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By Brian Cannon on 2021-11-05 07:30:00

This is the OVW Report for Thursday, November 4, 2021.


-The Women's Title is on the line as Sierra defends against Haley J!

-The unlikely duo of Tony Gunn & Hy Zaya are in tag team action!

-We find out what's next for Jessie Godderz and the National Heavyweight Title!

-Dani Mo faces the debuting Sholancé Royal!

-Heavyweight Champion Ryan Howe faces Facade!

-Kentucky Champion Luscious Lawrence is in action against Tony Evans!

Plus much more!

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Eric Cornish is the ring announcer.

"The Viking" Roger Mathis vs. Rush Champion Gustavo.

Gustavo with some quick hits, but he runs into a hard clothesline. Roger knees him and elbows him across the back of the neck in the corner. Gustavo tries to fire back, but Roger takes him down hard. Roger sends him to the corner, but Gustavo comes out with the Solina Del Sol for the 3.

WINNER: GUSTAVO by pinfall.

"The Next Level" Duane Davis vs. Reverend Ronnie Roberts.

Duane with a side headlock. Ronnie comes back with a clothesline and kneedrop. Duane back with a throat thrust and suplex. Ronnie comes back with a clothesline and legdrop. He lays the mighty right hand on him for the 3. 

WINNER: RONNIE by pinfall.

"The Empire State Goliath" Scott Cardinal vs. "The Star of the Show" Star Rider.

Star looks for some quick offense, but is at a clear size disadvantage. Scott with a hard throw into the corner. Star comes back with 3 dropkicks to take Star off his feet, but Scott catches him with a hard clothesline for 2. Star gets sent to the apron. He kicks Scott in the head, but gets caught on a dive in and Scott hits a slingshot suplex for 2. Scott misses a charge in the corner. Star dropkicks his knee and goes off the ropes, but Scott catches him with a back body drop for 2. Star with some kicks and a mini slingblade. He hits a shining wizard for 2. He goes up for Orion's Belt, but Scott moves. Star comes back with a crucifix into a rollup for the 3! 

WINNER: STAR by pinfall.


Bryan Kennison & Shannon the Dude are on commentary, Eric Cornish is the ring announcer.

NON-TITLE MATCH: "The Neon Ninja" Facade vs. Heavyweight Champion "Rockstar" Ryan Howe.

Howe on the attack. Facade comes back with some kicks, but Howe catches him with an atomic drop. Howe hits the sliding uppercut and the rock 'n' roll fistdrop misses. Facade sends Howe to the outside. Facade goes to leap out, but lands on the apron. Howe kicks the ropes as Facade tries to come back in. Facade back with some atomic drops of his own, then flies out on Howe. When he goes to leap in, Howe pulls the ref in the way. Howe kicks the heel of his boot off as he kicks Facade below the belt for the 3.

WINNER: HOWE by pinfall.

We see Luscious Lawrence arriving at the arena looking for Tony Bizo. AJ McKay hasn't seen him, then the Fanny Pack Party use a caution cone as a megaphone to yell for Bizo, but Luscious walks on.

Sholancé Royal vs. Dani Mo.

Royal with some quick hits early, singing some high notes as she drops an elbow. She dropkicks Dani in the face for 2. Dani comes back with some kicks and is able to connect with the Twist of Fate to get the 3. 

WINNER: DANI by pinfall.

We see Tony Bizo trying to hide in the back. Steven Johnson is working on a podcast and can't hear him and is yelling out his name. Bizo continues to try and hide from Luscious Lawrence.

Jessie Godderz comes out and talks about how much he loves his pecs and how he has beaten Nick Dinsmore, The Pope, & Luscious Lawrence. He says he is the face that runs this place and that won't change.

"Dysfunction": Brandon Espinosa & "The Iron Bear" Tom Coffey vs. "The Hood Ninja" Hy Zaya & "Shotgun" Tony Gunn.

Espy tries to attack Hy, but Hy ducks and fires back. He tags Gunn. Espy throat thrusts him and tags Tom. Tom comes in, but gets knocked down and out. Gunn hits Espy with the take out the trash. Hy clotheslines him down. Tom pulls Hy down from the outside. Espy & Tom take advantage until Hy gets free and tags Gunn. Gunn comes in firing on Espy. He hits a spinning backdrop and reverse DDT to Espy for 2 as Tom breaks it up. Tom is taken out and Hy tags himself in. He hits a leg lariat to Espy and gets the 3. 

WINNERS: HY & GUNN by pinfall.

WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH: "Hollyhood" Haley J vs. Sierra (c).

They lock up and Sierra breaks after Haley backs up into the corner. Sierra locks her up in a submission. She throws her to the corner and runs in with a hard elbow. Haley rolls out and Sierra follows her. Haley shoves her into the ringpost, then Sierra fires back and suplexes her on the floor. They continue to fight around ringside with Haley ramming Sierra into the apron. Back inside, they exchange forearm shots off the ropes, then Sierra connects with a running boot. Haley comes back with a clothesline takedown. Tony Bizo comes out to the ramp. Haley is distracted. Luscious Lawrence comes out and pulls Bizo off the apron and they start brawling. Bizo rolls into the ring and runs Haley over as he tries to escape Luscious. Luscious chases him to the back. Back inside, Sierra catches Haley with the cutter off her back and picks up the 3.


After the match, Luscious comes back out to check on Haley. Bizo comes back out and pulls her out of the ring and says she is his property. Luscious goes after him and he drops her on the ramp and heads to the back.


Bryan Kennison & Shannon the Dude are on commentary, Eric Cornish is the ring announcer.

The Fanny Pack Party is out for the presentation of the Nightmare Cup. Kal puts a fanny pack on the trophy and they say they are now #1 contenders for the OVW Tag Team Titles.

Dark Kloudz appears in the rafters and says the only reason they won is because they weren't in it. The Fanny Pack Party tell them to come down now and fight them. They are ready to cash in. Bryan Kennison gets in and says OVW management is in his ear, telling him it's official for the main event!

NON-TITLE MATCH: "Superior" Tony Evans vs. Kentucky Champion "Mr. Juicy" Luscious Lawrence.

Tony locks Luscious up and Luscious shakes his hips out of it and clotheslines him down. He hits the Swinger's Party and gets him up, but Tony slides off and kicks him. He attacks the left leg and works it over. Luscious comes back with a powerslam off the ropes and goes for the One Night Stand. Tony slides out and goes for Crossroads, but Luscious breaks out and connects with the One Night Stand for the 3. 

WINNER: LUSCIOUS by pinfall.

"The Barbie Killer" Hayley Shadows vs. "Double A" Arie Alexander.

Hayley with a hard kick, but runs into a back elbow. Arie with a snapmare and kick to the chest. Freya the Slaya is out and she gets in the ring and attacks Arie & Hayley. She slams them both and delivers a double legdrop. She grabs a mic and says she has heard about it being the "season of Sierra", but for her, it's hunting season. She's coming for Sierra and the Women's Title!


Reverend Ronnie Roberts is out for another edition of the Good Word. Tonight's special guest is Gustavo. Gustavo says he has the title, so he is still champion. Ronnie says Star Rider & Gustavo both had their cheering sections, but who's next? Gustavo says anyone can come step up to him. Ronnie says hold up, he has another special guest. It's Star Rider.

Star says his foot was on the rope and he should be champion. Gustavo says he is obsessed and jealous. Ronnie runs the clips of what happened at Apocalypse in their match. Star & Gustavo start to shove each other and argue. Ronnie says he has a little stroke around here and tells them they will meet again for the Rush Title at the Thanksgiving episode in a 30-minute iron man match!

TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: "The Fanny Pack Party": Dustin Jackson & "The Fanny Pack Kid" Kal Herro vs. "Dark Kloudz": "Elusive" Eric Darkstorm & "Hustler" Deget Bundlez (c).

Eric smacks Kal. They exchange holds, then Kal returns a smack to the face of Eric. Lots of quick tags on both sides, then the fight spills to the floor. Dustin & Deget collide inside. Dustin gets back up first and locks in a sleeper. Deget rams him into the corner to break the hold. Eric tries to interfere and gets hit off the apron. Deget tries to roll Dustin up for 2. Kal gets a tag and takes Deget down for 2. He locks in a sleeper, but Deget is able to tag Eric. Eric slams him and then Kal rolls him up in an inside cradle for 2. Deget tags back in and hits Kal in the ropes. He chops Kal and Kal reverses a throw to the corner. Both men are down. Kal crawls for the tag, but Deget pulls him to their corner and tags Eric. Eric with a hard kick to the chest, then he chokes Kal in the ropes. Eric hits Dustin off the apron. Kal with a quick rollup for 2. Deget is back in and locks in a submission, then drops an elbow. Eric tags in and locks in a submission. Kal gets free and super kicks Eric, then tags Dustin. Dustin with a missile dropkick, then knocks Deget off the apron. He covers for 2. He hits a suplex and knocks Deget off the apron again. Dustin goes up and hits the Derby City Dive for 2 as Deget breaks the pin. Kal & Deget fight on the outside. Inside, Dustin splashes Eric in the corner and the ref. Kal hits the knee and Dustin hits the running boot, but the ref is out. Another comes out and counts to 3, but can't call for the bell as Deget pulls him out. Deget throws Kal into the barricade, then gets in and hits the spinning TKO with Eric on Dustin for the 3. 


This ended the TV taping.

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