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By Kendall Jenkins on 2021-10-07 09:18:00

Levels of the hormone testosterone naturally fluctuate throughout a man’s life, however, they tend to peak in the 30s and decline after reaching 50. In addition to natural reductions due to aging, low testosterone levels may have a range of other causes, including: 

  • Injury and trauma

  • The effects of cancer and its treatment, especially chemotherapy

  • Hemochromatosis (iron deficiency) and other metabolic disorders

  • Alcohol and drug abuse

  • Liver disease

  • Side effects from prolonged prescription medication use

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Pituitary gland dysfunctions or tumors 

  • Obesity 

  • Increased levels of estrogen

Due to age and individual factors, the symptoms of low testosterone levels vary but often include the following: 

  • Reduced sex drive

  • A negative outlook on life and unstable moods 

  • Lower muscle mass and increased fat

  • Tiredness 

  • Anxiety, depression, and poor self-esteem

  • Hair loss

  • Decreased bone density

  • Male breast development

  • Infertility 

  • Anemia due to lower levels of hemoglobin in the red blood cells

Although there are many natural ways to increase levels of testosterone, some men opt to take anabolic steroids to help improve their situation. A synthetic drug, aiming to mimic the effects of testosterone, anabolic steroids are typically restricted in most countries due to their association with misuse and long-term side effects. 

As a result of being restricted and potentially unsafe, most men with low testosterone regularly consider taking booster supplements instead of using steroids. However, there are some concerns and growing interest around the effectiveness and benefits of testosterone booster supplements, which this article will look into further.  If you're interested in learning more about testosterone boosters, check out this useful resource by Numan's expert.

What Are Testosterone Booster Supplements Made From? 

The majority of testosterone booster supplements available over the counter or online are made from fully natural ingredients and are labeled as dietary supplements, so no prescription is required from a doctor. Since the restriction and health scare surrounding steroids became a major concern, research shows evidence of steady growth in the demand for natural and safe testosterone booster supplements. Typically, the supplements come in pill or powder form and contain plant extracts, minerals, and vitamins. 

When browsing supplements, it is important to have a good understanding of the ingredients commonly used in testosterone booster supplements, so it is easier to identify natural and legit products. Some ingredients usually found in testosterone booster supplements include boron, Eurycoma longifolia, fenugreek extract, maca extract, magnesium, nettle leaf extract, Tribulus Terrestris vitamins B6, D3, and K1, and zinc. 

The Benefits of Testosterone Booster Supplements

There are various symptoms of low testosterone levels, however, many men taking testosterone booster supplements as a steroid substitute have experienced the following improvements. 

More Muscle Mass

Regular use of testosterone booster supplements often leads to better energy levels, enabling more rewarding workout sessions. Booster supplements encourage the body to become leaner and increase the amount of muscle mass over time when complemented with exercise, in particular strength training. In addition to improving muscle mass, testosterone booster supplements also help to reduce fat as the body gradually becomes leaner and more muscular. 

Increased Bone Strength 

Decreases in testosterone levels can eventually cause bones to become less dense and more brittle, and may lead to the development of osteoporosis. However, by taking testosterone booster supplements bone density often increases, reducing the risk of breaks and fractures as well as helping to improve physical strength.  

Better Energy Levels

One of the more frequent symptoms of low testosterone levels is fatigue and a feeling of malaise, however taking testosterone booster supplements can help to increase energy levels, making everyday tasks such as exercise, household chores, and work easier to tackle. 

Higher Libido 

Men suffering from low levels of testosterone often experience problems with sexual arousal and performance, including a low sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Testosterone booster supplements provide improvements to some men’s sex lives by promoting the production of testosterone, leading to better sexual performance. 

Improved Moods 

Some of the physiological consequences of low testosterone are anxiety, depression, irritability, and mood swings that can cause various issues in daily life and increase the risk of developing serious health problems. Testosterone booster supplements help to improve mental health by consistently maintaining a healthy level of testosterone. 

Enhanced Cognitive Skills

As men age and testosterone levels decrease, there is a tendency for cognitive abilities to go into decline, with notable effects on skills related to memory and reasoning. Testosterone booster supplements help return levels back to normally, allowing for a clearer mind and faster memory recall. 

Promotion of Red Blood Cell Production 

For the body to function at its best, a consistent supply of oxygen is required, unfortunately, when the body lacks testosterone it can affect the production of red blood cells responsible for distributing oxygen to cells around the body. Testosterone booster supplements provide a boost to the body by promoting red blood cell production in the bone marrow. 

Generally, the effects of adequate red blood cell production include better overall fitness and energy levels, as the body’s cells are getting all the oxygen they need to carry out healthy functions. 

Potential Downsides 

Despite the majority of testosterone booster supplements containing natural ingredients and commonly being labeled as dietary supplements, testosterone boosting supplements may cause some unwanted side effects for some men. Some potential side effects of taking testosterone booster supplements include hypertension, liver damage, increased aggression, and prostate enlargement. 

If you are taking a prescription medication and considering taking testosterone booster supplements, it is important to first check with your doctor to avoid the risk of potential side effects. 

Additional Ways to Improve Testosterone Levels

Testosterone booster supplements often provide the best results when used in combination with a range of other natural solutions to low testosterone levels. Following a regular exercise routine and making lifestyle changes such as getting more sunshine, improving sleep quality, and eating a healthy diet can also give a boost to testosterone levels. 

Compared to anabolic steroids, testosterone booster supplements made from a blend of natural ingredients provide an effective alternative with a reduced risk of side effects. Furthermore, they offer a variety of benefits, ranging from increased muscle mass to improved moods and higher energy levels.

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