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By Mike Johnson on 2023-01-20 04:16:00

Last night, the organizers of the fundraising assisting The Briscoe family in the wake of the passing of Jay Briscoe this past Tuesday in a car accident took to Facebook last night to update everyone on the family and the fundraising.  During that stream, they read the following update on Jay's daughters from his wife Ashley:

"On behalf of the Pugh family, we would like to thank the Nanticoke Hospital for being so efficient with the medical care.

They had to get them stabilized and move them to where they are now. They stabilized the girls when they got them where they needed to be. We also wanted to thank them for being so accommodating with our family and friends who wanted to be there and show support, so that's important. 

Currently the girls are stable but they both have a very long road of recovery ahead of them.   So we're going to start from the beginning.

Gracie is the older daughter. She's 12 years old. When she originally got to Nanticoke, she couldn't feel anything from the waist down. She was diagnosed with a L2 dislocation, an L3, an L4 fracture in her back, with compression on her spinal cord.

After Nanticoke got her stabilized, they transferred her to another hospital, and she had got feeling back in her thighs but nothing lower than her knee. She was taken straight for an MRI and then into a surgery around 3:00 AM on Wednesday morning, the 18th, and the doctor was able to relieve the compression on the spinal cord, and said that surgery went as well as it could be expected.

So that's where we're at with her. It's a waiting game. She still has feeling in her thighs, but no movement as of yet. Gracie had tingling in her feet on and off today, and Gracie's progress will be a day-to-day basis in months to come. She was bruised up pretty badly, but at this time no injuries have been diagnosed, so tonight we're honing in on Gracie's prayers to get motion and feeling back in her legs. That's what Gracie needs to get back to being able to do her cheering and the things Gracie likes to do.

Jayleigh, which we call JJ ... she was diagnosed with a open tibia and fibula fracture at Nanticoke, where she underwent surgery.  They placed an external fixator on, and sent her back to the hospital where she's at now. JJ has been diagnosed with a C7 fracture in her neck, and has been placed in a neck brace, which she will be in for six weeks. She also has an L3, an L4 fracture in her back, which can be managed with a back brace for about 12 weeks. She has a right clavicle fracture from the seatbelt, as well as a broken rib on the right side. She has a small left pneumothorax, which is the air in between the lung and chest wall, not inside the lung. They are just monitoring that as it's not large enough for intervention at this point, which is a blessing.

Today she was diagnosed with a perforated bowel, with free fluid in her abdomen. She had some internal bleeding in her stomach area. They knew about it and they were watching it, and today they were able to pinpoint it to find out where it was, and that surgery went awesome. They got in there, they got the bleeding under control, they took care of her, and they got her on the mend, and she went into the OR for that today. They did a bowel resection, which means they took a little bit of it out. Nothing that is long term effects, which is a blessing. We thank God for that.

While she was down there, the orthopedics decided to go in and do another washout of her leg with some manipulation to the bones for a better alignment. She still has the external fixator in place, and they place an NG tube down her nose to decompress her stomach, and hope to take it out tomorrow, and this will allow her to eat.

For JJ, Jayleigh, our prayers, our honing in prayer on her is going to be that we have no complications from surgery from today, and that the healing process starts tonight. It's going to be a long process, but that's what we're going to focus on tonight.

We would like to express how thankful we are for the outpouring of support from our community, the cheer community, and of course the wrestling community worldwide."

The ongoing campaign to assist the Briscoe family, which will go towards the girls' care, can be found at this link.

A number of those in the pro wrestling community, including Kevin Owens, Cody & Brandi Rhodes, The Young Bucks, Jim & Stacy Cornette, Chris Jericho and more have already contributed.

Jay Briscoe was only 38 years old.

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