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By Kendall Jenkins on 2022-12-15 17:54:00

When you buy CBD gummies, there is a slight chance of experiencing side effects. This may surprise those of you who read articles claiming that cannabidiol is completely free of adverse effects.

We should stress that the side effects are almost always relatively minor. Moreover, you’re far less likely to have an issue if you purchase premium CBD gummies. Indeed, the majority of problems people have after using cannabidiol relate to low-quality products.

Adverse effects could include:

  • Headaches

  • Nausea

  • Anxiety

  • Diarrhea

  • Dizziness

Individuals who buy CBD gummies and have headaches after using them are understandably concerned. However, it is often easier than you realize to determine the cause. Let’s investigate three common reasons why CBD gummies might give you headaches.

Excessive CBD Consumption

It is widely known that most people can consume large amounts of cannabidiol without experiencing any adverse effects. Indeed, a Phase I clinical trial gave volunteers doses ranging from 1,500mg to 6,000mg and reported that “CBD was generally well tolerated.”

Yet, the researchers did mention adverse events (AEs) such as gastrointestinal and nervous system disorders, somnolence, nausea, and headaches. Overall, though, none of the AEs were severe. Furthermore, the researchers wrote that the safety and pharmacokinetic profile supported using CBD twice daily.

Remember that hardly anyone consumes 1,500mg of CBD daily, let alone 6,000mg. For instance, most CBD gummies contain approximately 25mg of the compound. You would need to consume 60 of them to ingest 1,500mg of the cannabinoid in a day and 240 gummies to get 6,000mg! Given the average price of CBD gummies, you would likely spend over $300 a day!

Consequently, it is highly unlikely that you’ll get a headache from consuming excessive CBD gummies. If you only use one or two a day and have side effects, that is a cause for concern. However, it is almost always down to the quality of the product.

Substandard Products

Hemp absorbs whatever is in the soil. Therefore, if plants are cultivated in low-quality soil with heavy metals such as lead, zinc, and nickel, they could end up in your CBD gummies! Not to cause panic, but a headache is one of the symptoms of lead poisoning.

Sadly, the industry is poorly regulated. As a result, it is disturbingly easy for CBD brands to pop up, sell some bad products and disappear with the profits. The cannabidiol craze means that people are buying products without the proper education. Rather than conducting research, they buy according to whatever advert they saw recently.

Certain brands use solvents such as hexane to extract cannabidiol from the plant. Top-rated companies use either supercritical CO2 extraction or carefully controlled ethanol extraction. There is a danger of residual solvents remaining in your CBD gummies, which could cause symptoms such as headaches.

Lack of Third-Party Lab Testing

If your CBD gummies don’t have a third-party lab report, consider this a major red flag. Reputable brands make it easy to find these reports; they are usually on the product page. Others force you to scan a QR code once you get the product. Then there are the shady companies that offer no reports whatsoever.

A lab report outlines the cannabinoid content of your product and shows that it doesn’t contain excessive THC. This is important because CBD gummies containing more than 0.3% THC are illegal in states where recreational marijuana is prohibited. Also, the THC in the product could be responsible for your headache.

Also, the report should show evidence that the product contains extremely low levels of microbials, solvents, heavy metals, and other chemicals that could cause adverse reactions.

Why Do CBD Gummies Give Me a Headache? Final Thoughts

In reality, high-quality CBD gummies should not cause headaches as a side effect. Such products come from certified organic hemp, and top brands use supercritical CO2 extraction to ensure no solvents remain. These gummies also have third-party lab reports to prove they are pure and clean.

It is far more likely that poor-quality CBD gummies are responsible. These products could contain heavy metals, pesticides, and various other chemicals, not to mention THC.

Of course, you may get a headache even after using a premium CBD product. In this case, it is worth talking to your doctor to determine possible reasons. It could be that you’re one of the very few people who react badly to high-quality CBD. 


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