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By Adam Cardoza on 2021-08-07 10:41:00

2021 Scenic City Invitational Night One

8/6/21 - Chattanooga, TN

Streaming live on

Tonight marks the return of the Scenic City  Invitational Tournament, previously won by Daniel Makabe. The 16-person single elimination tournament goes through their first round tonight! All matches presented tonight are first round matches in the SCI Tournament. Scott Hensley is your announcer. Dylan Hales and Johnny Mosely are your commentary team. Let’s goooooo!

Match 1: “The Mack of All Trades” AC Mack vs Big Beef

This crowd is firmly behind the Beef tonight. Beef working his power and big clubbing offense early. Near fall on a dropkick. His style is intentionally sloppy, swinging his appendages with a crazed caveman-like fervor. AC almost gets a rollup but the big man quickly rolls through and keeps squashing Mack. Mack tries to sandbag him to fight off but eats a rear view. Mack goes to the eyes, Beef is staggered and eating a pile of shots. Mack with the near fall but comes back and runs right into a huge knee. Avalanche splash into a saito suplex and Mack barely makes the count. Vertical suplex. Kick out! Mack reverses Beef and sends the big man to the concrete, blasting his knee in the process. Beef staggers bad into the ring, decks Mack and stacks him with a powerbomb that almost ends this in an upset. Mack catches Beef and sends him to the buckles. Leg Lariat to the face. Mack is looking like he roughed up his knee on that. He favoring the leg as he hits Beef with the Mack-10 to get the pin and cement his journey into the next round. Great energy here to fire up the room. Mack made it to the finals of this tournaments last time but he’s got 3 more opponents tomorrow and what appears to be a bad knee now. 

Winner: AC Mack

Match 2: “The Heathen” Logan Creed vs “That Dude” Jon Davis

Y’all, I have been looking FORWARD to this one. Early lockups lead to stalemates. Both guys testing each other’s power. They try running the ropes but neither man will fall. Davis finally just decks him and Logan big boots him. Logan drops him with a rana! Davis with one of his own! David with an arm drag pin attempt and a standing moonsault! Whaaaaat?!? Kick out! We’re back to the staredown and Davi invites some chops from the Heathen.  Trading chops and kicks now. Yowza. Creed takes out the knee and hits a running stomp the back of the head. Kick out! Creed whipping Davis around and the ring is shaking with every hit. Battle to the outside, Creed is rocking him. Davis eats a chokeslam in the center for a really close two. Davis fires back up with slaps. He gets Creed up and hits a spinning Blue Thunder bomb! Two count. Wild to see Creed handled like that.  Creed with a Michanoku driver! Kick out! Creed wants Scorched Earth…Davis send him to the buckles and dropkicks him out of the ring. Davis to the top but Creed boots him off of it. Fallaway slam but Creed may have eaten part of it. Struggle to the feet. Davis with a popup powerbomb and a german! Creed with a choke breaker! Davis no sells it and blasts a lariat for the win! LOVED this. This started at such a Kaiju crawl and worked to a frenzy of giant moves. Davis earned the hell out of this.

Winner: Jon Davis

Match 3: “Red Death” Daniel Garcia vs “The Mercenary” Graham Bell

Garcia has an IWTV title shot on Sunday and he is looking to tear Graham Bell’s limbs off as a warm up for that. Bell endures and starts to use his power against Garcia. He makes red death see Redon some chest kicks and a neckbreaker for two. Bell tries to wrench the leg over the rope, Garcia is limping but manages to slap on a sleeper. Bell sends him to the corner, cannonball! Garcia grabs a guillotine out of the cannonball! Bell tries to power out! Transition to a sleeper! Bell tries to fight but Garcia is tenacious. Bell climbs the buckles and backpacks Garcia backwards to break it. More struggling, Garcia slaps on that guillotine. Bell turns it into the Heart Grenade. Kick out from the kill shot! He tries it more intentionally…..Garcia reverses it into a sharpshooter! It’s deep! Rollup! Two! Trading shots in the center. This is going wild! Garcia tries a larait, Bell busts through and hits a spear! This is awesome chant coming from the crowd. For sure, friends. Merc to the top! Garcia tries to bring him down but falls into a tree of woe and eats a cannonball. Bell in a frenzy of big moves, trying to put Red Death away! Garcia fires up. Piledriver! Bell with a stretch muffler! Garcia to the ropes! He tries it again, but Garcia locks up all the limbs of Bell in a Garcia Lock. Bell can’t tap and instead passes out from the pain. WOW. This ruled. 

Winner: Daniel Garcia

Match 4: Jeremy Wyatt vs Cabana Man Dan

Dan gets that arm and wrist early and gets to the grind. Wyatt powers through it and wrenches Dan’s arm in kind. Dan with a great escape, arm dragging Wyatt through a high angle chicken wing to try a crucifix pin. Dan speeding up with the quick pin attempts and big chops to keep Wyatt unsteady. Wyatt sent to the outside, Dan with the baseball slide head scissors keeps the bigger man staggering. Wyatt picks the leg and gets to work trying to remove it from CMD. He wants a piledriver but Dan with the kick counter. Wyatt with a Russian leg sweep rebound for two…but CMD is hurtin. Wyatt stalking him, to a chorus of boos, while he tortures the leg and knee of Dan. Deep figure four. Dan escapes and dodges a flying Wyatt. Rollup, kick out. CMD headbutt! Wyatt crumbles. Kick out! Dan with a sunset flip slingshot. Kick out! Wyatt throws him out of Surf’s Up. Fighting over a backslide. Wyatt kicks out the knee again and spikes CMD with a piledriver for the pin. Good match. The crowd didn’t not like this turn of events.

Winner: Jeremy Wyatt

Match 5: Alex Kane vs 1 Called Manders

Right to the high energy chops out of the gate. Kane gets the waist and the suplex assassin starts dropping Manders on his dome. Manders gets to the floor, throws a trash can into Kane’s face and runs his opponent into the wall. Time to clear the people away and slams Kane to the front row of chairs. Mander tries to take the count out. Kane staggers back and Manders unloads some clubbing shots and a shoulder tackle from the second rope for a near fall. Manders gets trigger happy with some suplexes and Kane wakes up and returns fire with plenty of his own. Crawling to each other. Junkyard headbutts. Trading chops and slaps and forearms to their feet! Manders boxing some dusty punches but eats lariats. Manders tries his own…Kane blocks. Olympic slam! Kane is frustrated and drops the straps. He wants the Wrath of Kane. Manders fights out. Powerbomb! Kick out! Manders with the BIG Lariat! Kane kicks out! Both guys exhausted. Manders with the Oklahoma Stampede! Kick out! Manders just dumps him on his back and tries a moonsault. Whiff! Kane with a spear! X Plex! Mark of Kane! Manders is done! Did Manders actually hit more suplexes than Kane did??? I know someone had to be keeping an official count. This was a lot of fun. 

Winner: Alex Kane

Match 6: Derek Neal vs “The Acegawd” Arik Royal

YOUR ACTION WRESTLING CHAMPION IS HERE! YOUR NEW SOUTH WRESTLING CHAMPION IS HERE! Two big men with two big belts are ready for a big boy battle, bay bay! This crowd haaaaaaaates Derek Neal (which to Royal’s delight, makes him the face in this contest), who comes in hot and locks up with Royal around the ring. The lockup continues to the floor, back into the ring at the six count and gator rolls to their feet. Royal breaks it with chops, a big back drop and a spinning leg lariat. Royal over the top as Neal powders! Royal taking the hand of Neal apart on the apron. Neal with clubbing blows and boots as they get back to the ring. Big shots from the New South champ but Arik is still game. Royal rollup, Neal with a lariat. Arik firing back up with suplexes. Neal is down? Two! Royal is calling for the Kobe! Neal dodges and unloads a flurry of elbows and knees. Acegawd crumbles but kicks out! Neal tries suplex but Royal fights it off. Royal misses a spear, Neal crashes and burns on a corner dropkick…Royal with the Kobe! 1, 2, 3! YO. I love these King Kong/Godzilla hoss fights but these two BROUGHT IT to each other. It was less of the slow burn to a frenzy we got from Creed/Davis and they just went for it. Awesome. 

Winner: Arik Royal

Match 7: “Number One” Jaden Newman vs “The Pitbull” Brett Ison

Newman has NEVER beaten Ison in a one on one match anywhere. What makes him think he’ll do that tonight? Confidence! Newman dives on Ison during his entrance. Ison isn’t fazed and gets to slapping the heck out of Newman until he crumbles into the corner. Jaden keeps getting to his feet and walking forward though. He slaps the Pitbull, Ison take him off his feet again. THe Pitbull dropkicks Newman in the back of the head for a two. Newman gets his shot and slingshots Ison into a corner. He hits a pair of running dropkicks but Ison’s dropkick sends him to the floor. Jaden throwing punches at Ison from his feet. Raging to the center but Ison decks him groggy again. Big back suplex and a blast of the knee to the face. Newman twitches his body to effect a kick out. Newman dodgesa pump handle and turns it into a back stabber! Ison kicks out at two! Ison with another KO shot but Newman won’t die! Ison tries an Olympic slam! Newman slips it, takes out the knee and applies a twisting STF to Ison. THE PITBULL TAPS OUT!!!!!!!! A shocked Jaden Newman cannot believe he’s done it! He returns to the ring to hug Ison, a long time opponent who usually just beats him senseless. I’ve seen Newman get mauled by Ison a few times before and he just gutted out all that damage again and found a way to pull it off. Incredible story told in the ring here but absolutely backed up on commentary. What a moment! 

Winner: Jaden Newman

Match 8: Adam Priest vs “The Wrestling Genius” Daniel Makabe

Priest is a giant slayer and there’s no giant bigger right now than the last SCI tournament winner. Priest is coming in hot but cautious. Makabe drags Priest to the mat but his opponent is able to get free of his grasp. Makabe lays in some loud chops to Priest’s chest at ringside and he tries to soften him up. Priest going for the neck but Priest is quick to the ropes. Priest gets an octopus stretch on and starts dropping elbows to the head before slamming Makabe back for two. He wraps up the legs but Makabe gets to the ropes. Reversal from Makabe! Dropkick, armdrags, right into an side stretch. Makabe hits a big KO punch drops Priest but he isn’t completely out of it. Makabe with the. Cattle mutilation! Priest flips it and Makabe has to kick out. He tries a head scissor off the top. Priest pushes him off! Leg drop from the top! Kick out! Makabe fighting back! Big German! Makabe wants the cattle mutilation again but Priest pulls the ref. Low blow! Priest tries to end it with a german but Makabe is ready, reverses into a kimura, switch to an armbar, traps the arm and floats over into a pin with the arm trapped. Priest is stuck and can’t escape the three! Priest did everything right here (and maybe one thing wrong) to secure his place as a tournament buster but Makabe is such a technical monster, it was too much too keep up with. Like AC Mack, Makabe is looking at three more opponents tomorrow to pull of this win and it sure seems like his knee is going to be a target through this. 

Winner: Daniel Makabe

And that’s it for Night One of the Scenic City Invitational! This was a great watch. Every match felt like they were bringing a main event fire to the table. The stories told with Creed/Davis, Garcia/Bell, Royal/Neal and ESPECIALLY Newman/Ison were great. Can’t wait for Night Two!

And on that note, Scott Hensley is here to announce the brackets for tomorrow’s Quarterfinals. We have:

Jaden Newman vs Daniel Garcia

AC Mack vs Jeremy Wyatt

Jon Davis vs Alex Kane

Which means….YES….Arik Royal vs Daniel Makabe will get to go another round after their clash “Have Fun Be Sad” in Tampa earlier this year! Royal makes his ways to the ring, all smiles as he goes to stare down with the Wrestling Genius. This is gonna be a good one tomorrow! Until then!


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