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By Mike Johnson on 2023-03-15 10:39:00

WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart commented on having a banner raised in his name over the weekend by the Canadian Hitmen hockey team at Calgary's Saddledown, writing:

It's truly humbling and an honour to have a banner raised at the Saddledome. To me, it's a symbol of all the hard work, all the sacrifices I made, and all the bodyslams I took to proudly represent my family name, the city of Calgary, and the entire country of Canada.

To be asked to be part owner of a junior hockey team when I was at the height of my wrestling career was one of the coolest experiences of my life.

Even though the team was named after me, I was only a small, minority owner and it wasn't always easy especially in the beginning. I remember hearing on the media at the time that the name was too violent, the logo was too scary, and because I was a "professional wrestler" I was a poor spokesperson for a junior hockey team and “the team should have been named something else”

I'm proud to say that after 28 years and two WHL Championships later, the name and the logo still stands.

This day and this banner are proof that those critics were wrong.

Even when I no longer had ownership of the Hitmen, I still made it a point to represent the Hitmen any chance I got throughout my wrestling career. It makes me proud to see someone with a Hitmen jersey in a different part of the world.

Even seeing the logo on wrestling tights! I wanted the whole world to know about a Canadian junior hockey team called the Calgary Hitmen, and I hope I helped accomplish that.  

I want to thank my family, my friends, the fans, the entire WHL organization past and present, Flames ownership, and every player that's ever put on a Hitmen jersey.

Go Hitmen go!


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