Ciclope, and Extremo turn their focus to Damian but Damian avoids a series of splashes and then connect with forearms to Frank but he moves when Juicy tries for a splash and he hits Frank, Ciclope, and Extremo.

Damian hits everyone with the kendo stick and Juicy with a body block. Juicy sends Damian to the floor and they go to the stage. Juicy punches Damian and he sends Damian off the stage to the floor. Frank hits Juicy with a cookie sheet. Frank takes Juicy to the ring. Ciclope and Extremo carry panes of glass and they are brought into the ring. Frank sets up another TV against the guardrails and he Irish whips Juicy into it. Frank has something to say to Juicy. The panes of glass are set up on chairs in the ring. Frank holds Juicy and Ciclope and Extremo go for a double suplex but Juicy blocks it. Juicy with a double choke slam through the glass and he hits a Samoan drop on Frank. Juicy goes to the turnbuckles and hits a moonsault for the three count.

Winner: Juicy Finau

We take a look back at the history of the calling card attacks by The Calling. We move on to footage from War Chamber and Battle Riot. We take a look at their attack on Jacob Fatu.

We are told that Jacob Fatu is on the injured list for at least three weeks.

He will still have his Openweight championship match when he is cleared to wrestle.

We go to comments from Alex Hammerstone.

He is asked about his title match and Alex Kane’s press conference.

Alex says he is confident about his title match. He says he will take his opponent up in the Nightmare Pendulum and it will be over for Danny Limelight. He says Kane didn’t think it through. You are taking too much time and when you get in the ring with him, Kane will be too busy trying to run away. You have been climbing the mountain and the air gets thin as you get to the top. Hammerstone says he is ready for this and Kane is not.

Hammerstone is asked about Jacob Fatu and he says he hopes Fatu is doing well because he didn’t deserve to go through what he did. The Calling are going to get theirs.

We take a look at Delmi Exo and we go to comments from her.

Delmi tells Taya she keeps talking a lot and making noise. You are disrespecting the title. Your time has come because you have never messed with the God Queen.

We go to commercial.

We are back with 1 Called Manders and he says he has been carving his name on the wrestling scene. He says he is asked what makes a cowboy. He says it isn’t the buckeroo hat you wear or the rope you hold or the boots on your feet. It is knowing the word grit. He says he loves to fight, drink beer, and chew tobacco. He doesn’t care how big you are. It doesn’t matter how many he faces. He says he is coming to MLW. He is here to fight and he is here to add gold to his belt buckle collection.

We go to Sam Leterna with Willie Mack. She asks him what is next.

Willie says he has his sights set on gold and he is interesting in coming after the Openweight Title. He says he has some Cesar Duran merchandise. You won’t know when or where it is going to happen, but he is coming.

Mister Saint Laurent walks in the hallway at the hotel and he says he is getting ready to get on the flight.

Mance Warner, 1 Called Manders, and Matthew Justice stop him and ask him where is MicroMan.

MSL gets flabbergasted and he says he is not his secretary. He says he is the world’s greatest promoter and he tells them to stay away from his meal ticket.

MicroMan comes out of the bathroom and Mance gives him a beer.

We go to Alex Kane’s press conference.

He is asked where is Mr. Thomas and Kane says he is in Tijuana training for his next fight. Alex is asked when will he cash in his Golden Ticket and if he will do it at Super Series. Kane says he won’t cash in there. He says he will let the people decide since BOMAYE is for the people. When they want him versus Hammer, that is when you will get it. Alex is asked what is next for him. Alex says he always has a big title fight coming up and he will make up a name for it before he faces Hammerstone. Alex is asked about his contract status and he says it is money. He is asked if Court will have to put up more money for the Hammerstone match. Alex says they will make it right. Alex is asked who is in charge of the BOMAYE Fight Club and Alex says we will find out on pay per view. Alex is asked about the crowd chanting for BOMAYE. He says he feels it oozing out of his hands. It is the lifeblood of MLW. Alex says he will be World Champion and he throws out a number of BOMAYEs.

Match Number Two: Taya Valkyrie versus La Hiedra versus Sexy Star versus Dalys for the MLW Featherweight and AAA Reinas de Reinas Title

Everyone goes after Hiedra as the bell rings and she goes to the floor. Taya with forearms to Dalys and Star. Taya with a double clothesline. Taya is tripped by Hiedra and puled to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Star and Dalys are in the ring. Dalys with a waist lock and take down but Star gets a near fall. They push each other and go for a Greco Roman knuckle lock. Dalys with a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Star works on the leg and Dalys goes for a cross arm breaker. Dalys gets a near fall and kicks Star in the back. Star with a snap mare and kick to the bacck. Dalys with a kick and snap mare. Dalys stretches Star. Star with a leg sweep and cover. Dalys with a leg sweep and cover. Dalys with a chop. Dalys gets Star up for a Gory Special but Star escapes. Star with a sunset flip for a near fall.

Dalys with a kick and she gets Star up for the Gory Special but Hiedra kicks Dalys and Dalys places Star on the mat. Hiedra shakes Dalys’ head and Hiedra misses a splash and Dalys spanks Hiedra. Dalys with a drop kick and Irish whip followed by an elbow in the ccorner. Dalys puts Hiedra on the turnbuckles and chops her. Hiedra with a missile drop kick for a near fall.

Taya with chops to Hiedra. Taya with an arm drag to Hiedra and a spear for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Star avoids a kick from Taya. Star leaps over Taya in the corner and she connects with a back heel kic. Star with a codebreaker for a near fall. Taya with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Dalys with elbows to the back of the head and she hits a sit out gourdbuster. Hiedra with a drop kick to the hamstrings. Dalys with a knee to Hiedra followed by a suplex. Star with a back heel kick to Dalys and then Taya and Star with flying hair take downs on each other. Hiedra and Dalys exchange forearms. Hiedra and Dalys lock up and are down on the mat with both of their shoulders down so Taya and Star cover for near falls.

Taya and Star with Irish whips and splashes into the corner. Taya and Star with dueling running knees into the corner on Dalys and Hiedra. Star and Taya exchange forearms. They move on to chops. Star with a German suplex and she gets a near fall. Taya with a kick and a knee. Taya with a clothesline for a near fall. Taya sets for Road to Valhalla but Star escapes and hits a rolling forearm. Star gets Taya on her shoulders for a Cradle Shock and Star gets a near fall.

Star with a forearm and Taya chops Star. They go back and forth with forearms. Star with a knee to the midsection but Taya blocks a kick and connects with a knee and Road to Valhalla for the three count.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie (retains championship)

We see a video from The Calling and they talk about how they are coming after Jacob Fatu. Akira says that Fatu is a fake idol. He will be the first sacrifice to Raven.

We go to credits.

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