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By Cory Strode on 2021-12-11 03:18:00

It is Friday and it’s time for AEW Rampage, taped on Wednesday night after Dynamite in Long Island NY, at the UBS Arena. 

Our commentary team is Excalibur and Taz.

The Lucha Brothers (AEW Tag Team Champions) vs FTR for the AEW Tag Team Championship 

We start with all four men in the ring for introductions. Rey Fenix and Dax Harwood start off in the ring and have a side headlock takedown by Dax. They get up and it’s another takedown where Fenix tries a leg hold, but Dax drops on top of them and they have some mat moves before resetting. They quickly move into Cash Wheeler coming into the ring and Fenix is able to fight them both off with kicks and spins. Fenix does his bit where he jumps second rope to third rope to second with an armdrag.  

Penta tags in and Fenix leaps onto Penta’s shoulders for a splash from up top and a two count. FTR regroups on the outside with Tully. Dax returns to the ring and tags in Cash Wheeler. Penta does his glove deal (as Taz calls it). Cash tries to interrupt but Penta is able to roll him up for a two count. Penta then drops Cash with a kick, tosses him the glove and nails another kick, and starts nailing Cash with kicks and slaps. Fenix gets a blind tag and hits a high cross body and rolls out of the ring after the impact. Fenix is slammed on the apron by Dax and rolled into the ring for a two count. 

Dax works Fenix over on the rope and when he jaws with the ref, it’s time for Dax and Tully to take over.  Dax hits a snap mare, tags in Cash, and helps with an assisted leg drop onto Fenix, who is covered for a two count. Cash tags in Dax again, and they work over Fenix, keeping him from his corner. Dax goes to the top and Fenix takes him out, then takes out Cash, and ends it by doing a double leap to the top and nailing Dax with a hurricanrana.  It’s picture in picture time. 

When we return to the full screen, Fenix is fighting both members of FTR to get to his corner, but Penta is not there, due to Dax tagging him with a strike a little earlier.  When Fenix is able to get there, Penta leaps up and gets the tag to clean house. As he celebrates, Cash sneaks in from behind for a rollup holding the tights, but only gets a two. 

Penta is able to reverse a power slam and get a two count on Cash. Penta then hits Made in Japan for another two count. Fenix is tagged in and Penta holds him, but Tully gets on the apron to distract. Fenix grabs Tully and pops him in the mush, knocking him to the floor.  Cash tries to attack Fenix, who lands an attack on Cash, who stumbled to his corner to tag in Dax. Fenix goes from one member of FTR to the other with strikes in opposite corners. Fenix goes to finish of Dax, who is able to0 springboard him off the ropes into a power slam and covers for a two count. 

Fenix struggles to get up and Dax gets him to his feet and tries a slam, but Fenix floats over and is headed to the ropes where Cash tries to hit him with the AAA belt. Fenix stops, grabs it and they have a tug of war over the belt. Fenix is able to yank the belt away, knocking out Dax in the process. Fenix goes to the top and walks the rope to kick Cash, who had gotten up on the apron. Fenix hits the frog splash, but the ref doesn’t see that Dax hit Fenix with the belt and rolls Fenix up for a two count only.  

Dax tosses the belt away and slowly gets to his feet to tag in Cash. Fenix is given time to recover and fight his way out of the corner. FTR hits the big rig, but Penta leaps in to break up the count. All four men take time to recover, and Panta drag Fenix to the corner for the tag. All four men trade blows in the middle of the ring. Penta falls first, but Fenix stumbles back and then leaps forward to get a cutter on Dax. 

Cash takes out Fenix, and then Penta attacks Cash with a back body drop, getting out of a power bomb, Penta tries for Fear Factor, but can’t get Cash up. Penta goes for a sunset flip, and Cash rolls through. Penta then rolls through the counter, and Fenix is up top. They get the Fear Factor, and Fenix leaps onto Dax on the outside to stop him from breaking up the tag.  Penta covers and gets the three count. 

Your winners and Still AEW Tag Team Champions: The Lucha Brothers 

Ruby Soho, Tay Conti, and Anna Jay vs Bunny, Penelope Ford and Nyla Rose 

  • Nyla is in with Tay and while Tay tries to stand up to her, Nyla bats her around and drags her to their corner for a tag 

  • Bunny tags in and tries the same thing, but Tay is able to give her a series of arm drags 

  • Tay nails Bunny with a roundhouse kick and tosses her into the babyface corner. 

  • Anna is tagged in and they hit Bunny with quick tags from Ruby as well. 

  • Tay gets a monkey flip on Bunny and a two count 

  • Buny fights her way up and gets in a series of blows before tagging in Penelope Ford 

  • Ford gets a pump kick and a two count 

  • Nyla is tagged in and they work over Tay in the heels corner with quick tags 

  • Bunny taunts the babyfaces and works over Tay in a neutral corner. 

  • They hit each other with a spinning face buster and struggle to get up. 

  • Tay tags in Ruby and Ford is also tagged in so Ruby gets to beat down Ford. 


  • When we are back full screen, Nyla has been beating down Ruby 

  • Bunny covers Ruby after all of the heel nail her in their corner. 

  • Rose is tagged back In and goes back to work with a spine buster and a cover for a two. 

  • Nyla keeps working Ruby over to make it so she will be injured for their match next week. 

  • Ruby is able to escape with a low bridge, but Nyla cuts her off before the tag 

  • Ruby is able to escape and tag in Anna who attacks Nyla with kicks and elbow strikes.  

  • Anna gets a two count after a diving crossbody 

  • Anna puts on a read naked choke, Bunny comes in the break it up, but Tay drops her with the Tay KO. 

  • Nyla hits Tay with a hanging neck breaker 

  • Everyone gets to hit a finishing move on someone else. 

  • Bunny takes out the brass knuckles and decks Anna,  

  • Tay and Bunny brawl out of the ring. Nyla hits the beast bomb on Anna and covers for a three count. 

Your winners: Nyla Rose, Bunny and Penelope Ford 

Tony Schiavone is in the back with Sting and Darby Allin, and FTR attacks them from behind. They brawl and FTR is able to get the upper hand. FTR holds Sting for Tully to give a kick to the yam bag. 

Hook and his Unfortunate Hair vs. Fuego Del Sol 

Hook comes out alone and Del Sol is already in the ring. Taz says he’s all that and a bag of chips, a phrase last considered cool when Hook was born. 

They lock up collar and elbow and Hook is able to turn it into a front chancery. He hits a hip toss and locks in a front headlock, with Del Sol breaking it by getting to the ropes. Del Sol gets a quick rollup, but Hook escapes, takes Del Sol down and locks him into a bow and arrow. Del Sol fights his way out and Hook takes Del Sol to the corner and peppers him with strikes. They run the ropes and Hook hits a cross suplex. 

Deol Sol is able to attack while Hook is preening and Hook stops it during Del Sols Tornado DDT. Hook takes him down with a clothesline and postures for the crowd again. Hook keeps up the strikes and then locks in the Katahajime, causing Del Sol to tap out. 

Your winner: Hook 

Hook looked strong and solid, with Del Sol flying all over the ring against him. Hook was using a lot of strikes and judo flips on Del Sol, so he will be working as a striker with tosses.  His gear looks like boxing gear without the gloves.  He also spent a lot of time posturing to the crowd. Excalibur said it was a poor idea, but Taz said that he needs to because the crowd loves him. 

We get a rundown of the Winter is Coming card next Wednesday. Shida vs Deeb looks fantastic and Danielson vs Page for the title should be damn good. 

It’s time for Mark Henry to interview The Bucks, Adam Cole and Bobby Fish against the Best Friends.  An OK short buildup that had little to do with the Adam Cole vs Wheeler Yuta match and more about the feud between the two teams. 

There been enough talk, and now it’s time for the main event. 

Adam Cole vs Wheeler Yuta 

They lock up collar and elbow and then trade forearm strikes. Cole is able to fend off Yuta’s attacks, slaps away a drop kick and goes for takedown into a pin, but Yuta is able to put the brakes on and drops down to cover Cole for a two count. 

Yuta gets a drop kick, but then runs into a kick by Cole in the corner. Cole is able to then toss Yuta violently to the corner. Coole starts working Yuta over in the corner, pausing to give the double bicep pose. Yuta misses a cross body and Cole follows up with a snap suplex. Cole’s pace is slow and deliberate, working slowly on Yuta, pausing after each move. Cole then does the soft kicks to mock Orange Cassidy at ringside, but Yuta is able to sneak into a quick rollup for a two count. Yuta gets another quick tow count and Cole gets a pump kick to drop Yuta.  

Cole then works on Yuta’s neck with strikes, hold and a neck breaker suplex. He tosses Yuta to the outside and has a stare down with Orange Cassidy. Yuta is able to snap Cole head on the ropes, but Cole gives him a kick when he comes in. Cole tries to set up for the Panama Sunrise, but Yuta is able to sit down and cover for a two. Yuta then goes to the top and hits a cross body. He isn’t able to pin Cole from it, and Cole is able to get up, and Yuta starts hitting him with kicks and strikes.  

Yuta hits a flying elbow strike for a two count. They trade moves until Yuta gets a suplex for a two count. Yuta goes to the top again and Cole meets him to fight on the top. Coile is knocked down, Yuta leaps, but Cole gets out of the way. Yuta lands on his feet and hits an Olympic Slam on Cole for a two count. 

I think this is the most Yuta has gotten on a non-Dark match. 

Yuta goes to the top and goes for the splash, but Cole gets his knees up. Cole gives Yuta a kick to the head, and finally lowers the Boom and covers for the three count. 

Your winner: Adam Cole 

EVERYONE gets into the ring as the Best Friends check on Yuta. Bobby Fish is the first to attack and he chooses Trent and it becomes a brawl. The Best Friends are tossed out except for Orange Cassidy. The Bucks hold Cassidy for the Panama Sunrise, but Cole lands short and kicks Cassidy through the uprights. Trent is rolled into the ring for the triple BTE trigger. 

The Elite stand tall in the ring and we are desperately out of time! 

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