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By David Tees on 2022-08-18 23:01:00

Welcome to the New Japan on AXS TV report!

Tonight's event is from NJPW Music City Mayhem in Nashville!

Kushida vs. Alex Shelley

The match begins with Kushida missing a shotgun drop kick attempt, Kushida then goes for the Hoverboard Lock and Shelley defends against it before briefly leaving the ring. Shelley returns to the ring and he trips up Kushida before landing an arm drag, Kushida goes for a sunset flip and Shelley defends before attempting a kimura. Kushida briefly exits the ring before returning and backing Shelley into a corner before letting him go free, Shelley then backs Kushida into a corner before letting him go free. Shelley then gets Kushida in a headlock, Kushida gets free and Shelley quickly drops him with a shoulder tackle. A shoving match takes place between both and it quickly escalates into a striking exchange, Kushida ends the exchange by nailing Shelley with a handspring elbow strike. Shelley goes to the ring apron and Kushida uses a clothesline to knock him to the arena floor, Kushida gets Shelley back into the ring before doing more damage to his arm. Kushida gets Shelley down before rolling him up for a near fall, Kushida keeps Shelley down further while applying a cattle mutilation to him. 

Kushida still keeps Shelley down while applying a chin lock to him, Kushida transitions to a headlock and Shelley gets up before breaking the hold by landing a few strikes. Kushida quickly gets Shelley back down while getting him in an arm bar, Shelley gets free and Kushida gets him in another arm bar. Shelley quickly gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Kushida gets Shelley down again while applying a crossbow stretch to him. Kushida follows up by driving the arm of Shelley into the match below, Shelley gets up and Kushida nails him with a few chops. Shelley fights back and he nails Kushida’s arm with a middle rope knee strike, Shelley goes after the knee of Kushida before knocking him to the ring apron. Shelley traps the leg of Kushida in the ropes before landing a dragon screw leg whip, Shelley follows up by hitting Kushida with a wrist trap dragon screw leg whip. Shelley keeps Kushida down while trapping his legs, Shelley still keeps Kushida down while working over his arm. Shelley then catches Kushida in a roll up for a near fall, Kushida stays down while Shelley attacks him with some more kicks.

Kushida fights back and he kicks at the injured leg of Shelley, Shelley drops Kushida again before applying a straightjacket stretch to him. Shelley transitions into a backstabber on Kushida, Kushida gets up and he quickly drops a swinging Shelley with a neck breaker. Kushida waits for Shelley to get up before landing some kicks and a cross body block, Kushida follows up by hitting Shelley with a pele kick to the injured arm. Kushida gets Shelley down while pulling backwards on one of his arms, Kushida transitions into a roll up on Shelley for a near fall. Shelley gets to the corner and Kushida nails him with a palm strike, Kushida again goes for the Hoverboard Lock and Shelley counters with a kimura. Kushida gets free and he cracks Shelley with a forearm strike, Shelley recovers and he trades strikes with Kushida. Kushida ends the exchange by hitting Shelley with Cradle Shock for a near fall, Kushida then hits Shelley with a bridging suplex for another near fall. Kushida follows up by nailing Shelley’s injured arm with a top rope knee strike, Shelley fights back and he nails Kushida with a dragon screw leg whip.

Shelley and Kushida exchange a few more strikes until Kushida drops Shelley and lands a basement drop kick, Shelley then sends Kushida face first into the corner. Shelley goes to the top rope and Kushida nails him with a rolling heel kick, Kushida meets Shelley on the ropes and he looks for a Hoverboard Lock. Shelley gets Kushida down after landing a super atomic drop followed by a super kick, Shelley follows up with an air raid crash on Kushida for a near fall. Shelley immediately applies the Motor City Stretch to Kushida and Kushida gets to the ropes to break the hold, Kushida fights back and he trades blows with Shelley. Shelley recovers and he goes back to work on the injured arm of Kushida, Kushida gets free and Shelley catches him in a few roll ups for a few near falls. Kushida then catches Shelley in a Motor City Stretch before rolling him up for a near fall, Shelley then hits Kushida with a Shell Shock for a near fall. Kushida then gets Shelley in the Hoverboard Lock as the time limit expires.

Match Result: Time Limit Draw

No DQ Match: Jon Moxley vs. El Desperado

The match begins with Desperado and Moxley trying to knock each other into the barbed wire boards, Desperado and Moxley occasionally exchange a few strikes. Desperado and Moxley have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Moxley ends the exchange by dropping Desperado with a shoulder tackle. Moxley keeps Desperado down while trying to rip the mask off of his face, Desperado gets up and Moxley nails him with more strikes. Desperado fights back and he kicks Moxley in the leg before landing a dragon screw leg whip, Desperado then hits a downed Moxley with a splash on the injured leg. Desperado gets some skewers and he tries stabbing Moxley with them, Moxley fights back and Desperado drop kicks him in the injured knee. Desperado then stabs Moxley in the head with the skewers, Desperado traps Moxley in the ropes while taking the skewers out of his head. Desperado keeps Moxley down while ripping away at his bloody face, Desperado then rubs Moxley’s face into the barbed wire door. Moxley tries fighting back and Desperado drops him while working over his legs, Moxley fights back again and he goes after the mask of Desperado. 

Moxley gets free and he cracks Desperado with some chops, Desperado recovers and he sends a charging Moxley out of the ring. Desperado goes for a suicide dive and Moxley prevents it by smashing a guitar over his head, Moxley gets a piece of the broken guitar and he stabs Desperado in the head with it after getting him back in the ring. Moxley looks to put Desperado through the barbed wire door and Desperado escapes before spearing Moxley through the barbed wire board, Moxley recovers and he drop kicks Desperado through the other barbed wire board. Moxley follows up by nailing Desperado with a piledriver for a near fall, Moxley leaves the ring and Desperado does as well. Moxley finds a table and Desperado finds a few chairs, Moxley and Desperado set their weapons up on the arena floor. Desperado trips Moxley into a chair before nailing him in the head with a second chair, Desperado then places Moxley on the table. Desperado climbs to the top rope and Moxley gets behind him before shoving him down through the table, Moxley grabs a table with cut up soda cans attached to it. Moxley hits Desperado with a release suplex slam on the cut can board for a near fall, Moxley then hits Desperado with a penalty kick.

Moxley continues nailing Desperado with penalty kicks, Desperado catches a leg from Moxley to drop him and lands another dragon screw leg whip. Desperado gets Moxley in the stretch muffler and Moxley gets free by applying an arm bar to Desperado, Desperado gets free and he stomps away on a downed Moxley. Desperado goes to the top rope and he nails Moxley with a frog splash for a near fall, Moxley gets up and he has another striking exchange with Desperado. Desperado ends the exchange by hitting Moxley with his finisher, Moxley somehow gets up and he nails Desperado with a lariat. Moxley follows up with a Death Rider on Desperado, Moxley then gets Desperado in the bulldog choke and Desperado goes out cold.

Winner: Jon Moxley

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