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By Dave Scherer on 2023-04-25 10:00:00

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I don't watch AEW, I just read the results off here.  Is there a reason why they keep jumping the TNT title around so much, especially now that it just went to Wardlow to Hobbs back to Wardlow again.  Is anyone getting over because of this?  Since Samoa Joe had it, no one has held it more than 50 days.

The reason is that is what the booker, Tony Khan, wants to do with it.  I am with you, it makes no sense to me. I call it The Hot Potato Title.

I understand that Pat McAfee has a lot on his plate with podcasts, being a football analyst, and so on. But I’m curious if maybe his legal battle with Brett Favre might be keeping him away, in addition to his other projects? Time will tell and whether or not he’s on the FOX College Pregame will probably provide an answer to that. But if he isn’t on that show, too, it may be that FOX doesn’t want to showcase someone that’s in a legal battle that could get pretty ugly and very public. 

I don't believe that is the case at all.  I think he is just really busy and has a lot going on.  WWE needs continuity in the announce booth and luckily they have Wade Barrett, who is outstanding.  I love Pat's energy and enthusiasm but I actually like Barrett in the role even more. Wade is great.

I love the site and the work you do but honestly why are you giving Abdullah The Butcher any coverage?

We cover the news.  We don't get to cherry pick what we cover.  If we think the readers want to know about it, we report it.

From all appearances, Mike Mizanin has developed into a world class professional wrestler. However, The Miz is a nothing. The Miz is a nobody. The Miz is a clown. The Miz is a foil for everyone else on the card. The Miz was a failure as world champion. The Miz can never be a face, nor can the Miz really be a heinous top-tier heel. It’s all been tried, but it’s clear that The Miz will never be anything but a solid mid-card hand. Mike is only in his early 40s but I think he has nowhere to go in WWE. Have you ever heard whether or not he’s happy despite the WWE pay? Does he have bigger ambitions? If he does, I can’t help but think he’ll never evolve as a bigger, better character and performer unless it’s in AEW/ROH, Impact, or somewhere else with national exposure, a la Matt Cardona, as a prime example.

From what I have been told Miz is happy in WWE, and if I were him, I would be too.  He’s paid well, has a reality show and I am sure he doesn’t view himself and his career the way that you do.  He’s a smart guy that knows he has a great role in WWE.

This talk of a soft brand split to keep “warring” parties in AEW away from each other made me think. If you have guys in AEW that can’t even be in the same building as someone they have personal issues with then should these people even be in AEW at all?

Yes, they should be there if they can draw money for the promoter.  To me, the real issue is dealing with the problems the men have with each other.  The cowardly way to do it is not address it and try and keep them away from each other.  What happens if WBD wants Punk to appear on the other show?  Or when the men are in the same place at PPVs?  The way this HAS to be handled is for Tony Khan to, finally, lay down the law.  He needs to the talent that they aren’t his friends, they work for him.  He needs to tell them they will be allowed to act like children and if they do, they will be consequences.  Then he needs to act on that if this crap happens again.  

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