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By Eric Denton on 2023-05-03 01:45:00

UWN Championship Wrestling TV Taping - 5/2/23 at Irvine, CA at the Improv

David Marquez warms up the crowd and asks for our best wishes for UWN getting a big opportunity business wise this week. Hopefully bringing the show back to So.Cal television.

Jordan Clearwater starts the show with an interview with Adnan Kureishy. Adnan tells the fans Mr. Clearwater wants us to know he is much better looking that anyone here tonight and for the fans to keep this mouth shut. The fans do not take kindly. 

Slice Boogie (with Danny Limelight) beats Cameron Gates in 4 mins with an elevated sidewalk slam. Limelight joins Todd Keneley & Jack Farmer on commentary.

United Heritage Championship: Kevin Martenson retains the title against Evan Daniels (with R3 Charles Cassus) in 16:13.  Martenson immediately rocks Daniels and chases Cassus to the back. He emerges with his vest. This match is a banger. Cassus tries to interfere and slams BHK on the ring apron. EJ Sparks stops Cassus. Tyler Bateman runs in and nails Daniels. Martenson recovers and hits Evan’s with a meteora for the win.  

On the screen, we see The Institution attack Papo Esco before The Bodega can rescue him. 

United Television Championship: Jack Banning defeats “King FatBoy” Papo Esco after a ref bump and a head shot with the title belt to retain in 9:44x

Zeda Zhang defeats Bryn Thorne in 4:25.  Bryn gets into it with a “fan”. After the match Savannah Stone attacks Zhang and the “fan” rescues her.   The "fan”  was Ashlee Evans-Smith from UFC.

Bateman defeats “Pretty” Peter Avalon.  (Kevin Martenson on commentary) in 12:35 with his feet on the ropes.

Beef Candy (Richie Slade & Flex McCallion) on commentary.

EJ Sparks pins R3 Charles Cassus in a “Golden Opportunity” qualifier match.

United World Tag Team Championship: “24K” (Michael Hopkins & Miggy Rose) with Guy Cool vs TMZ (Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera). Wolf Zaddies retain in 10:30 

Savanna Stone defeats Brittnie Brooks with a power bomb. 

Beef Candy (Richie Slade & Flex McCallion) defeat The Institution (Brendan Divine & Honest Jon) in 12 mins via countout.

Sledge (with Halston Boddy) defeats Dom Kubrick in a “Golden Opportunity” qualifier.

United World Championship (Lumberjack Match) - Danny Limelight vs Jordan Clearwater

Irvine loves to hate Clearwater! 

Lumberjacks - The Institution (Jack Banning, Honest Jon, Brendan Divine), TMZ (Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera), The Bodega (Papo Esco, Slice Boogie), Beef Candy (Richie Slade & Flex McCallion), Sledge & EJ Sparks. 

Limelight getting beat down early. It seems all the lumberjacks aside from The Bodega are against him. Clearwater finally hits the outside and is stomped by The Bodega, Beef Candy & Sparks.

Limelight overcomes and wins with a small package to retain in 16:35.

United Wrestling returns to The Irvine Improv on June 6.

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