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By Richard Trionfo on 2021-10-03 12:35:00

We are in Los Angeles, California and your announcers are Shigeki Kiyono and Hiroshi Tanahashi (in Japanese) or Kevin Kelly and Alex Koslov (in English).

Match Number One: JR Kratos versus Fred Yehi

Yehi with a wrist lock but Kratos pushes him away. Kratos slaps Yehi and Yehi with a chop but Kratos with a forearm. Yehi with chops and Kratos with a punch that sends Yehi to the mat. They lock up and Kratos misses a stomp but Yehi with forearms and chops. Kratos with a forearm and chop in the corner. Kratos with an elbow and chop in the corner. Yehi with a chop and front face lock. Kratos with a head and arm choke followed by an STO. Kratos with a dead lift suplex for a near fall. Kratos with a hard Irish whip.

Kratos with a front face lock and a suplex. Kratos with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Yehi with a punch and side head lock but Kratos with a shoulder tackle. Kratos misses an elbow drop. Kratos with a snap mare. They exchange forearms and Yehi with a chop. Kratos misses a splash in the corner and Yehi with chops. Yehi with forearms but Krtatos stays on his feet. Yehi with a waist lock into an abdominal stretch but Kratos escapes with a hip toss. Kratos misses a splash and Yehi with a double stomp and German suplex. Yehi holds on and hits a second one. Yehi with a Koji Clutch.

Kratos gets a near fall and follows with a leg drop. Yehi with a near fall followed by punches and chops. Yehi with a spinning back fist and he sets for a suplex but Kratos blocks it. Yehi with forearms and Kratos continues to block the suplex attempt. Kratos with a Burning Hammer for a near fall. Yehi with a triangle but Kratos escapes and hits a wheelbarrow suplex for the three count.

Winner: JR Kratos


Match Number Two: Chris Dickinson versus Royce Isaacs

They lock up and Dickinson with a front face lock. Isaacs escapes and Dickinson with a heel hook but Isaacs escapes. Dickinson goes for the heel again abut Isaacs gets to the ropes. Dickinson with kicks and a spinning heel kick. Dickinson with a waist lock and Isaacs grabs the referee and when the referee is out of position, Isaacs reverses the hold and he sends Dickinson shoulder first into the turnbuckles.

Isaacs with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Isaacs with a knee to the back and then he chokes Dickinson in the corner. Isaacs with forearms to the back. Isaacs goes for a snap mare but Dickinson blocks it. They exchange forearms and Isaccs with an elbow drop for a near fall. Isaacs with a knee to the back and a kick to the back. Isaacs with more forearms.

Isaacs with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Isaacs with more kicks and forearms to the back. Isaacs chokes Dickinson. Dickinson with punches and chops. Isaacs with a forearm to the back. Dickinson with a forearm and chop, but Isaacs with a head butt and back breaker for a near fall. Isaacs with a rear chin lock. Dickinson with punches and chops . They exchange forearms and Isaacs with the advantage until Dickinson hits an enzuigiri. Dickinson with a dead lift German suplex but he cannot take advantage. Dickinson misses a clothesline but he hits a series of dragon screw leg whips. Dickinson sets for a single leg crab but Isaacs with kicks. Dickinson with an STF but Isaacs gets to the ropes. Dickinson chases Isaacs on the floor and then connects with forearms as they return to the ring. Isaacs with a rolling elbow and he tries for a suplex but Dickinson lands on his feet and applies a sleeper. Dickinson gets Isaacs on his shoulders and Isaacs gets to his feet and he hits a forearm to the back.

Isaacs with a delayed Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Isaacs with forearms to the back and a head butt. Isaacs sets for a half and half suplex but both men with standing switches. Dickinson catches isaacs and hits a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Isaacs with a Cloverleaf but Dickinson gets to the ropes to force a break. Dickinson kicks Isaacs and then he goes for an STF but Isaacs escapes. Isaacs with a full nelson but Dickinson rolls through and applies an STF and Isaacs taps out.

Winner: Chris Dickinson

After the match, Dickinson is in the back and he says it was a big night and a big W. It is more than a win. It was personal. All of those days in the gym when you thought you were better, but when it all counted, you tapped out. It does not matter if you turn my best friend into a snake, but I cut the head off snakes. You didn’t have what it took tonight. You need to look at why would you turn your back on your friend. It is just started against Team Filthy. Chris thanks everyone for showing up for tonight’s show.

Match Number Three: Tom Lawlor (with JR Kratos) versus Lio Rush for the NJPW Strong Openweight Championship

The bell rings and Lawlor goes to the floor to talk strategy with Kratos. Lawlor talks more strategy with Rush to get into the challenger’s head. Rush with a kick through the ropes. Rush with a side head lock and then he applies a rear naked choke and gets on Lawlor’s back but Lawlor gets to the ropes to force a break. Lawlor with a kick and Irish whip but Rush goes to the apron and does a back flip off the apron to the floor in front of Kratos. Lawlor goes for a splash to Rush on the floor but misses and Lawlor hits Kratos.

Rush with a back heel kick and an enzuigiri for a near fall. Rush with a kick to the chest and a punch. Rush sends Lawlor into the corner and follows with a kick. Rush lands on hs feet when Lawlor tries to flip him. Rush kicks Lawlor but Lawlor catches Rush off the turnbuckles and sends Rush into the turnbuckles and then slams him to the mat.

Lawlor punches Rush. Rush goes into the corner and Lawlor with a chop. Rush with forearms and chops but Lawlor with another chop and Rush goes down. Lawlor with a front face lock into a guillotine. Lawlor with a cravate and knees. Lawlor with a suplex and then he applies a top wrist lock. Rush gets Lawlor to the mat and Rush gets a near fall with a jackknife cover. Lawlor kicks Rush in the corner. Lawlor with a forearm and he chokes Rush. Lawlor with an Irish whip and exploder for a near fall.

Lawlor with a forearm and chop in the corner. Rush gets in Lawlor’s face and Lawlor with a forearm and chop followed by a hard Irish whip. Lawlor gets a near fall. Rush with forearms and chops. Lawlor with an Irish whip and Rush floats over and misess a clothesline. Rush lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Rush goes for a splash but Lawlor catches Rush and goes for a triangle and then he starts to work on the legs.

Lawlor with a single leg crab and Rush gets to the ropes. Lawlor with a waist lock and Rush continues to hold on to the ropes. Lawlor with a rear naked choke but Rush sends Lawlor to the apron. Rush with a handspring kick to send Lawlor to the floor followed by a suicide dive. Kratos grabs Rush as Rush tries to get back into the ring. The referee sees Kratos pressing Rush over his head and Kratos puts him down. Rush slaps Kratos and Kratos grabs Rush. The referee sends Kratos to the back.

Rush with a rollup for a near fall. Lawlor with a knee and Irish whip but Rush slides into the corner and Lawlor misses a splash. Rush with a poisonrana followed by a frog splash for a near fall. Rush sets for the slingshot cutter but Lawlor blocks it and he applies a rear naked choke. Rush escapes and gets a near fall. Rush misses a round kick but Lawlor with a forearm. They go back and forth with forearms. Lawlor with a forearm but Rush with a series of strikes. Lawlor avoids a back fist and he hits a power slam for a near fall. Lawlor with a rear naked choke but Rush escapes and he applies a sleeper. Rush with a back heel kick and he applies a sleeper. Lawlor gets to his feet and he forces Rush into the turnbuckles. Lawlor with a power slam and rear naked choke and Rush is out.

Winner: Tom Lawlor (retains Championship)

After the match, Lawlor asks for the mic.

Lawlor says that Lio Rush was a worthy challenger for anyone but the New Japan Strong Openweight Champion of the World, Tom Lawlor. He says it every week, whether they are out as individuals or as a group, they are the strongest for the longest. He says he does not see very many people who are going to challenge him.

Who is next? A legend? Someone from the past? A Young Lion? A scrub from another promotion? Who will be the next loser at the hand of the strongest.

Ren Narita makes his way to the ring. Narita gets in Lawlor’s face they they go nose to nose in the ring. Lawlor pushes Narita and Narita says something to Lawlor.

Lawlor says he beat Narita before he was champion and he has gotten stronger since. He tells Narita to go back to the house and do some more work. Then, maybe maybe maybe then, you’ll be worthy enough to lose to me again.

Lawlor gives the mic to Lawlor and Narita kicks Lawlor in the head and leaves the ring.


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