When it comes down to it, it is easy to understand the appeal of wrestling, and for some people, that childlike wonder of the sport continues well into adulthood despite knowing that wrestling promotions such as WWE are scripted. However, this means that writers can showcase exciting storylines that are able to grip watchers, and one only must look at the audience during televised events to see how popular wrestling is with people across the world. While the narratives are often compelling, there is no doubt that the real reason why so many watch wrestling is for the actual physical contact itself.
Even though many wrestling promotions feature scripted events, some might be surprised to learn that it is still possible to place bets on the sport. This is because there is still usually a winner of each fight, though it is also possible to bet on things related to the storylines too. There are many sites where eager bettors can go to find the best offers - Oddsninja.com is a great choice for those looking to get the most for their money. Wrestling is already an exciting enough activity on its own, but much like horseracing, there is no doubt that when people have money on the line, the whole experience is enhanced.
There will have been many people who grew up watching wrestling, and some may have even played the many games that were released, allowing people to take control of their favourite personalities such as Rey Mysterio, Triple H, and more. Looking at names such as these, there is no doubt that the sport has birthed some incredibly recognisable wrestlers throughout the years. Given this, it could be interesting to take a look back and explore who the best wrestlers of all time are.
Stone Cold Steve Austin
There shouldn’t be a wrestling fan who has never heard of Steve Austin, and it can be argued he is the most iconic wrestler of all time. This is a wrestler who can boast of multiple World title reigns and those who watched him fight will know just how much of a hulking behemoth Austin really was. With a hard-hitting style that favoured power over technique, Austin’s fights were always a joy to watch, especially when he came up against equally powerful opponents such as the Rock.
The Undertaker
There are many sounds and tracks that we will always remember, such as the iconic opening to Star Wars. However, there is no doubt that the walk-out theme for The Undertaker will be one track that fans will never forget. The Undertaker will always be remembered for the theatrics that characterised most of his performances. He always played the role to perfection and will go down as one of the best of all time.
Hulk Hogan
Yet another wrestler that will likely never be forgotten. He is the biggest star ever to grace the wrestling scene thanks to his investment into the ‘Hulkster’ persona. While Hogan was never the best wrestler technically, his charisma and stage presence cemented him as a legend of the sport.
These are some of the biggest wrestlers to have ever stepped foot inside the ring, but there are so many more that deserve a mention. Wrestling has always been popular, and that notion doesn’t look likely to change anytime soon.
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