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By Kendall Jenkins on 2021-11-16 12:12:00

When we look at Olympic weightlifting competitions, the first thing that catches our eye is the impressive physique of the athletes. This physical condition is achieved through a lot of perseverance and a lot of effort. And looking at these athletes gives the impression that Olympic weightlifting is the best tool for building a lot of muscle.

However, this statement does not fully correspond to reality. The goal of a weightlifter is to win the competition, not to gain muscle mass. As a rule, to achieve this goal, athletes do various variations of sport-specific exercises. This is great for improving performance in competition, but not as good at stimulating muscle growth. If you want a more effective and detailed way to build muscle mass and strength, you should pay attention to the muscle gain training program.

If you are tired of stagnation and you want to see progress in your physique and gain useful weight, you should try this strategy. The principle of the program is balancing amount of volumetric loads in the exercise, as well as a larger range of additional movements aimed at the corresponding muscle groups for harmonious growth of muscle mass without loss of mobility.

The program plan is designed for 5 weeks of 4 lessons per week. At the same time, the training itself includes a variety of exercises for different muscle groups and should last from 50 to 80 minutes. The main goal is to gain muscle mass. To achieve this, the Olympic program includes:

  • A wide variety of specific weightlifting exercises

  • A nutritional plan to maintain a lean muscle growth trend. Includes performance nutrition program tailored to individual needs.

  • Training videos on workouts that explain in detail, step by step, the importance of the main factors.

For an affordable price, you get a training and individual nutrition plan for a specific weight that will help you move to a new competitive weight category and build lean muscle.

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