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By Richard Trionfo on 2023-05-25 14:10:00

Your announcers are Byron Saxton and Kevin Patrick.

Match Number One: Tegan Nox versus Dana Brooke

They lock up and they go to a stalemate. They lock up and Tegan backs Dana into the corner. Tegan with a clean break but she pushes Dana. Tegan backs away from Dana. Dana blocks a kick and Tegan begs for mercy. Dana with a side head lock. Dana with a double thrust to send Tegan to the mat. Dana with a waist lock take down and a second one. Tegan with a standing switch. Dana with a kick to the midsection followed by a snap mare. Dana with a cartwheel and a side kick for a near fall. Tegan goes to the apron and Dana grabs her. Tegan drops Dana on the top rope.

Tegan gets a near fall. Tegan chokes Dana in the ropes and then she kicks Dana against the ropes. Tegan gets a near fall. Tegan sends Dana into the turnbuckles and she kicks Dana in the midsection. Tegan with a back senton into the corner for a near fall. Tegan with a reverse chin lock. Dana with a flapjack. Dana with forearms. Dana with clotheslines. Dana with a handspring elbow into the corner followed by a wheelbarrow into a bulldog for a near fall. Dana gets Tegan on her shoulders but Tegan gets back to her feet and Tegan sends Dana into the corner and she covers Dana with her feet on the ropes for the three count.

Winner: Tegan Nox

We take a look at the confrontation between the Bloodline, Sami Zayn, and Kevin Owens on Friday night.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Imperium versus Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, and Matt Riddle from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the contract signing from Raw.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Nikki Cross versus Emma

They lock up and Nikki with a wrist lock. Emma with a take down for a near fall. Nikki with a wrist lock. Emma sends Nikki to the mat again. Emma goes into the ropes to avoid any offense from Nikki. Emma with a back heel kick and a side head lock. Emma falls over Nikki and Nikki with a flying shoulder tackle. Nikki sends Emma into the turnbuckles a few times as they go around the ring. Nikki jumps on Emma’s back and applies a sleeper. Emma tries to get to the ropes but Nikki keeps her in the center of the ring.

Emma backs Nikki into the corner to escape. Nikki reapplies the sleeper and climbs on Emma’s back again. Emma falls back to the mat to escape the hold. Nikki with a head butt to the midsection but Emma with a clothesline.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Emma with forearms to Nikki. Emma goes for a double underhook and connects with knees before hitting a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Emma tries to send Nikki into the corner but Nikki blocks it. Nikki with punches and shoulders. Nikki goes for a bulldog but Emma grabs the hair and pulls Nikki to the mat and gets a near fall. Emma with a kick to the back. Emma chokes Nikki in the ropes. Emma catapults Nikki’s throat into the bottom rope and Emma gets a near fall. Emma with a straitjacket choke. Nikki with a rollup for a near fall.

Nikki with a jaw breaker and she avoids a splash from Emma. Nikki with forearms and a running forearm. Nikki floats over and avoids Emma. Nikki with a running drop kick to the knee and another drop kick. Nikki with a splash into the corner and then she goes to the turnbuckles for a tornado DDT. Nikki goes up top and misses a cross body. Emma with a running boot to the head for a near fall. Emma sets for the cross body in the corner and hits it. Emma gets a near fall. Emma is sent shoulder first into the ring post. Nikki with a swinging neck breaker for the three count.

Winner: Nikki Cross

We take a look at Brock Lesnar attacking Cody before Raw.
We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes from Raw.

We go to credits.

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