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By Mike Johnson on 2021-11-14 23:00:00

Welcome to's 2021 WWE Tribute to the Troops on FOX report.  This special aired in different slots depending on your local market.

The show opened with Lilian Garcia appearing to sing the national anthem.

WWE aired a video package on the past Tribute to the Troops events.

In a cool effect, they had a CGI battleship.

Michael Cole and Pat McAfee are the announce team.

WWE Champion Big E vs. Dolph Ziggler.

They locked up with Ziggler trying to use a waistlock to take E down but the champ was too strong and easily warded him off.  Ziggler nailed him.  Big E did a leapfrog and then caught Ziggler with an abdominal stretch, peppering the challenger's side with punches.   E dragged Ziggler to the apron outside, beating on his chest and then nailing a big splash on the apron.  

Big E pulled him back to the apron outside and went for a suplex but Ziggler landed in the ring.  Robert Roode tried to interfere but was kicked off.  This allowed Ziggler to drill a distracted E as they went to commercial.  When they returned, Ziggler had Big E caught in a sleeper while riding the champion's back.  E flipped him over and nailed an overhead belly to belly suplex, then followed up with another.  E played to the crowd and nailed a big splash, then rallied the fans to chant for him.

Ziggler cut him off with a Famouser for a two count.  Ziggler went for a piledriver.  E went to backdrop him over Ziggler landed on his feet and struck the champ with the ZigZag for a close two count.  Ziggler came off the ropes with a bodypress but was caught and hit with the Big Ending for the pin.

Your winner, WWE Champion Big E!

Robert Roode immediately attacked him and went for a DDT but E recovered and nailed another Big Ending.

Solid, standard, enjoyable fare for WWE.

They aired a video package on the the Marine Lance Corporal Nhatalyne Bordes, noting she signed up during war-time.  They noted that she passed on Colombia University to join the Marines.  She didn't know how to swim and is now taking water survival training.   They showed how hard her training is and how strong her work ethic is.

They showed a video package on a Marine, Cpl. Matthew Stitt, an air traffic controller who emanated from Brazil to the United States and became a Marine, following in his father's footsteps.

Liv Morgan vs. Bianca Belair.

Some back and forth wrestling and near falls early.  Pure friendly babyface vs. babyface 101 as they each try to one up each other and smiling about it before they go to commercial.  When they return, Bianca caught Morgan with a spinebuster for a two count.  Bianca went for a powerbomb but Liv rolled through into a sunset flip near fall.  Morgan followed up with an enziguiri.    Morgan missed a charge into the corner.  Morgan tried to come off the ropes with a rana but was caught and transitioned into the KOD for the pinfall.

Your winner, Bianca Belair!

Short but fun match with the story being they were having a friendly scrap with each getting a quick spotlight move before the finish.

They shook hands after the bell.

WWE promoted their new partnership with the National Medal of Honor Museum.   

They then went to a really great video piece on Hershel "Woody" Williams, the oldest living recipient of the Medal of Honor—for heroism above and beyond the call of duty during the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II.  Williams told the story that two of the others who received that Medal from the battle died protecting him that day and said that he doesn't consider himself a hero and that those who deserved that recognition are the ones who didn't get to come home after defending the United States.  This was a really wonderful piece.

WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman came to the ring.

They went to a video package on a retired United States Navy member, Matt Lewis.  He said that the Navy brought him up and he's still giving back to the Nacy. 

Rick Boogs played Shinsuke Nakamura to the ring.

WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura.

Reigns controlled early until Nakamura hit a leaping knee strike, then another, scoring two near falls.  Nakamura worked him over in the corner and used his leg to kick away as Boogs played the guiltar.  Reigns nailed several clotheslines in the corner, then a leaping lariat as they went to commercial.

When they returned, they ran a video package on the highest ranking cadet at West Point, Cadet Holland Pratt, who is currently in the United States Military Academy.   She talked about how West Point shapes you as a person.  Her great grandfather died in a concentration camp and her Grandmother grew up in post-WW2 Germany.  She told a story about how their entire village hid under a bridge until someone told them it was OK, because it was the Americans.  She was inspired to go and save lives by those stories.  She is the sixth female first captain at West Point.

They had a CGI military chopper above the ring as they returned to action.  Roman nailed a big Uranage for a two count.  Roman set up for a Superman punch but Boogs began playing the guitar, distracting and annoying the champion.  Reigns went to exit the ring but Paul Heyman talked him out of it.  Nakamura ducked the Superman Punch attempt and was nailed with a kick.  Nakamura set up for the Kinshasa but The Usos attacked Boogs on the floor.  Nakamura went to assist him but Roman nailed the Superman Punch on the floor.

Nakamura was tossed back in the ring, speared and pinned.

Your winner, WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns!

Overall, a slickly produced special with the in-ring reaction really a backdrop for WWE promoting the United States Armed Forces.    From an in-ring standpoint, there was nothing you would likely feel you missed out on had you not seen the special, but for 60 minutes of WWE giving back to the military, this was nice feel good show.

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