Beyond Wrestling “Uncharted Territory: Season 3, Episode 2”
10/14/21 - Worcester, MA
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Beyond’s weekly program is kicking off the second episode of its third season tonight. I’m watching live via IWTV tonight. Rich Palladino is your announcer. Paul Crockett and Sidney Bakabella are your commentary team. Let’s see what Beyond has in store for us tonight! Beyond streams their opening spotlight match via Facebook Live tonight.
Spotlight Match: Davienne vs Edith Surreal
Davienne drives Surreal (wearing some Morris inspired gear) into the corner and smacks her on the break. Surreal catches a roll up but Davy kicks out. Surreal stuns her with a series of arm drags, a rana and back elbow for another near fall. Hangman’s dropkick to the spine, Surreal to the top, splash down for two. Davienne with a sucker punch in the corner, hot shots Edith on the top rope and sends her to the floor. Davy stomping Edith out but only a one count. Big suplex. Kick out. Davienne talking trash and hits a sidewalk slam for a near fall. Davienne with a deep Boston crab but Surreal makes the ropes. Trading pin attempts back and forth. Edith is tired and throwing desperate strikes. A lariat and dropkick out of the blue from Surreal. Edith tries a bulldog but Davienne dumps her out onto the apron. Davienne sets her up and hits a basement dropkick, wrapping Edith around the corner post and pulls her back in for the pin.
Winner: Davienne
And we’re Liiiiiiiiiive on IWTV!
Match 1: “Dirty Daddy” Chris Dickinson vs “Savage Gentleman” Viktor Benjamin (w/ Lady Frost)
Dickinson is all business tonight. Benjamin decides to taunt the Daddy….who doesn’t get mad and annihilate Viktor immediately? Both of these Bloodsport vets grapple in the standup early. Dickinson fires up with some chops, takes him over and wraps up the head. Viktor fights his way up and Dickinson grabs. The leg and dumps him down. Some classic wresting here and Viktor takes down Dickinson with a crucifix choke. Daddy is out but Viktor with the takedown and working the arm. Frost grabs the foot of Dickinson and that opens the door for a huge kick to the back. Viktor with an axe kick to the gut for two. Dickinson fires back with a huge chop. Viktor with a couple of his own but Worcester calls it WEEEEEEEAK. Viktor responds with a high knee and a delay powerbomb on Dickinson for two. Viktor with a straight punch and a kick to the chest. Dickinson wants more….and rages up through it. Frost sweeps the legs out and Willow Nightingale has seen enough. She runs out and chases Frost to the back. An even fight now, Dickinson gets his second wind and exploding on Viktor. Dragon screw and a dropkick to the knee. Dickinson with a STF but it’s too close to the ropes. Daddy tries a single crab but Viktor up kicks his way to freedom. Trips Dickinson and hits a deadlift german. Dickinson pops up to hit a german of his own…Viktor drops to block it but Dickinson muscle him up and over anyways. Viktor blocks a high kick and locks in a dragon sleeper. Chris grabs the rope to break it. Series of german reversals, Chris fails at a rollup but quickly transitions to the STF again. It’s center of the ring and Viktor can only tap out. This was a lot of fun. Dickinson needed this win but it was easily one of Viktor Benjamin’s best showings in Beyond.
Winner: Chris Dickinson
Match 2: “Megasus” Megan Bayne vs Delmi Exo
I’ve said this before but Bayne is just PRESENCE. Delmi definitely looks a little shook before the bell even rings. Bayne mauls her on the corner early. Delmi slips out of a slam and lands a forearm but Bayne hits a fallaway slam. Big splash and Delmi’s hurting. Bayne whips her ends to end and lands several knees to the gut. Powerslam. Bayne misses a legdrop and Delmi tries a crucifix rollup for two. Big larait from Bayne and a suplex. Delmi getting stomps out in the corner. Bayne tries a corner splash but wipes her head out on the post during a corner splash and Exo is getting her first real offense of the match. Running cross body! Series of corner charges, a near fall on a larait and Exo wraps Bayne in a crossface. Bayne powers out and hits a Samoan drop. Bayne yells “Bow Down” and puts Exo away with a tombstone. This was an absolute mugging. Who can beat Megan Bayne?
Winner: Megan Bayne
Match 3: Rhett Titus vs Jora Johl
Handshake of mutual respect at the bell. Titus gets into with a fan who gets a little too rowdy at ringside. Point of order: Don’t be that fan. Back in the ring, it’s an even stale mate early until Jora starts showing his power. Big vertical suplex before targeting the shoulder. Titus reverses an up and over into a basement drop kick. Bridging suplex and Johl’s out at one. Titus is feeling confident but Johl escapes a cutter into a popup slam. Roaring elbow into a twist of fate but Titus is out. Johl escapes a top rope scenario with a double underhook backbreaker. Titus saves himself from three by getting the rope. Titus stuns Johl but slingshots into a fireman’s carry. Jora with a buckle bomb but runs into a stuff dropkick that starches Johl for the three. Jora Johl tries to tempt Titus back into the ring for a second round right now. Titus comes back to flip him the bird before heading to the back.
Winner: Rhett Titus
Match 4: Lady Frost (w/ Viktor Benjamin) vs Willow Nightingale
Frost tries to play keep away with Willow. Frost cartwheels out of a superkick attempt but Willow BLASTS her out of the ring with a pounce! Viktor gives Willow a slap and runs her into the post while the ref is distracted. Chris Dickinson runs out chases Viktor off with a chair. Frost works Willow over in the ring but Willow powers out with a fallaway slam and hits a senton. Frost is savvy here and traps Willow with a head scissor. Willow gets to the ropes and punishes Frost with chops. Frost cartwheels over and hits a dropkick to the back of the wheel before ramming some corner spears. Handspring cannonball into the corner. Willow and Frost trade running attacks before Willow hits a big kick to the face. Willow firing up with clotheslines and a spinebuster for two. Frost tries a roll up but eats a trio of suplexes. Kick out of the final fisherman’s suplex. Frost with a spinning kick, standing moonsault and hits another off the top. That should be enough but she wants to hit a third one. Willow intercepts her and germans her off the top. Kick out! Willow yanks Frost up into a gutwrench powerbomb and Frost stays down for the three.
Winner: Willow Nightingale
Match 5: SLADE vs Ryan Galeone
Galeone returns to Beyond in his first appearance since 2018. He’s a big boy and SLADE is hungry. SLADE informs Rich Palladino that this is a No DQ match. No one argues with the man from Rikers Island, least of all Galeone, who is clearly here for a fight. SLADE staggers from one of Ryan’s big uppercuts and Galeone sends him to the floor quickly. Galeone gives chase but gets rammed into the apron and SLADE blasts him with a chair. No effect?!? SLADE gives him a chair and absorbs a shot of his own. Chair warfare! SLADE with a suplex to the floor. SLADE dives off the apron but gets caught into a chokeslam back on the hardest part of the ring. Galeone to the top! Senton off the top to SLADE on the floor! Galeone rams him into the walls of the White Eagle before dragging him back into the crowd for a beating. Big slaps to the chest before sending SLADE back in…..Galeone back to the top, SLADE hopes up there and tosses Ryan to earth. Both guys stunned and trading slaps as they get to their feet. SLADE is trying to chop down this big tree with lariats. Galeone with a kick to the head. SLADE with a larait and powerslam for two! SLADE tries a sleeper but Galeone with a flying knee and a pair of huuuuuuuge powerbombs. Is that it for SLADE?!? Kick out! SLADE will not quit and rams Galeone in to the corner before hitting a chokeslam. Kick out! Galeone is mad and battering SLADE in the corner. SLADE slams him into the buckle for two. Galeone slow to his feet and eating a pair of lariats. Galeone with a dropkick and a rope walk slingshot senton for the closest two of this match. WOWWWWW! Powerbomb off the second and SLADE stands right back up. SLADE dives into a rear choke before finishing Galeone with a running backfist to the back of the head. Holy hell this was wild. I loved this so much. Welcome back, Ryan Galeone!
Winner: SLADE
It’s time for the Tag Team Discovery Gauntlet! You gotta win it to stay in it! Mane Event kicked us off last week with a hot contest against 9 to 5. Tonight, they have a test against another hot upcoming Northeast tandem in Waves & Curls!
Match 6: The Mane Event(c) (Jay Lyon & Midas Black) vs Waves & Curls (Traevon Jordan & Jaylen Brandyn) (Tag Team Discovery Gauntlet)
I am solidly a Waves & Curls guy and clearly the Worcester crowd responds well to them as well….but they still love Mane Event. This should be awesome. The two teams have a little dance party to kick this off but Mane Event almost steals the win with a rollup. Waves & Curls respond with some solid double team offense that keep the current Discovery Gauntlet champs on the defense. Jaelyn with a dive out to Lyon on the floor. Midas cuts off a second dive and stuns Trayvon with a sucker punch. W&C to the outside and Lyon dives through the lion ring to the outside. Lyon throws Jaelyn back in but he kicks out of Black’s cover attempt. Midas trips the leg and Lyon with a flip senton for two. Lyon throws Midas into a spear on Jaelyn. Mane Event doing a good job of keeping him isolated…until he rolls through to tag in Jordan. Trayvon cleaning house. Big spin kick and a sidewalk slam to Midas. Leg lariat causes Lyon to ddt his own partner! Lyon escapes a chokeslam and hits a snake eyes as Mane Event hits a double kick to the back of the head. Jaelyn gets popped up into a cutter. Midas with a 619 to Jordan and Lyon hits a lionsault. Top rope frog splash from Midas but Jordan gets the shoulder up. Jaelyn in and fighting them both. Midas sent out and W&C hit Lyon with a tandem chokeslam/pie face combo (The Wave Check) to get the three. This was a lot of fun. Mane Event made a lot of new fans these last two weeks and Waves & Curls taking the W was the right call here.
Winner: Waves & Curls
We are about to head to the main event but Teddy Goodz is out first and has something to say. He was supposed to fight Matt Cardona at Americanrana…but it took an act of god to shut that show down. Matt Cardona is coming back in November at Reverse the Curse. Goodz wants his shot at him back and he calls Cardona out for that show.
Main Event: “Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander vs Alec Price (w/ Becca)
Becca hands out sticks of deodorant to the crowd during their entrance. Apparently this place smells like GAHBAHGE. Price runs his mouth, feigns a shot into Josh’s face and immediately runs for the rope when the Walking Weapon decides to engage. Big gutwrench slam from Alexander and Price knows he has a fight ahead of him. He tries to target the arm of Alexander but Josh just tosses him out of it almost effortlessly. Price wakes up after a big shot and comes in swinging. Alexander catches a leapfrog into an electric chair german. Price is a Wilde man and keeps comes but Alexnader is smelling his prey and destroys with a huge backbreaker. Price with a dive to the outside and starts unloading on Josh. Dropkick to the back of the head for two! Wild swings from Price but Alexander stands up through it and slams the kid down. Huge chop but Price sends Josh to the outside on a charge. Becca with a cannonball off the apron. Josh tries walking her down but Price dives out and catches him unaware. Jumping knees to the face. Josh dodges a third one but Price hits a kick off the second for two. Price tries a suplex but Josh hits a fisherman’s suplex but can’t bridge the pin. Price trying to throw hands with Josh but gets caught flinching. Big back drop to Price. Big boot turns Price inside out. Josh wants to finish this and spin slams Price down from a torture rack. Josh with the ankle lock, Price rolls him up for two. Price with a tilt a whirl face buster. Alexader back with a series of germans. Price tries to kick his way out. Alexander dodges the back kick finish but eats a flip ddt for a really close two. “stay down, josh!” Screams Price as he stomps the walking weapon out. Price misses a yakuza kick and Josh drops him with a slam on the apron. A Running crossbody dive launches Price off the apron to the hard wood floor. Alexnader to the top, he wants a moonsault but Becca tries to get involved. Price with a gut kick and a block buster for two! Price tries the flying back kick again but Josh avoids it. Pair of kicks to the head from Price but Alexander with a huge german and a double underhook piledriver for the pin! I agree with the crowd here. This WAS awesome!
Winner: Josh Alexander
Chris Dickinson hits the ring to beat on the fallen Alec Price. Becca jumps on the Dirty Daddy’s back, allowing Price to join the fight and leave Dickinson laying. Price grabs a table while Becca chokes him down. Willow Nightingale runs in to make the save! Willow with a spinebuster on Becca! Dickinson back in it, grabs another table, and joins Willow in DVD’ing Becca and Price through those tables. Dickinson and Willow do a pose-off for the hard cam as this episode of Uncharted Territory closes the night out!
Check out the VOD of this episode on IWTV! A solid 2 hours of wrestling action. ABSOLUTELY watch SLADE and Galeone’s war and the main event, if nothing else. Next week, Waves & Curls defend their spot in the Discovery Gauntlet against the Amazing Graysons! After their misunderstanding on Episode 1, Trish Adora takes on a frustrated Eel O’Neal. They also made another announcement for the upcoming “Reverse the Curse” show in Somerville - Masha Slamovich vs Manders! Until then!
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