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By James Kurokawa on 2022-06-02 23:01:00

Welcome to the New Japan on AXS TV report!

We are at Wrestling Dontaku 2022 at the Fukuoka Dome!

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Kazuchika Okada vs. Tetsuya Naito 

Okada began the match by attacking Naito’s neck.   The match goes to the floor and Naito throws Okada into the guardrails.  He hits neck breaker on the floor.   Naito is in control and he is attacking Okada’s neck.  Naito hit another wicked neck breaker on the ring apron.   Naito traps Okada in a full Nelson with his legs.  Okada gets a rope break.    Okada stuns Naito with a big boot.  Okada with a flapjack.  Okada with neck breaker of his own.  Two count.   Naito goes to the top rope. Okada with a dropkick and Naito bumps hard to the floor.  Naito is thrown over the guardrail.   Okada leaps over the guardrail with a body press.   

Back in the ring, Okada hits a shotgun dropkick from the top rope.  Okada locks on the Money Clip.   Naito gets to the ropes.   Okada with a top rope elbow and a Rainmaker pose. Okada hit forearms to the back and went for a Rainmaker.  Naito reverses into a Spinebuster.   Naito hits Gloria.  Two count.   Naito traps Okada in a neck submission but Okada gets to the ropes.  Naito puts Okada on the ropes for a Frankensteiner.  Okada drops Naito with sit down powerbomb.   Okada misses a dropkick.  Naito with a Jacknife pin.  Two count.  Naito tries for Destino.  Okada reverses and hits a lariat.  Okada with another lariat.   Okada goes for a Rainmaker but Naito hits an elbow in his face.  Okada with a running shot gun dropkick sends Naito flying into the ropes.   Naito hits another modified neck breaker.   Both men are slow to get up.   Naito begins to throw elbows to Okada’s neck.  Naito hits Esperanza.   Naito goes for Destino but Okada avoids it.  Naito tries again but did not hit it fully.  Two count.  He tries a third time and Okada reverses and hits a jumping spinning tombstone.   Okada hits a lariat and goes for a Rainmaker.  Naito reverses and rolls up Okada in a pin.  Okada kicks out.   Naito hits a Capo kick to Okada’s head.  Okada counters with a dropkick to the chest.

Okada hits a Landslide.    Naito counters with Destino.  Two count.   Naito goes for a Star Dust Press but misses.  Okada misses another Rainmaker.   They exchange hard elbows.   Okada grabs Naito and hits a German suplex.  Naito hold on to the wrist for a Rainmaker, but Naito slaps him in the face.    Okada returns the slap.  They slap each other violently.  Naito goes for Destino again.   Okada  wiggles out and hits a high kick to Naito’s head.   He lifts and hits Naito with a spinning gut wrench Flosion.   Okada hits a big Rainmaker.

Okada pins Naito.

Kazuchika Okada retains the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship.

Okada takes the mic and thanks Naito for the match.  He said the slap that Naito gave him showed his fighting spirit.  He thanked the fans for coming and filling the Fukuoka Dome.   He thanks the fans for following rules and restrictions.  He says he will keep making it rain.

As Okada was celebrating,  Jay White’s music plays and he comes to the ring.

Gedo attacks Okada from behind.   Jay White hits a Bladerunner on Okada.   

Jay White asked if they forgot who he was.   He lists all his accomplishments.   Bullet Club comes to the ring.  Karl Anderson says Happy Birthday Bullet Club.  Anderson proclaims Jay White as the best wrestler in the world and the next IWGP World Heavyweight Champion.  Jay White hits another Bladerunner on Okada.   

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