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By Richard Trionfo on 2021-09-21 22:02:00

We start off with a look back at last week's episode of NXT.

We are in Orlando, Florida and your announcers are Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett, and Beth Phoenix.

Many new wrestlers are in the ring, including Bron Breakker, Odyssey Jones, Trick Williams, Josh Briggs, Joe Gacy, Brooks Jensen, and Carmelo Hayes.

NXT Men's Champion Tommaso CIampa makes his way to the ring.

Ciampa says on day 908, I reclaimed my spot at the top of the mountain and he regained the spot he never lost.  It has been a hell of a journey and it was worth every damn second for this moment.  To stand in this ring and say to each and every one of you that once again, Tommaso Ciampa is your NXT Champion.  Ciampa listens to Goldie and he says he misses her too.  The energy is contagious with the fresh faces.  Ciampa says these young men and women are busting their asses and they are ready to show just how good they are.

Ciampa mentions Carmelo Hayes, Odyssey Jones, and Bron Breakker.

Ciampa says he will always be Mr. NXT.  We can get a fresh coat of paint and call it 2.0, but there is one thing that does not change.  That is the passion.  Alicia is NXT.  The announcers are NXT.  I look at each and everyone one of these guys and they are NXT.  Then there are the fans.  That is the heartbeat and soul of this place.  You are the reason I get to do what I do.  I am happy to be holding this title to represent this brand.  NXT just became the A Show.

Ciampa wants the crowd to tell the world that hey can hear and feel you.  WE ARE NXT.

Cameron Grimes' music plays and he makes his way to the ring.  Grimes says he is here to fire it up and that championship will help him to go TO THE MOON.

Joe Gacy stops Grimes and he says while it would be nice to have Mr. Ciampa give you a title match . . . 

LA Knight interrupts.  He says the people should be chanting You deserve it.

Odyssey Jones interrupts and points out that Knight lost twice in the same day.

Pete Dunne interrupts as well and he is joined by Ridge Holland.

Pete says here we are with these fresh new faces.  Pete gives them some advice.  Make a name for yourself.  He says he looks around and he sees a bunch of geezers afraid to throw the first punch.

Ciampa punches Dunne and we have a brawl as the Grizzled Young Veterans make their wayt ot eh ring to get involved.

We are down to Ciampa and Breakker in the ring with Dunne and Holland. (Are we getting a tag title match later tonight?)

There is some commotion in the back so the women don't feel left out.  Kay Lee Ray is involved as well as B-Fab and Elektra Lopez.

Back in the ring Bron Breakker says the people want to see this continue so why not grow some balls and face them in a tag match tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One:  KUSHIDA versus Roderick Strong (with Malcolm Bivens, Hachiman, Julius Creed, Brutus Creed, and Ivy Nile) for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship

Strong misses a knee as the bell rings and KUSHIDA misses a kick.  They lock up and Strong takes KUSHIDA to the mat.  Strong with a front face lock and Gator Roll.  KUSHIDA goes for the leg and both men get back to their feet.  They lock up and KUSHIDA with a judo throw and KUSHIDA with elbows.  Strong with a head lock.  Strong with a side head lock and shoulder tackle.  KUSHIDA with a hip toss into a cross arm breaker but Strong blocks it.  KUSHIDA with a hammer lock using the legs and he twists the shoulder.  KUSHIDA leans back to the mat to work on the arms.

Strong goes to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and KUSHIDA with a kick and arm drag.  KUSHIDA with an arm wringer to Strong.  Strong misses a chop and KUSHIDA with palm strikes and a reverse atomic drop and hip toss followed by a cartwheel and drop kick.  KUSHIDA with a punch and he misses a kick to the arm.  Strong with a chop.  Strong gets KUSHIDA on the turnbuckles and Strong sets for a superplex but KUSHIDA with a wrist lock and he hits a Divorce Court off the turnbuckles.  KUSHIDA with a kick to the arm and Strong with a boot to the head.  Strong with a back breaker and Olympic Slam for a near fall.  Strong with running forearms but Strong's arm gives out on the second one because he uses the injured arm.

Strong with chops and a forearm.  KUSHIDA with an arm drag into a Hoverboard Lock and Strong tries to escape but KUSHIDA holds on.  KUSHIDA with a body scissors and Bivens puts Strong's foot on the ropes.  Bivens gets on the apron and the Creeds pull KUSHIDA off the apron and Ivy with a Superman Punch off the ring steps to KUSHIDA.  Strong with a jumping knee and End of Heartache for the three count.

Winner:  Roderick Strong (new champion)

After the match, Grayson Waller makes his way to the ring.

Waller says that NXT is a jungle after what happened to Drake Maverick last week.  If anyone is to survive in the jungle it is him.  Instead of sitting in the back and waiting for an opportunity, he is going to take one.  He makes a challenge to Roderick Strong for next week.

Malcolm Bivens yells at Waller for interrupting his celebration.

Waller asks Strong if he is going to check with Daddy first.

Bivens says the Diamond Mine will show you why they run NXT.

Tony D'Angelo is at the pier and he talks about his family businesses.  He says he was told that there are two things to take serious, family and business.  There is a third thing to worry about, his success in WWE.

We are back with Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen.  Josh mentions that he was dealing with his loss at the Breakout Tournament and then Brooks bumped into him.  They had a fight.  Brooks says they love to drink and fight.  Brooks says it doesn't matter if it is a street fight, a bar fight, or a dog fight, the tag team division is in trouble.  

Amari Miller says she is from Missouri and she is here to show up and show out.  She is here to showcase her skills.

Match Number Two:  Kay Lee Ray versus Amari Miller

Miller avoids a clothesline and she connects with forearms.  Miller with a neck breaker for a near fall.  Ray with a forearm and drop kick.  Ray with kicks to Miller and she gets a near fall.  Ray with a gourdbuster and she kicks Miller in the back of the head.  Ray with a forearm to the back.  Miller with a jaw breaker and she tries for a spinning back heel kick but Ray blocks it and hits the Gory Bomb for the three count.

Winner:  Kay Lee Ray

Bron Breakker is in the back with McKenzie.  She asks him about his tag match later tonight.  He says he heard what CIampa said and it means a lot.  Ciampa shows up and asks Bron if he is ready to go into the deep end.  Bron says he is looking forward to getting in there . . . with the champ (as he stares at the title belt).

We go to commercial.

We see some wrestlers arriving at the building and before a few ladies can enter, A rude person tries to enter and slams him into the door.

Match Number Three:  Dante Chen versus Trey Baxter

They lock up and Baxter with a German suplex and then he goes up top but Chen grabs the leg.  Baxter with kicks from the turnbuckles and Baxter leaps over Chen.  Baxter with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Chen with a sit out spinebuster for the three count.

Winner:  Dante Chen

We go to Andre Chase University, a place of higher learning.  He says you have chosen this course to get ahead in your career.  He says the first class is about Odyssey Jones losing in the finals of the Breakout Tournament.  He lost because he got sloppy.  Chase is asked about losing to Jones in the first round.  Andre yells at 'Steve' for asking that question and he tells Steve to leave.

Beth mentions that Kyle reinjured his ribs and he is week to week.

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page



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