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By James Kurokawa on 2022-09-15 23:00:00

Welcome to the New Japan on AXS TV report!

Kazuchika Okada vs. Lance Archer

Archer was focused and was not playing any games.  Archer hits Okada with a chokeslam to start the match.  He follows with a Black Hole Slam.  Archer levels Okada with a Pounce.  Archer takes Okada to the floor and slams his head into the guardrail.   Archer with a Cannonball on Okada against the guardrail.  Brutal.  Archer picks up a young lion and slams him onto Okada.   Archer tries to chokeslam Okada again, but Okada jumps on the ring apron.  Archer trips up Okada who hits the apron face first.  Archer did an Undertaker rope walk and hit a moonsault on Okada.  Okada kicks out.  Archer picks up Okada for a Black Out but Okada slips out and throws a lariat.  Both men are down. Archer goes for another chokeslam and Okada hits two dropkicks.  Okada slams Archer.  He drops an elbow from the top rope.  Okada goes for  Rainmaker but Archer reverses out and hits a dropkick of his own.  Archer drops Okada with his own Rainmaker. Okada kicks out at two.  Archer picks up Okada and hits a Black Out.  Archer lies on him for the count.  Okada rolls him into a crucifix.  Two count.  Archer looks frustrated.  Archers throws a running elbow into Okada's neck.  Archer goes for another Black Out but Okada wiggles out.  He chop blocks Archer's knee and applies the Money Clip.  Archer seemed to be fading but hhe powered out.  He drops Okada with a lariat.  Archer charges from the corner but Okada hits him in the face with a dropkick.  Okada powers him up into a Landslide.   Okada hits a Rainmaker.

Okada pins Archer.

Kazuchika Okada finishes at 5-1 and 10 points.   Lance Archer finishes at 3-3 with 6 points. Kazuchika Okada wins the A Block.

The A Block Winner, Kazuchika Okada will face The B Block Winner, Tama Tonga in their Semi Final match tomorrow.

Good match. Okada was a bump machine in this match and Archer gave him a beating.  Archer got a massive pop when he was announced that he would be in the G1.  Archer was slow to start but he gained steam and he was a beast when he faced Okada. Archer looked strong going into the match.  Okada looked strong in overcoming the monster.  

Tama Tonga (with Jado) vs. Jay White (with Gedo)

Tama started the match quickly from adrenaline, but White got control, but slowing the pace.  White grabbed headlocks, which tired Tama.  Then White would hit a Saito suplex dropping Tama on his head.   Tama hulked up and they exchanged chops and strikes.   White with a Complete Shot and a dead lift German suplex.  Tama hits a Villano.  Tama picks up White for an SRC and follows with a Supreme Flow.  Two count.  White avoids a Gun Stun and plants Tama with a uranage.   White hits a Sleeper suplex.  Tama reverses out of the Bladerunner and hits a Tongan Twist.  They counter each other's finishers and Tama connects with a Bloody Sunday.  White kicks out at two.  Tama goes for the DSD.  White backdrops him.  White goes for a Bladerunner.  Tama with an inside cradle.   Two count. Tama misses a Gun Stun and White hits another Sleeper Suplex.  Tama escapes another Bladerunner and hits a Gun Stun.

Tama pins White.

Tama Tonga and Jay White both finish at 5-1 with 10 points each.  With Tama holding the tie breaker win over Switchblade, Tama Tonga wins the B Block.

Good match.  This was a victory that Tama Tonga needed to have, not just to win the G1, but after getting embarrassed by Bullet Club, he gets some revenge against Jay White who caused it all.  

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