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By Richard Trionfo on 2021-07-10 13:36:00

We are in Los Angeles, California and your announcers are Shigeki Kiyono and Hiroshi Tanahashi (in Japanese) or Kevin Kelly and Alex Koslov (in English).

Match Number One: DKC versus Barrett Brown

They lock up and DKC with a take down into a reverse chin lock but Brown with a hammer lock. Brown with a reverse chin lock and DKC gets to the ropes and escapes. They lock up and DKC with a clean break. Brown with a wrist lock into a hammer lock and he slaps DKC in the back of the head. Brown with a leg sweep and he stomps on the elbow. Brown stands on DKC’s hand. Brown wraps the wrist in the ropes. DKC with punches.

Brown with a chop and an arm wringer. Brown stomps on the hand. Brown slams the hand into the mat. Brown goes for a suplex and DKC blocks it for a moment but Brown is able to get DKC over and gets a near fall. DKC kicks Brown into the corner and connects with forearms. DKC with punches but Brown with a back elbow. Brown gets a near fall. Brown with punches and DKC gets a near fall with a rollup. Brown with chops and a clothesline for a near fall. Brown stands on the wrist and stomps on the arm. Brown works on the fingers. Brown with a forearm to the back.

Brown stands on the head and DKC with a heel hook. Brown escapes and works on the arm. DKC with kicks and forearms followed by European uppercuts. Brown with a rollup for a near fall. DKC with a bulldog and a flying punch for a near fall. DKC with a triangle but Brown goes for the hand and DKC releases the hold. Brown with an arm bar submission but DKC gets to the ropes.

DKC with an uppercut and boots to Brown but he misses a jumping side kick off the turnbuckles. Brown with a rollup and some assistance from the tights for the three count.

Winner: Barrett Brown

Match Number Two: Alex Coughlin versus PJ Black

They lock up and Black with a side head lock and Alex with a side head lock. Black backs Alex into the ropes and gives a clean break. Black with a wrist lock and take down. Black with a snap mare and rollup for a near fall. They lock up and Black with a waist lock. Alex with a wrist lock and Black misses a punch but Alex with a waist lock. Black with an elbow, forearm and chop. Alex and Black exchange forearms and then chops. Alex with forearms but Black with a back heel kick and more kicks to send Alex to the mat.

Black stands on Alex’s head and then stomps on the wrist. Black with an abdominal stretch. Black escapes and gets a near fall. Black with a kick and he gets a near fall. Black with a lateral press and he gets a near fall. Black with an elbow from the turnbuckles and he gets a near fall. Black with a front face lock and he works on the arm and wrist. Black with a surfboard and Alex gets to his feet and he reverses it. Alex blocks and elbow and gets a near fall with a back slide. Alex with an inside cradle for a near fall. Black with a boot to the chest.

Black kicks Alex and slaps him. Black with more kicks including a boot to the head. Alex blocks a round kick and Black with a punch. Alex with a flying shoulder tackle followed by a Karelin lift into a gutwrench suplex for a near fall. Alex with a waist lock and a German suplex for a near fall. Coughlin kicks Black and Black with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot. Black with a Spanish Fly for a near fall.

Black goes up top and Alex crawls to the other side of the ring. Black with a cross body into the corner and he goes up top for a cross body but Alex catches Black and hits a bridging fallaway slam for a neawr fall. Alex with a forearm and Black fires back. They go back and forth. Black with kicks and punches followed by a back breaker driver for the three count.

Winner: PJ Black

Match Number Three: Rocky Romero versus Josh Alexander

They lock up and Alexander with a waist lock take down into a front face lock. Romero with a single leg take down. They go to a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Alexander with the advantage but Romero with a drop toe hold into a wrist lock. Alexander with a back drop to escape. Romero goes for the ankle but Alexander blocks it but Romero gets a front face lock.

Alexander with an arm wringer and wrist lock. Romero with a reversal and Alexander with a monkey flip. Romero with a side head lock and take down. Alexander with forearms and Romero with a shoulder tackle. Romero sends Alexander to the floor and Romero with a suicide dive that sends Alexander into the guardrails. They return to the ring and Romero runs into a back elbow. Alexander with a running boot to the chest and he gets a near fall. Alexander pulls down the knee pad and connects with a knee. Alexander with chops. Alexander with a rear chin lock. Romero gets to the ropes to force a break. Alexander misses a chop and Romero wit a forearm. Romero with chops. Romero tries to work on the arm but Alexander with an escape. Alexander tries for a power bomb but Romero counters into a DDT and both men are down.

Romero with a forearm to Alexander in the ropes. Romero with a back heel kick and he goes to the ropes for a springboard drop kick to Alexander hanging in the ropes for a near fall. Alexander with a drop toe hold into an ankle lock. Alexander is sent into the turnbuckles when Romero rolls through. Romero with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Romero with a wrist lock and he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a knee drop to the arm. Romero kicks Alexander.

Romero with a body scissors take down into a cross arm breaker. Alexander goes for a Tiger Driver but Romero blocks it. Alexander with an O’Connor Roll into a German suplex. Alexander stomps on the ankle and he returns to the ankle lock. Romero with forearms and a rollup for a near fall. Romero with an Asai DDT for a near fall. Romero goes for a cross arm breaker but Alexander blocks it and applies an ankle lock. Alexander with a one arm back breaker and a butterfly pile driver for the three count.

Winner: Josh Alexander

After the match, Josh Alexander is in the back and he says it took 15 years to get to a company that calls professional wrestling a sport. I am a top tier athlete. I am a top tier professional wrestler. I have been around the globe to make a name for myself. I am not leaving here any time soon. I am sorry for what I had to do to Rocky Romero and I am sorry that you had to suffer. This is a warning for the New Japan roster. If you wrestle here and are in the locker room, you have a target on your back and the Walking Weapon is going nowhere.

We go to credits.


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