New Japan Strong in Riverside, CA Results:
Jordan Clearwater & Brogan Finley Kevin Knight & The DKC.
Referee Nick Bonano.
Knight makes Finley tap out to a Rings of Saturn.
Bateman & Misterioso vs Lio Rush & Adrian Quest
Quest pins Misterioso with a Phoenix Splash.
Jonathan Gresham vs Gabriel Kidd
The SoCal fans are enjoying themselves at Referee Justin Borden’s escape with the old PWG taunts. We’ll see if that makes TV.
With two minutes left Gresham pins Kidd after an extended period of pinning predicaments.
JR Kratos, Royce Issacs, & Black Tiger with Jorel Nelson vs. FinJuice & Rocky Romero.
Tiger pins Rocky Romero after a sit out powerbomb
Josh Barnett vs. Alex Coughlin
Barnett taps out Coughlin in his first NJPW match in many years. After the match, Barnett talks about training Coughlin and puts him over as the real deal.
Jonah Rock vs. Lucas Riley
Jonah squashes Riley and finally pins him with a splash. After the match, David Finlay runs in to protect Riley and they brawl.
They announce NJPW Nemesis coming to Los Angeles February 17 at The Vermont Hall.
Alex Zayne & Yuya Uemura vs Hikuleo & Jay White
Hikuleo pins Zayne with a Falcon Arrow.
Jay White challenges Christopher Daniels at Nemesis.
Ren Narita, Karl Fredricks & Clark Connors vs. Will Ospreay, Jeff Cobb. & TJP
Cobb pins Fredricks with Tour of the Islands.
Brody King vs. Tomohiro Ishii
Ishii defeats King with a brain buster. Stiff match
Filthy Tom Lawlor (with Team Filthy) vs. Fred Rosser For the NJPW Strong Openweight Championship
Lawlor chokes out Rosser to retain championship.
Tyler Rust shows up at the end and attacks Tom looking to be the next title contender for Openweight title.
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