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By Brian Cannon on 2022-10-07 08:30:00

This is the OVW Report for Thursday, October 6, 2022.

-"The Cowboy Invitational" takes place! 8 men compete in a one night tournament where the winner will face James Storm for the OVW National and Heavyweight Titles both next week! Competitors include the Rush Division Champion Luke Kurtis, Big Zo, Ryan Von Rockit, Tony Gunn, Amon, Omar Amir, Ca$h Flo, and Turbo Floyd of the Outrunners!

-Luscious Lawrence & Tiffany Nieves team up to face the duo of Shawna Reed & D'mone Solavino of the Fallen!

-In Women's action, Shalonce Royal goes 1-on-1 with the OVW debut of the WOAD!

-Plus, Kal Herro goes up against Tyler Lee Deputy, and much more!


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Without further ado:

Here we go...


Eric Cornish is the ring announcer.

Anthony F.N. Catena vs. Bruiser Bob.

Catena with some quick offense. Side headlock, dropkick, and hits Bob in the corner. He has Bob rocked and just shoves him down by the head. Bob tries a small comeback, but Catena pulls him down by the feet and keeps Bob rocked. He finishes him off with a twisting DDT for the 3.

WINNER: CATENA by pinfall.

"The Mercenary" Garrisaon Creed & The Millennial vs. "The Midwest Monster Hunter" Bo Sawyer & "Rudo" Raul LaMotta.

Creed & Bo trade shots. Bo tags out hard to Raul. Creed hip tosses Raul and locks up the arm. Millennial tags in and hits a frankensteiner, but Raul claws his eyes and chops him. Bo tags in and chops him also. Raul & Creed both tag in and battle, then Bo & Millennial both tag in. Bo disposes of Creed outside the ring and then hits a faceplant DDT on Millennial to pick up the 3.

WINNERS: BO & RAUL by pinfall.

"The Pillar of Progress" Dexter Boswell vs. "Superior" Tony Evans.

Evans gives Dexter an opportunity to save his dignity and leave the ring, but Dexter chooses not to. Evans blasts him and stomps a mudhole in him in the corner. Evans hits him in the corner and pulls him up at a 2 count. Evans pounds him on the mat. He locks in a camel clutch and clubs Dexter. Off the ropes, Dexter tries some shoulder tackles. On the third try, Evans catches him with the quick spin powerslam. He drops Dexter with the Superior Stinger for the 3.

WINNER: EVANS by pinfall.


Dancin' Stevie J & Bryan Kennison are on commentary, Eric Cornish is the ring announcer.

The night starts off with a video from James Storm. He says he is the OVW National Champion and OVW Heavyweight Champion. That means he has beat the best that OVW has to offer. Now there's going to be a tournament, call it the "Cowboy Invitational", where the winner actually thinks they are getting something. In reality, they are meeting him face to face and it will be over quick like the Battle at the OK Corral.

Tyler Lee Deputy vs. "The Fanny Pack Kid" Kal Herro.


Kal with a side headlock and takedown. Tyler works up and Kal slams him, then locks the side headlock back in. Off the ropes, Kal plows Tyler down and delivers another slam. Kal with another side headlock and another slam. Tyler shoulders Kal into the corner and misses a charge. Kal fires up and hits the bionic elbow. He clotheslines Tyler in the corner and bulldogs him out. He hits a jitterbug kneedrop, then connects with the Fanny Pack Knee for the 3.

WINNER: KAL by pinfall.

"The Fallen": "The Nephilim" D'mone Solavino & "The Daughter of 1,000 Maniacs" Shawna Reed vs. "Mr. Juicy" Luscious Lawrence & "La Princesa" Tiffany Nieves.

Luscious takes the fight to D'mone. He butt bumps him in the corner, hits a flying fameasser, and goes for the One Night Stand. D'mone slides off and pushes Luscious. Luscious charges him and clotheslines them both out of the ring to the floor. Shawna gets in and Tiffany tries to tell her she doesn't want to be a part of this and she knows she is still in there. Shawna grabs her by the throat and hits her. D'mone & Luscious become legal again and D'mone kicks Luscious in the corner. Luscious connects with the One Night Stand, but Shawna creates a distraction. Tiffany goes after her, but while the ref is distracted, ZDP sneaks in and delivers a double reverse DDT with D'mone to Luscious. D'mone gets the 3.



Ca$h tries some quick roll-up attempts. Each man goes off the ropes to try and take the other down. Ca$h catches Zo and slams him. Zo fights back and splashes Ca$h in the corner. Zo charges again, but Ca$h lifts his legs and sits down on Zo. He catches Zo with a huge Samoan drop. He gets up on the middle rope, but Zo pulls him down. Zo goes up and goes for the Zo bomb, but Ca$h gets a boot up. Ca$h catches him with the Wall Street Slam for the 3.

WINNER and ADVANCING to the SEMIFINALS: CA$H by pinfall.

COWBOY INVITATIONAL ROUND 1 MATCH: OVW Rush Division Champion "Certified" Luke Kurtis vs. Ryan Von Rockit (w/Guit-Arie Alexander).

Luke quickly tries to grab Ryan's arm to try and lock in the COA. Ryan fires back and grabs the arm. He shoots him to the other corner. Luke reverses, but misses a charge as Ryan leaps over. Luke crashes into the corner and Ryan hits a shoulder tackle. Luke comes back and grabs the arm and locks it up in a submission. Luke hits a dropkick and locks in a crossface. Ryan gets his foot on the ropes with the assistance of Arie. Ryan reverses a throw to the corner and nails the neckbreaker drop for the 3.


COWBOY INVITATIONAL ROUND 1 MATCH: Turbo Floyd (w/Truth Magnum) vs. Omar Amir.

Quick takedowns and pin attempts from both men. Omar fires up and hip tosses Turbo across the ring. He runs in with a splash, but misses another. Turbo drops him and locks in a leglock submission. Omar is getting close to the ropes, so Turbo lets go, then locks in a Figure Four. Turbo uses the ropes for leverage. The ref catches him and makes him break. Turbo goes for the legs again, but Omar rolls him up in a small package for 2. Omar starts to fire back and hits the leaping clothesline off the ropes. Some back elbows, then Omar hits 3 German suplexes. Truth gets on the apron to distract Omar. Turbo rolls him up from behind for 2. Omar knocks Truth off the apron, then hits the KO punch for the 3.


COWBOY INVITATIONAL ROUND 1 MATCH: "The Demon Magnate" Amon vs. "Shotgun" Tony Gunn.

Amon shoves Tony in the face. Tony unloads with a bunch of fists on the mat, then in the corner. Amon comes back with some clubbing blows to the back. He hits Tony in the corner, but Tony reverses and kicks Amon repeatedly. He then hits him into the top turnbuckle. Amon keeps hitting himself into and laughs, but Tony just pokes him in the eye. Amon reverses a throw and misses a charge. Gunn slides through the ropes and shoulders Amon, then leaps in with the knee to the face. The ref gets ran over and Tony puts Amon down with a faceplant. Shawna Reed comes out and gets on the apron. ZDP sneaks in from behind and tries to attack, but Gunn reverses and reverse DDT's him. D'mone Solavino runs out, but gets flipped out of the ring. Shawna jumps on his back, but he flips her off of it. Amon kicks him and goes for a STH, but Tony back body drops him. Adam Revolver runs out with a chair, but Tony kicks him and grabs the chair. He hits Adam with it. As the ref regains consciousness, Amon comes up from behind Tony, and Tony raises up and clocks Amon in the face with the chair. The ref calls for the bell.


After the match, Tony continues attacking Adam with the chair. He also hits the Fallen with it. He puts Adam's head in the chair and stomps it. He goes after Shannon the Dude also, but it takes Al Snow coming out and yelling at him to get him to leave ringside and go to the back.


Dancin' Stevie J & Bryan Kennison are on commentary, Eric Cornish is the ring announcer.

"The Dreamweaver" Moxxi vs. Manny Domingo.

A quick offensive matchup, but Manny looks good in this showing as he prepares to face Luke Kurtis for the Rush Division Title. He gets the 3 following the 450 splash.

WINNER: DOMINGO by pinfall.

COWBOY INVITATIONAL SEMIFINAL: "The Demon Magnate" Amon vs. Ca$h Flo.

Amon goes right after Ca$h as he rolls in the ring. Ca$h clotheslines him to the floor and follows him out. He hits Amon off the announce table, then Amon hits Ca$h off the ring apron. He clubs Ca$h against the barricade. Ca$h comes back and hits Amon off the barricade. Back inside, Amon catches a chop attempt and bites Ca$h's hand. Amon charges him in the corner, but Ca$h hits the sit-down splash. He is about to go up for the Payload, but ZDP & D'mone Solavino run out again. Luscious Lawrence trails them out and takes them both out on the floor. Amon is distracted, then turns around into a running cross body from Ca$h for the 1-2-3.

WINNER and ADVANCING to the FINAL: CA$H by pinfall.

"The Fighting Siren" Shalonce Royal vs. The WOAD.

WOAD with a quick start and drops down on Royal as she attempts a sunset flip. Royal back with some offense, including a running faceplant to the mat. Royal throws her to the corner and WOAD is waiting with a butt bump. She sets Royal up, but Royal grabs her eye patch and snaps it back into her face. She then finishes her off with the rolling Death Valley Driver for the 3.

WINNER: ROYAL by pinfall.

COWBOY INVITATIONAL SEMIFINAL: Ryan Von Rockit (w/Guit-Arie Alexander) vs. Omar Amir.

Back and forth off the ropes. Ryan hits a sliding uppercut. He rolls Omar up for 2. Omar fires back and hits Ryan in the corners. Ryan back with some strikes, then catches Omar with a boot. Ryan leaps off the ropes, but Omar catches him with a belly-to-back suplex for 2. Omar puts Ryan on the top rope. They exchange shots. Omar wants a superplex, but Ryan knocks him away and hits the Chart Topper for 2. He tries another cover, but only gets a 2 count. Ryan scoops him up and slams him, then drops a fist. Ryan with a submission. Omar elbows him, but Ryan drops him. Omar kicks him away and Ryan flies out of the ring to the floor. Omar tries to pull him back in, but Ryan pulls his head down across the top rope. Ryan connects with a running boot for 2. Ryan pounds him on the mat. Ryan goes for the neckbreaker drop. Omar slides out, but runs into a back elbow. Ryan leaps out of the corner with a reverse cross body, but Omar ducks it. He connects with the KO punch and gets the 3.

WINNER and ADVANCING to the FINAL: OMAR by pinfall.

Ella vs. "Hollyhood" Haley J.

Ella attacks Haley and hits her in the corner. She charges in with a butt to the face. Haley tries to fire back, but Ella drops her, then shrieks at her. Ella catches Haley with a powerslam and then hits Haley's head off the mat. She hits her in the corner, then tosses her across the ring. Ella clotheslines her for 2. Ella clubs her in the ropes, then charges into her. Ella pulls her to the mat by her hair. Haley starts to fire up. She hits a Lou Thesz press and pounds Ella on the mat. Haley hits her and nails a superkick. Haley leaps up and drives both knees down across the back of Ella's head. She nails the slingblade clothesline for the 3.

WINNER: HALEY J by pinfall.

In the back, Omar Amir & Ca$h Flo come face-to-face and both say why they want to win so bad. They both expect the very best out of one another in the finals, coming up next...


Ca$h drops Omar and hits him on the mat. Omar fires back. Ca$h chops him. Omar chops back. Ca$h with another chop, and another chop in return from Omar. Ca$h plows Omar down off the ropes and hits Omar in the corner. Omar ducks a chop and fires away on Ca$h. He kicks him in the corner. Omar charges in, but Ca$h charges out with a clothesline. Omar takes Ca$h down for 2. Ca$h clotheslines himself and Omar both out of the ring to the floor. Ca$h rolls in at 7, and Omar rolls in at 9. They exchange rights in the middle of the ring. Ca$h headbutts him in the chest. Omar catches Ca$h with a hard clothesline that turns him inside out! Omar goes for the KO punch, but it grazes Ca$h. Ca$h hits the Wall Street Slam for 2. Ca$h goes for another, but Omar slides out and nails the KO punch. He covers, but Ca$h kicks out at 2! Omar charges into the sit-down splash. Ca$h goes for Omar, but Omar picks him up and delivers Island Time. Before Omar can cover, Ca$h wisely rolls under the ropes. Ca$h grabs Omar and hits him into the turnbuckle from the apron. Ca$h gets in and chops him. He sets Omar up top, but Omar tries to go for a super Island Time. Ca$h slides out and slams Omar off the top. Ca$h runs into a leaping headbutt. Omar charges, but Ca$h runs into him with the cross body. Ca$h goes up top and hits the Payload for the 3!



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