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By Richard Trionfo on 2023-02-28 22:01:00

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

We see many people fighting in the hallway to try to get to the ring to accept Wes Lee's Open Challenge.  

Enofe and Blade try to get cute as they make it into the arena but Dabba Kato runs through them.  Apollo Crews stops Kato and then Nathan Frazer leaps over both men to get in the ring to be Lee's challenger.

Match Number One:  Wes Lee versus Nathan Frazer for the NXT North American Championship

Lee with a shoulder tackle.  Frazer with a side head lock take down and Lee with a rollup for a near fall.  Lee with a head scissors and Frazer escapes.  Frazer with a side head lock take down.  Lee with puncches to the midsection and Frazer misses a cross body.  Frazer with a side head lock take down.  Frazer with a springboard side head lock take down.  Lee sends Frazer into the corner and Frazer floats over and then gives Lee an arm drag.  Lee with an arm drag and they both go for drop kicks at the same time.  Frazer with a rollup for a near fall.  Lee misses a kick and avoids a leg sweep with a back flip.  

Frazer offers his hand and Lee slaps his hand.  Lee with a waist lock and Lee with a snap mare and reverse chin lock.  Lee with a shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall.  Lee with a front face lock.  Frazer with a clean break and then he applies a side head lock.  Frazer misses a kick when Lee holds on to the ropes.  Lee sends Frazer to the apron and Frazer with a shoulder and he back drops Lee to the floor.  Frazer goes for a moonsault off the post but Lee gets back in the ring.  Lee with a flip dive but Frazer gets back into the ring.  Lee with a kick and Frazer falls to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Lee misses a boot in the corner when Frazer moves.  Frazer with a thrust kick to the head.  Frazer goes to the turnbuckles for a Phoenix Splash but Lee moves and Frazer rolls through.  Lee blocks a kick and both men go for a cross body at the same time and they go down.  Lee with a punch and Frazer punches back.  Lee misses a back heel kick and Frazer with a springboard moonsault into a side power slam for a near fall.  Frazer with a chop and he sets for a superplex but Lee blocks it and powers out of the hold.  Frazer lands on his feet when he is pushed off the turnbuckles.  Frazer with a superplex into a swinging neckbreaker for a near fall.

Lee rolls to the apron and he drops Frazer on the top rope.  Frazer drop kicks Lee off the apron and Lee hits the announce table.  Frazer misses a springboard move and hits the announce table while Lee returns to the ring.  Lee with a flip dive over the ring post and he sends Frazer back into the ring.  Lee with the Cardiac Kick for the three count.

Winner:  Wes Lee (retains championship)

After the match, Lee offers his hand to Frazer and he helps Nathan back to his feet.  They hug and show each other respect.

We take a look at JD McDonagh.  he says if you suffered a retinal tear, all of the nutrients are taken away.  You need emergency surgery if you want to keep the eye.  Ilja, you will know that feeling.  Our next match will be the destructive symphony you are seeking.  As sure as the vision is coming back into my eye, I will push you to places you have never been before.  I will break your will and send you home permanently.

Brooks and Josh are in the locker room and Josh asks Brooks what is wrong.  Brooks mentions him and Kiana and Josh asks if they broke up.  Brooks says it hasn't been the same since Valentine's Day and he doesn't know what to do.  Josh says Brooks is stupid and all men are stupid when it comes to women.  Josh tells Brooks it doesn't matter because the Brooks from six months ago would be so proud of him today.

We go to commercial.

Hank Walker is in the back with McKenzie and she asks him about his actions earlier if he was going for the title or after Drew.  

Hank says he started seeing red when he saw Drew and Charlie.

Axiom yells at Hank and Hank says the kick was for Drew.

Axiom says Hank cost him a chance at the title and he says that Hank wasn't going to win.  

They push each other and referees have to separate them.

Match Number Two:  Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen versus Veer and Sanga (with Jinder Mahal)

Veer and Brooks start things off and he connects with a punch and double sledge to the back.  Sanga tags in and he kicks Brooks in the ribs.  Sanga with an elbow to the back of the head and he goes for a slam but Brooks escapes and applies a side head lock.  Josh tags in and Brooks with a take down.  Josh with a shoulder tackle and Sanga punches Josh when he tries to tag in Brooks.  Brooks makes the tag and Sanga with a kick.  Veer tags in and Sanga with a shoulder tackle and Veer with a neck breaker.  Sanga tags in and he kicks Brooks in the ribs while Veer holds Brooks on the top rope.  Sanga with a chin lock and Brooks with elbows but Sanga with a forearm.

Sanga with a slam but he misses an elbow drop.  Josh tags in and he hits Veer with a forearm and then he hits Sanga and Veer again.  Brooks tags in and Josh with a shoulder tackle.  Josh with a sliding punch on the floor and Brooks is a step off and Josh pushes Brooks and they argue.  Brooks gets back in the ring and Sanga with a choke slam.  Veer tags in and hits a clothesline for the three count.

Winners:  Veer and Sanga

After the match, Jinder says Indus Sher are ready to finish this.  Are you?  They have given you a beating before but at Roadblock it will be ten times worse.

Gigi Dolin walks in the back and she has a black rose.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Nathan Frazer with McKenzie to set up for an interview and Nathan has his neck checked out.  Katana Chance enters and says something happened to Wendy.

They go outside and we see the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment claim another victim.

Gigi Dolin comes to the ring and demands the Toxic Attraction music be stopped.

She says her life changed three weeks ago when her skull was crushed against a door.  This isn't the first time she had her head kicked in by someone she trusted.  She can handle the betrayal.  You made me realize who I truly am.  You are about the superficial surface things and that was all Toxic Attraction was about.  Being the Mean Girls helped me with my inner demons.  I was happy just being able to survive.  The last person who betrayed me and beat me down like that was my mother.  Gigi says when she ran away, she was determined to show her brother that she can make it.  You don't know what I have been through.

You say you are the last woman standing, but I have gotten up time after time.  Next week, bring everything you have because it won't be enough.  I will take all of the pain and suffering me to put the final nail in the coffin of Toxic Attraction.

We go to Chase University.

They talk about Roadblock.  Duke stops to talk to Thea and he asks her how is she doing and Thea says she is doing a little better.  Duke says he wants to apologize for his behavior last week.  Thea says people say things they don't mean.  Thea accepts Duke's apology and she says that Chase will accept an apology for what he said about the university.  Duke says he meant that.

Andre Chase shows up and he talks about factions.

The Schism talk about how Chase University is a failure.  Joe says the grass is always greener on the other side and there is plenty of grass under the tree of the Schism.  Ava tells Thea that she saw what can happen under the shade of their tree.  You cannot unhear what you have heard.

Rip tells Duke to let it out and the only flag he should be waving is a white one. 

Joe tells everyone to walk to a better life.  They will dismantle Chase University until it goes up in flames.

Andre says he will show what principles Chase University has when he gives Joe Gacy a Chase University Ass Whooping.

We are back and Dijak says Tony is waiting for an answer from him.  You have an ego and you don't know what you are asking for.  You could have saved a lot of suffering but you cost me the North American title twice.  You are public enemy number one.  Stacks won't recognize you when I am done with you.  You won't put me in Solitary Confinement.  I will lock you down for good.

Next week, Jacy Jayne faces Gigi Dolin.

NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez joins commentary for the next match.

Match Number Three:  Meiko Satomura versus Zoey Stark

They lock up and Zoey with a side head lock take down and Meiko with a head scissors.  Meiko with a front face lock and Zoey gets back to her feet.  They go to a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and Zoey with a bridge and she gains the advantage.  Meiko with a double wrist lock into a hammer lock.  Meiko blocks a forearm and Meiko with a knee drop for a near fall.  Meiko with a side head lock.  Meiko holds on when Zoey tries to send her off the ropes.  Meiko stops Zoey from sending her off the ropes.  Zoey with a forearm and Meiko with a kick and European uppercuct.  Meiko misses a round kick but does not miss a second kick.  Meiko with an Irish whip but she misses a splash.  Zoey with a sliding forearm and a baseball slide .  Meiko avoids a clothesline on the floor and Meiko with a round kick.

They return to the ring and Meiko with a snap mare and a seated abdominal stretch.  Meiko with a rollup for a near fall.  Meiko with a round off kick to the head for a near fall.  Meiko with a forearm and Zoey sends Meiko into the ropes.  Zoey with a clothesline and kicks.  Zoey with punches to Meiko.  Zoey with a knee drop to the side of the head.  Zoey with an Irish whip and arm drag into a cravate.  Meiko escapes and she kicks Zoey.  Zoey with a snap mare and she returns to the cravate.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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